Are You Ready For Some FOOTBALL??!!

Hey there Linebackers!

Seems our lil American Family, mainly Peter, obsessed with some Football has swayed the creators to drop in his favorite sports game into our silly lil Quahogs.

Just what does this mean? IT’S FOOTBALL TIME IN QUAHOG!! Get your game face painted, your pom poms at the ready, don’t forget to get a lot of snacks and drinks for the rowdy crowd… TIME FOR A TOUCHDOWN!!


Peter Football Icon 2016

First up, the Basics…

  • Peter will start the Event
  • In order to see all that is included with this Event, make sure you are on the lastest App Market Version of the game. 1.17.0
  • Players will ONLY see this on the Mobile App Version, not Windows Stand Alone
  • Players will need to be to at LEAST District 3 in their games and have Al’s unlocked.
  • The Li’l Griffin’s Event will End today, January 21st, until 3PM PACIFIC. (2 Events running together temporarily.)
  • You will have until the End of the Event to unlock items, anything not unlocked BEFORE the Event Ends goes with the Event.

I am only here for a very very very short lil bit as I am temporarily “with it”, but that won’t last long. Lol. With me in n out of conscious, Alissa will be helping me out a lot with this one, so hang in there while she pulls all the stats and details in the usual way and update them to this post as she runs through the Event. Back with more in a bit…

***Crashing Issue in Football Field***

Watch for 1.17.5 Update to correct. Possibly as early as tomorrow AM.

UPDATE BUNNY 4PM EST 1/22: Downloaded 1.17.5, then force closed app, then restarted my device to ensure it completely updated new version. Went to football field and tapped on marker, pulled up my helmet count requirement, tapped on “Go” … task check off and I could “hike”.  Able to move forward on Football Field again.

For those of you that have been crashing on any actions with the Football Field, try the same.

  • Download New 1.17.5
  • Force Close App
  • Restart Device
  • Try Football Field action again to see if crashing issue gone.

(Side note: same for Alissa)



Puppy Bowl StadiumPuppy Bowl Stadium: 100 Clam IconClams, Earns $60 & 40xp every 12hrs

Aaron Rodger's Discount Belt StoreAaron Rodger’s Discount Belt Store: 175 Clam IconClams, Earns $30 & 20 every 4hrs, Chance drop 1 WrenchWrench


Groin Injury Hall of FameGroin Injury Hall of Fame: $2000, 12hr Build Time, Earns $45 & 30xp every 8hrs

Any Given Sundae ShopAny Given Sundae Shop: $500, 6hr Build Time, Earns $40 & 25 every 6hrs



Ultimate Hatorade FountainUltimate Haterade Fountain: 125 Clam IconClams, Increases “Capacity” in Training Facility from 6 to 12

Quahog Unicorn Dog MascotQuahog Unicorn Dog Mascot: 50 Clam IconClams


Fort Worth Pig MascotFort Worth Pig Mascot: $400



Football Jersey ChrisFootball Jersey Chris: You complete him in Al’s

PlayBook14 Playbook (ALWAYS): Get a First Down
Face Grease25 Face Grease (Common): Clear Annoying Super Fan
Helmet15 Helmets (Uncommon): Quagmire Throw a Short Pass OR Jerome Throw a Short Pass OR Tom Brady Make a Perfect Throw
Microphones5 Microphone (Rare): Joe Investigate Source of Prank Calls OR Bruce Frolic with Jeffrey OR Human Rupert Chat on the Phone


Tom Brady SadTom Brady: 250 Clam IconClams, No current Questline, Not Currently Voiced, Helps earn HelmetHelmets (2hr task). ***Sadly… so far… no indication or Task to “deflated balls” but I am still keeping my hopes up. Lol.***




Annoying Super Fan

Appeared right away. At first they seemed to take a bit to spawn, but now seeing around 7-8 at a time in my game. Require 1 Football Launcher to take out (create in Training Facility).

