Quest for Stuff Quick Walkthroughs: Football Fever Week 1

Hello There Clammers!

Wow my first full, substance post on FG in a while.  Hope I remember how to do this!  It’s funny…within 5 minutes of playing the new update I was suddenly hit with all the things that make me crazy about this game lol.  Somethings never change!

Anyway…it’s football time in Quahog!  Time to bust out the cheeseheads, pom poms, foam fingers and body paint and get ready for some football!

Week 1 is full of annoying super fans, football pretty boys, touchdowns and frustrating rate drops…ah just another day in our Tiny Quahogs…..

Of course to help guide you along with the first week TinyCo has provided a fun little questline.  This is designed to help explain how the event works, as well as encourage you to earn more materials to unlock characters and prizes.  So let’s take a look at the details behind the week 1 questline and just what you’ll need to do to move onto the next phase when it hits next week…

2016-01-22 04.36.49

Game On Pt. 1
Peter starts

Learn About the Big Game
Visit the Football Field

Completed Task Earns $90, 65xp and 1 Wrench

Game On Pt. 2
Peter starts

Collect 2 Helmets- Earned from Quagmire, Jerome Throw a Short Pass (2hrs).  Uncommon Drop
Get 1 Wrench- Earned from Peter stub his Knee (2hrs), Chris Run Around with a Bucket on Head (4hrs), Mort Retreat Cowardly (2hrs) Common Drop
Build a Football Launcher at the Training Facility- Requires 1 Wrench.  3om Build

Completed Task Earns $150, 85xp

Get in the Game
Chris starts

Create the Football Jersey Chris Outfit- Requires
PlayBook14 Playbook (ALWAYS): Get a First Down
Face Grease25 Face Grease (Common): Clear Annoying Super Fan
Helmet15 Helmets (Uncommon): Quagmire Throw a Short Pass OR Jerome Throw a Short Pass OR Tom Brady Make a Perfect Throw
Microphones5 Microphone (Rare): Joe Investigate Source of Prank Calls OR Bruce Frolic with Jeffrey OR Human Rupert Chat on the Phone

Note: At one point you will need Jersey Chris to progress down the football field to score a touchdown.

Completed Task Earns $350, 200xp

Game On! Pt. 3
Peter starts

Have Chris Watch Game Films- 3hrs, Earns $45, 28xp
Take Out 1 Annoying Super Fan- Use the Football Launcher to take them out.  Place it in the path of an Annoying Super Fan to clear them. The area that the Football Launcher covers will be shown with a green circle. If an Annoying Super Fan enters this circle, he will turn purple. Tap the checkmark to shoot the Annoying Super Fan while he is purple to clear him.

Get a First Down- Just tap Go AFTER you’ve taken out the Annoying Super Fan

Completed Task Earns $165, 75xp

Road to Victory will start here, covered below

Game On! Pt. 4
Peter starts

Take Out 5 Annoying Super Fans- (you’ll have to craft more football launchers.  Each requires 1 wrench.  You’ll need 5 launchers total)
Have Peter Dance the Shipoopi- 8hrs, Earns $80, 50xp

Completed Task Earns $125, 55xp

Game On! Pt. 5
Peter starts

Get 4 First Downs- Complete the requirements at the football field to make progress down the field.  A first down is moving 10 yards. (so if you’re at the 40 and moving to the 50)
Score a Touchdown- Progress all the way down the football field to score a touchdown.
Win Game 1: Practice! at the Scoreboard- 
Requires 1 Football. (Earned by Reaching the End of the Football Field or Progressing Down the Football Field)

Completed Task Earns $300, 125xp

Game On! Pt. 6
Peter starts

Get Two First Downs
Have Chris Build Muscle- 4hrs, Earns $50, 30xp
Have Quagmire Ogle Cheerleaders- 12hrs, Earns $100, 65xp

Completed Task Earns $200, 150xp

Game On! Pt. 7
Peter starts

Score a Touchdown
Have Jerome Be a Superior Athlete- 8hrs, Earns $80, 50xp
Have Chris Run Around with A Bucket on Head- 4hrs, Earns $50, 30xp

