Teen Trauma Main Questline: Nightmare On Spooner Street

Hello Addicts!!!

Let’s go on our travels through the latest event.Yes it’s time for us to gather round and take a look at all you will encounter in the  Main Questline.

Nightmare On Spooner Street Pt. 1

The Pumpkin Bucket Is Here
Clear 1 Werewolf
Have Lois Take A Personal Day

Completed Task 5  100  

Nightmare On Spooner Street Pt. 2

Collect 4 Silver Bats
Place The Halloween Food Truck
Have Meg Make A Scarecrow

Completed Task 5  100  

Nightmare On Spooner Street Pt. 3

Combat 2 Gray Ghosts
Clear 2 Werewolves
Place The Fire Monster House

Completed Task 5  100  

Nightmare On Spooner Street Pt. 4

Combat 2 Vampires
Have Chris Bob For Apples

Completed Task 5  100  

Nightmare On Spooner Street Pt. 5

Combat 2 Gray Ghosts
Place The Possessed Pumpkin

Completed Task 5  100  

Nightmare On Spooner Street Pt. 6

Start A Battle With The Pumpkin Bucket 
Place The Devils Advocate Courtroom

Completed Task 5  100  

Nightmare On Spooner Street Pt. 7

Have  Baby Booster Stewie Shoot Lasers Out His Hands
Subdue The Pumpkin Bucket 
Clear 2 Werewolves

There you have it, the main 1uestline that will take you along this week of the event.

Where are you so far? Any tips for fellow Players? Liking it so far? Let us know.

9 responses to “Teen Trauma Main Questline: Nightmare On Spooner Street

  1. my tip is: the pumpkin bucket doesn’t deal any damage when attacked, so if you have the tickets, go for it.


  2. Not part 1 part 2 am i


  3. @ Part 1. Good that there are more characters dropping bats. Pitty it were so few in phase 2


  4. If I am using Boy Virgin only, how many times will I have to attack the Pumpkin Bucket to defeat it once. Has anyone tried attacking the Pumpkin Bucket yet?


    • The pumpkin Bucket has 12 health, Boy Virgin does 8 damage, so you’ll need attack twice unless you get a lucky knockout


  5. Haven’t been able to save my playing in over a day now due to “lost connection”. Might be time to uninstall.


  6. this event was a snooze fest i expected better for halloween event


  7. 💡Helpful Tip: When you get to Part 6, make sure you place the courtroom FIRST and then go after the bucket. Tap on Peter’s ❗ to start Part 7 immediately, this will allow you to battle the bucket finishing both Part 6 and Part 7’s subdue task. 😉

    I have done this each phase this event and in every event prior when the questline was set-up as such without fail.


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