Annoying Fan must be in the “Kill Zone Circle” in order to take them out (Look for the Annoying Super Fan to turn Purple), then place Football Launcher in FRONT of the Fan so they are in the circle still when you place it.

Annoying Super Fan Kill Zone

Payout: Varies from 1-2 Face GreaseFace Grease



Football Field

Every 10 Yards has a Requirement to move forward on the Football Field. The Requirements will vary per Player. Game Requirements Bunny’s Game. Tap on the ! in the Football Field to find out what your Requirements currently are and what “Yard” you are currently on.

Requirement 1, 80 Yards Out: Take Out 1 Annoying Fan & Collect 2 Helmets
Requirement 2, 70 Yards Out: Have Quagmire Throw a Short Pass & Collect 3 Helmets
Requirement 3, 60 Yards Out: Collect 3 Helmets & Have Tom Brady Make a Perfect Throw (Will only show IF you have Tom, if not another task will take its place) ***This part is glitching, tapping on Helmet crashes game and the Helmet count is not working, TinyCo aware and working on it***

Rewards: Chance at 1 PlayBookPlaybook AND/OR 1 WeightsWeight (character needing weights releasing 1/22)




Here is where you can keep track of the “Games” you have completed. Each Game will have a set amount of Requirements. These are the ones per Bunny’s Game

Game 1: 1 FootballFootball 
Game 2: 15 HelmetHelmets & 2 FootballFootballs & 14 WeightsWeights 

***FYI… Once item is used, it is used. For instance once 1 Football is used to complete Game 1, counter will go back down 1 Football, subtracting the 1 used.

You can complete each Game and work towards getting, so far, 3 separate prizes. Here on the current ones listed.

Richard ShermanRichard Sherman (Character): Win 3 Games

Bonnie CheerleaderCheerleader Bonnie (Costume): Win 6 Games

Touchdown Jesus Touchdown Jesus (Costume): Win 8 Games (for Players that do NOT have Jesus, you will get Jesus for Free with this Costume)



Training Facility

Here is where you will create items used to take down random Walking Characters in the game. For Phase 1, that is the Annoying Super Fans.

In order to take down an Annoying Super Fan, you need to create a Football Launcher. In order to create a Football Launcher, you need Wrenches.

WrenchWrench: Peter Stub His Knee OR Chris Run Around With Bucket on Head OR Mort Retreat Cowardly OR Jerome Host Happy Hour OR Aaron Rodger’s Discount Belt Store

Football LauncherFootball Launcher: Takes 30 minutes to Create.


Your Capacity (the TOTAL amount of items you can have creating AND completed in the game at one time) will vary. You will start out at a Capacity of 6. You can increase this right now only by a Clam Purchase of the Hatorade Fountain. More options may come later in the game. So if your capacity is 6, that means you can ONLY have 6 total in your game whether completed or waiting in queue to be created. No more than that will be allowed.

Your Queue is the current items creating in the Training Facility. Right now your Queue is only 4. That means you can only make 4 at a time. You won’t be able to make anymore until those 4 finish.




WrenchWrench: Peter Stub His Knee OR Chris Run Around With Bucket on Head OR Mort Retreat Cowardly OR Jerome Host Happy Hour OR Aaron Rodger’s Discount Belt Store

FootballFootballs: Reach the End of the Football Field OR Get a First Down Now says “Progress Down the Football Field” (I think due to Player confusion as to when they actually got a “First Down”…so just keep going til you get a Football. It is NOT every time you clear a Requirement.)

UPDATE 1/22: Clarification on Football drops. EVERY Touchdown is an Always drop for them. Progression through the Football Field is a CHANCE drop of a Football (more Rare to Extra Rare). So you can get one randomly as you play the field, but your main source is getting to the end and getting a Touchdown.