Completed Task Earns $375, 120xp

Game On! Pt. 8
Peter starts

Have Chris Throw a Short Pass- 2hrs, Earns $30, 20xp
Have Mort Obsessively Count Cash-  12hrs, Earns $100, 65xp

Completed Task Earns $150, 120xp

Road to Victory Pt. 1
Peter starts

Win Game 1: Practice! at the Scoreboard- Requires 1 Football. (Earned by Reaching the End of the Football Field or Progressing Down the Football Field)

Completed Task Earns $125, 75xp

Road to Victory Pt. 2
Peter starts

Win Game 2 against the London Silly Nannies- Require 2 Footballs and 14 Weights (Weights are earned via the football field and Having Jersey Chris Practice Blocking (8hrs).  Common Drop)

Completed Task Earns $250, 125xp

Road to Victory Pt. 3
Peter starts

Win Game 3 Against the Melboure Platypuses- Requires 40 Face Grease AND 31 Playbooks AND 3 Footballs AND 21 Weights

Completed Task Earns $375, 200xp AND You’ll Unlock Richard Sherman

And that my friends completes all of the details behind the week 1 main questline!

What are your thoughts on week 1?  How about the football event?  Figuring out your way through things?  Sound off in the comments below, you know we love hearing from you!

58 responses to “Quest for Stuff Quick Walkthroughs: Football Fever Week 1

  1. I won game3 and did not get Sherman there is a check by him on the scoreboard
    And I’m at pt4 road to victory any suggestions?


  2. how do i build two more football launchers?


  3. Hey bunny and alissa just wondering if touchdown jesus is a final prize sort of thing or will i lose the ability to unlock him when the next phase hits? Thanks as always u guys are the best


  4. As you have said you have to decide what to use the shared resources on (ie helmets, weights, etc) so I have delayed unlocking gronk(?).. Is it clear yet what use he will be in the game yet?


  5. Is it better to get Gronk or save those materials for Sherman? Does anyone know if/how they contribute to game? Thanks.


  6. Could it be that the game requirements (game 2, game 3, etc…) will also vary by player? For Game 2, mine says it requires 2 footballs, 14 weights, AND 21 helmets to complete. Did anyone else have the same?


  7. I’m actually really enjoying this particular event. It’s going much more smoothly, in my opinion, than the Christmas event, and even the Lil Peter Lil giant chicken thing we just had. I’m personally not having any problems like I’ve read in the comments here. I’ve successfully won game 1 and am a little more than halfway through game 2. I don’t yet have the new outfit for Chris, but I should by the end of tomorrow. My main questions are; how does Chris ‘drop helmets’ and for football jesus, how does he ‘drop clams’? Are they like the buildings and just after a certain amount of time, they just hand them to you, or are there tasks they need to complete? Also how much harder or longer do the games get as you progress?
    I’ve read all the tip articles and what not and can’t seem to find any clear answers on the questions I have.
    Thanks in advance for any help I may get here!
    Again, really great job on this event! Loving it!


  8. I have to say this event is going fairly well. I’ve got Chris’s new skin and will have Gronk tomorrow. Much better pace than the Christmas event. Thank you Bunny and Alissa for giving answers and guidance on this.


  9. Crafting football jersey Chris right now takes 2 hrs in al harringtons


  10. Should I try to focu on the main quest if I want to proceed to the next phase bunny? And also which one is the main one?


  11. Defeat the Melbourne Platypuses eh?

    Thanks for everything you do ladies! Stumped without ya’s!


  12. Bunny/Allisa- I know you are aware of the Touchdown game crash issue, but I am having an issue even when I go onto Facebook to try and do the touchdown thing there so I can get back to my main game and progress there, the game on Facebook is freezing,, making that also unplayable,, any solutions you can come up with would be greatly appreciated, also since I am sure that Tinyco is aware of the situation, any idea of when Tinyco thinks it will be able to fix the issue,,I can play the game (as in wait for tasks to be completed) but as far as progressing in the event I am at a stand still,, tried the Facebook thing 5-7 times,, freezes every time.
    Thanks again for any help you can give me.


  13. Wow ppl already have Richard Sherman? Are more folks buying clams to get so far ahead? Still trying to decide if I want the clams deal right now.


