New Event Teaser – By the power……..

…of TinyCo, well actually the Android Play Store, there’s more than a hint of what’s coming next, and I for one am excited and really stoked about what’s coming in Stewie’s latest wardrobe malfunction. If you want to know more continue reading if you don’t then move on to the next post.

It would appear we’re going to get an event that will be based around iconic 80’s cartoons. And just look at Lord Stewie!!!

Now there’s no word on an exact time when the event will go live, obviously we will see it sometime after the current event ends on 24th January at 3PM PST.. And as of now there’s no update in the various App Stores…..

So if you peaked, what do you think of the upcoming event? Let us know in the comments. And please keep your comments on the current event for the review post which will be up tomorrow!!!

~ Russian Tigger

29 responses to “New Event Teaser – By the power……..

  1. Lois is teela….from he-man. Can’t wait for this event! Finally an event to make me want to play this game hourly again,. I can’t wait! When does it begin?


  2. I have this funny feeling that there’s going to be battles like in Wet Hot Quahog Summer. Otherwise, there wouldn’t be much else for He-Man and crew to do. If that’s the case, I might have to skip this as I absolutely hated that event.


    • If they fix the issues it could be fun. But we could also get a battle arena similar to Kung
      Pow Quahog, or something new. I’m eager to see.

      Liked by 1 person

      • I wasn’t yet playing during that event, but I know lots of people enjoyed it. I’ll keep my fingers crossed for a fun event, especially since I appear to have finally exhausted all the Districts and other Questlines without buying some new characters.


  3. That’s so awesome!


  4. Oh yea, I love these superhero themes.


  5. omg my childhood revisited !!!!


  6. OMG! I am too excited for this event. Good thing I have been saving my clams!


  7. I’m pretty happy to see this theme, I just hope that Stewie is a purchase costume and not a mystery box.


  8. Will this new event be based on the He-Man universe or on other 80s cartoons too?


  9. Could be interesting. I hope it has a separate event area.


  10. NO FRIGGIN WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAAYYYYYYYY!!!!!!


  11. Looking brilliant it will be nice to have more than these 1/2 week events


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