WeightsWeights: Get a First Down OR Football Jersey Chris Practice Blocking



Game On! Pt 1
Peter Starts
Learn About the Big Game &Visit the Football Field

Game On! Pt 2
Peter Starts
Collect 2 Helmets & Get 1 Wrench & Build a Football Launcher at the Training Facility

Game On! Pt 3
Peter Starts
Have Chris Watch Game Films (3hrs) Take Out 1 Annoying Super Fan & Get a First Down

Game On! Pt 4
Peter Starts
Take Out 5 Annoying Super Fans & Have Peter Dance the Shipoopi (8hrs)

Game On! Pt 5
Peter Starts
Get 4 First Downs & Score a Touchdown & Win Game 1: Pratice! at the Scoreboard


After Game On! Pt. 2
Get In the Game
Chris Starts
Create the Football Jersey Chris Outfit


After Game On! Pt. 3
Road to Victory Pt. 1
Peter Starts
Win Game 1: Practice! at the Scoreboard 

Road to Victory Pt. 2
Peter Starts
Win Game 2 against the London Silly Nannies 


There you have it. The Basics to at least get you started on the Event.

What do you think of it so far? How far in the Football Field have you got? Where in the Questline are you? Craving some Nachos and Wings now? Let us know.


232 responses to “Are You Ready For Some FOOTBALL??!!

  1. Waffles' Jennifer

    Will the Annoying Super Fans ever go away aside from when all the football stuff is over?
    Cus I swear they keep reappearing


  2. When Peter starts the Road to Victory Quest, was there any dialogue? It seemed when I finished game 2, Peter appearing with a long dialogue briefly popped up, but it went away fast as the awesome box appeared. Thanks again for all you do!


  3. Has anyone actually gotten touchdown Jesus, or any of the league game characters? Are they worth it? I’m not sure i want to waste my time with all the games if touchdown Jesus (and his clams) are impossible to attain. I’m nearly about to finish game 2 and it’s already been one tedious journey 😦


  4. Has anyone unlocked Gronkowski yet? Does he drop anything useful to the event? I’m trying to figure out whether I should prioritize him or Richard Sherman.


  5. If I use my weights to help unlock Gronkowski will that deplete from the number I am seeing on my football field scoreboard? I have enough to click the check mark on him. But not enough for the football scoreboard. So for instance if I use 14 ( not surehow many I actually need just a guess) to unlock him, and I have 14 /24 (again just a guess not currently in the game) showing on the scoreboard, will I then have zero on the scoreboard?


  6. I have an Amazon Fire tablet and am having issues when I get a touch down. The check mark is still on the end of the field and every time I tap it I have a few seconds before the game blanks out. I’ve tried uninstalling and reinstalling. Force stop. Nowhere does it show an option for an update. I even restarted my device. I don’t have facebook so I have no way of going on to see if that helps either. Guess I just wait it out? 😦


  7. Does anyone know the requirements needed (items) in order to win the third and final game for this week? Just curious! Idk how so many people are already done with all three games (must’ve spent clams?), but I am almost done with the second game (still need 3 helmets and 2 barbells). Hopefully I finish game two and start on game three today….thanks for all your help! Thank you, Bunny and Addicts community! 🙂


  8. I have the update. I have forced closed the game per the instructions. Still crashing after first touchdown. Kindle Fire. No response from Tiny Co. Tech Support….. Help please…..


  9. game still crashing after the first touchdown. I did all the tips above plus contacted at Tiny Co. as it’s obviously an issue on their end. Finally a theme I was all about and I can’t play it. UGH!


  10. Add another to the pile. Crash immediately after scoring first touchdown on Motorola Droid Maxx.


  11. Hi bunny, my friend has a LG phone and she’s been playing fg for a long time on it. She tries to update the game but there’s no update and every time she start the game it tells her to update her game but then there’s a message that say this device cannot support this. I uninstall the game but when I try to reinstall it I couldn’t find it on the App Store so I went to her Facebook and and try it on there, long story short it says that her device cannot support the game, do u know what happen there? I mean her game work fine up until this new update. Thank you for ur help.