  14. Is anyone else having crash issues when using items on the football field? When I have to press “Go” for the items such as the football helmets or face grease, the game freezes and crashes.


  15. I have the newest googleplay but it kept saying my phone is incompatible with the app. I have samsung note 4, it’s not even old phone. anyone has the same issue? I believe there is a new update this morning but I didn’t get anything. still same issue. please advise.


    • Contact TinyCo is all we can suggest.


    • Have you tried these?

      As a temporary workaround, Google suggests clearing Google Play Store’s data from your phone and then trying to install the game. To do this, go to Settings > Application Manager > All > Google Play Store > Clear data.

      A second possible workaround is to re-install the entire Google Play Store App. To do this go to Settings > Apps > All > Google Play Store > uninstall updates. After that try to install the game again.


  16. I got a touchdown after only two first downs, so when you see you need more than one football to win a game it doesn’t necessarily mean go the whole way two times. I’m going for Chris first because his actions do pretty much everything and collecting weights seems easier with him. I would pretty much go for everything on gronk and leave helmets last he’s not timed so you have until the end to get him.


  17. Great post Alissa! Hopefully Bunny is getting some much deserved R&R to heal up. (Although I see her popping up in the comments, lol). One quick question – assuming you get through the first three games before Week 1 is over, do you know if you can keep going or do you have to wait for Week 2 of th event before moving on to Game 4? Just curious if you’ve made it that far yet. Thanks!


    • Ends at Game 3. Nothing more til Phase 2 launches.

      And I’m trying. Lol 😉


      • hello buny i have a question i am on game 3 and i can not build any more turrets or footballer guys says 12/12 capacity and it takes me to the shop 2 spend clams that i do not have to upgrade is there a way around it? or is 12 all i am able 2 do


        • That is your capacity, so you need to use the items you have already built to make room for more items. Otherwise spending Clams to extend the amount of Capacity is the only other way. Ultimate Haterade Fountain


  18. I have get a solution for the touchdown error (thats work for me)
    Log in the game per Facebook on PC (Google Chrome….)
    Then you can make the touchdown thing without freezing error
    and get to the next first down.
    No bluestacks just PC Browser 😉


    • DUDE!!!!!! i’d hug you right now. The game crashes on my mobile, i’ve even tried to get past this blocker on facebook pc, but using mozilla… didn’t thought of this, but with Chrome worked liked charmed. Thank you again for sharing this info!

      If someone else has problems with the touchdown just try the DIRK method 😀


  19. Got the first touchdown but every time I try the for the second it kicks me out…. Have the current update, restarted my phone, and restarted the game.

    I’m losing time on this event as we speak!!!!!!


  20. I won Richard Sherman but Bonnie is locked out. Is that supposed to happen? Do we have to get to a certain point before she unlocks?


  21. Can’t wait to get Richard Sherman he’s a great personality and player. Really hoping that either him, Gronk, Brady or all of them get voiced. Also hoping to see some more pros in the game in the upcoming weeks. Give the small teams some love too! Doug Martin maybe? 🙂 Go Bucs!


  22. I just opened my game and Peter has an exclamation over his head, but I’m hesitant to tap him bc the dreaded timer may ensue, lol. Does anyone know what this exclamation means yet? Is it just bc they released the new footballer in the game for about 800 coins? Is this in connection to him? Thank you everyone!


  23. Still getting knocked out of the game each time I try to drive down the field.. Any idea when that’s going to be fixed


  24. The app crashes every time i get a touchdown.


  25. Anybody else having problems collecting the football from the first game? When I do, my game turns off


  26. Being from the UK I don’t really get US football (WHY DO YOU CALL IT THAT? YOU BARELY USE YOUR FEET!?) I’m quite enjoying this event so far. The halloween event means we know how to use the targeted weapons, the drop rates aren’t stupid at the moment and I actually feel like I’m getting somewhere already after only a day of playing. Let’s see how long it takes people to start complaining, though… 😉


  27. Thanks Alissa. But why do you keep calling him Homer? (I’m just joking, don’t go looking for “Homers.”) 🙃


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