    • Depends on the device. I would suggest to NOT try searching it and instead trying directly from the App’s Home Page to see if it will allow the install. Otherwise contact TinyCo. Give them all the details of the device.


  12. Having the same crashing issue as others have reported when scoring my first touchdown. The football pops out after pressing the Awesome button, then Crash. Doing it on both my Samsung devices, which are a Galaxy Note 8.0 tablet & my trusty old Galaxy S3 phone, both running Android 4.4.2 . Updating the app and device restarts did nothing. I’ve sent in game messages.

    Well wishes to Bunny, hope you have a speedy recovery ☺


    • Hmmmm so I keep seeing GS3. Try Facebook? An alternate device just to get past the point?


      • On Facebook, I cannot see the requirements for moving up field. It is just a blank screen. However, when I do meet the requirement, whatever it may be, the game does recognize it and counts it as complete. I don’t know if it is going to freeze when I finally get a touchdown (on 1st and goal now).


  13. Still crashing. I’ve gotten no update through Amazon app store. Tinyco no response.


  14. I have updated to 1.17.5 force stopped game and restarted my galaxy s3, the game is still crashing when I click the check mark for my first touchdown. When I click on the football on the bottom right of my screen it says I completed my first game, but I’m unable to start my second game because I’m stuck with my check mark in the end zone. I’ve sent an in game message, just waiting for a response or a fix.


    • Thanks. Very odd. Try another device on the 1.17.5 update? Or Facebook?


    • I too have the same issue, when I attempt to collect the check for a touchdown, my game crashes. Galaxy S3 and went thru the update process and suggestions as well.


    • *****, I can’t even find the 1.17.5 update. for my kindle fire….Tiny co said I should be fine…but alas I keep crashing and redoing my motions….this is ridiculous….I uninstalled,reinstalled…and etc….I’m in limbo Hell here!


      • OI! Remember this is our site and NOT theirs, K. We get frustrations but please be respectful of the Addicts Guidelines and watch the language. 😉

        Kindle always tends to be the last for all games to get updates. Sometimes you have to manually find them by the app home page as they won’t show in a normal search. See it all the time. Hang in there and remember this is a helpful site. 🙂


    • Hello. The same thing with lenovo device. TinyCo please fix.


  15. Just a heads up for anyone thinking about spending 175 clams for the Aaron Rodger’s Discount Belt shop, the “chance” of it dropping wrenches is NOT 100%. I thought most premium items that say chance really mean 100%. But the last 2 times my building did not drop a wrench. So think before buying because, for me at least, I haven’t had it drop a single wrench so far! Not really any help for me (so far).


  16. I’ve been messaging the support time back and forth and even though the game claims that field progression drops footballs, AND even though this very post states that field progression may result in a rare to extra-rare drop of footballs, TC support said to me that this is not the case and that they verified it. The ONLY way to earn a football is to score a touchdown at the end of the field. Their response to me confirmed this.

    I wish (and asked them) to remove the claim within the game stating field progression can earn a football. So much confusion for players already, so they should simply remove the confusion, lol.

    Would ya’ll also mind taking down that adjusted update in this post? It would really help clear up confusion. Thank you for all your help!!! 😄


    • As that is EXACTLY what they told me when I asked why the “Progression down the Football Field” is there… no… I will not remove it.

      I trust my direct source at TinyCo that creates the Events. Until THEY tell me it’s changed, I will leave it as such. 🙂


      • Ok, I understand. I can send you my screenshots of my conversation with them telling me the exact opposite. Why they gotta lie to me?! 😤


        • Doesn’t mean it’s a “lie”…just what they know. My knowledge and information may be more accurate due to my source.

          That may be their limit knowledge at the time. They could’ve been updated since. 😉


    • I think you’re spot on and absolutely correct, you only get footballs for reaching the end of the field, not for progressing.

      This is also what TinyCo told me, and despite Bunny’s comments to this post and to my own, I still think it is very confusing. 😉


      • This is another reason the “progression” applies too… you do NOT have to reach the end of the field to score a touchdown, you can actually get one at ANY time you progress. (Think of a real game, anyone at anytime can run in a touchdown… from 80 yards to 8 yards, etc). So you could essentially still be “progressing” down the field and not at the end and get a Football. 🙂


  17. I’m also suffering from the first Touchdown crash. 😦

    Liked by 1 person

  18. never mind. i reached out to them and they are aware. hopefully a fix is right around the corner. This isn’t a good start at all to this new event. i’ve been pretty much on the LUCKY side since i started playing, but now this is the very first time I’m having alot of troubles with the crashing now every time i try to make that first touchdown actually.💔👎✌


  19. i’m still trying to get my very FIRST touchdown and i’m on my very 1st FIRST DOWN the instructions are to collect 2 face paint and beside it says 13/2 face paints with “Go!” when i tap on that my game crashes idk what’s goin on?? #frustratedAlready 😦


  20. So far no crashes, so lucky there… But unlucky as has quagmire and Jerome doing helmets all day yesterday and today and have gotten 6 total. That’s like 33 percent on an uncommon item. I have better luck with rare items. Also thank god Brady costs clams so I won’t get him. No patriots of packers will be allowed in my family guy game. Well maybe farve, he’s cool!


  21. Scored my first touchdown and as soon as I collect the football the game crashes


  22. Got the update that was mentioned with the 1.17.5 and I’m still having the game freese at the end zone when I get the football.


  23. Still crashes with 1.17.5


  24. This keeps on shutting off each time i get the match ball for the first game (Nexus 7 2013) every time i do it without fail the game crashes. Can this be looked into?


  25. I stack on game 1 as I cannot earn the ball -game crashed when there is a touchdown


  26. Please Bunny, reach out to TInyCo. My game keeps crashing. I have 11 face paint and my next down needs 2. When I click GO it crashes the game.
    Galaxy Tab 3 7.0 Running Android 4.4.2


  27. Waiting for an open thread so I can share a brilliant event idea 😉


  28. Hope Matt Stafford is in the event


  29. Just a quick post to share my frustration towards Jerome, who has got 1 out of 7 helmets. I will use one of the wrenches to smack him in the head if he doesn’t start dropping helmets!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hahaha omg I’m sorry I just choked on my sandwich reading this.
      This is probably more WTD, and I’m sorry Bunny, and this is a totally general post, not aimed at anyone at all, just stating my experience.
      I’ve also reached out to TC about the drop rate, number needed for Chris’ outfit, and also w the stats and numbers I’ve gotten, also in combination of the length of the event, about the Face Grease. Well.. They were very happy for the information and my input and the time I took and the stats, yadda yadda.. Still wasn’t happy, so I approached them w a customer service angle, which I won’t go into here because my left hand is going numb, 6s plus might’ve been a bad idea, and customer service etiquette is an aquired taste. It’s not for everyone, so I don’t suggest bringing that up unless you know what you’re doing..
      THEN. Then.. I came to the part on the field where I needed to give up.. Overall 4 of those Face Greases to win my First Game..
      I have been receiving a Face Grease from every fan ever since I sent in that very polite, business-talk, numbers galore in-game ticket. So maaayyybe they might have listened.. Businesses listen to business. And I wasn’t even at the point where I had to sacrifice Face Grease to advance down the field.. Just some tips..


      • Lol sorry about that, got any sandwich left for the audience? Pretty please with sugar and a cherry on top?
        Just updating here, Jerome is 3/9 (woohoo, improvement)
        About grease, 11/16. Not a bad number, but since grease is supposed to be common…… yeah I don’t like what I’m seeing here.
        Also, Joe rocks with 2/2 mikes. =D
        And again, so so sorry about your sandwich. Hope he gets well soon ❤

        Liked by 1 person

  30. It would be funny if Marshawn Lynch was in the game and two of his activities were “Hide from Media,” and “Complain about not getting the ball.”

    Liked by 1 person

  31. Please tell me this will include the Silly Nannies.


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