Family Guy Episode Recap: Candy, Quahog Marshmallow

Hey there Clammers!

As we tap away in our own lil Quahog that we created either since last year to even recently, we like to reflect on just WHERE all this content is coming from. The Amazing Family Guy Episodes that are released weekly for our viewing pleasure.

There are so many things going on each Episode that we may not have caught them, overlooked them, or may have giggled right along with everyone else. So for a look at what we just saw on TV … or for our Out Of USA Neighbors, a look at things to come for you.

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Note From Bunny: This post was brought to you by the generous help of one of our very own Addicts Readers Mellie! Thanks!!


~Peter is going over to Quagmires to get some hand me downs that come from his dad/mom.  Lois tells him that he shouldn’t wear old dirty cloths. Peter goes I’m a dirty person haven’t you seen my late night Naughty Patty commercials; ~we see Naughty Patty doing a commercial asking people to call if they are lonely.

~The guys are going through the boxes of stuff at Quagmire’s. Joe comes across a dickey and says your dad doesn’t use this dickey anymore, why would someone give a perfectly good dickey. Quagmire is like I know where you’re going with that.  Peter comes across some tapes with Quagmires face on them. Quagmire tells them that “it’s Winter Summer a Korean soap opera he stared in when he was in the Navy. I answered an ad for people over 5’4 and I was the only one that showed up, and the next thing he was playing a guy named American Johnny”. Cleveland says to Quagmire, I didn’t know you could act, and Quagmire tells him that he is a rock polisher too; pulls out a shinny tiger eye.

FAMILY GUY: Peter, Cleveland and Joe come across an old VHS tape called ÒWinter/Summer,Ó an Asian soap that Quagmire starred in when he was living in Korea in the all-new ÒCandy, Quahog MarshmallowÓ episode of FAMILY GUY airing Sunday, Jan. 3 (9:00-9:30 PM ET/PT) on FOX. FAMILY GUY ª and © 2016 TCFFC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

~They are back at Peter’s watching the tapes of Winter Summer. We see Quagmire aka American Johnny sitting at a table with friends and they are telling him to put away his phone that he is not at work and it is bring down the mood. In walks a cute girl that gets his attention and he goes over and talks to her. All this is spoken in Korean. Peter tells Quagmire that he didn’t know that he spoke Korean and Quagmire explains that he doesn’t that they just taught him how to sound out the words and that he didn’t know what he was saying, and that  he had done a PSA on genital mutilations he wish he didn’t do. They talk about the show like we talk about our own soaps.  They are excited to see that American Johnny didn’t die and gets the girl; credits run. Peter wants to know if that’s it, Joe says should we watch the next one. Peter says yes we are bindge watching the whole show; I haven’t been into anything since Shawshank Redemption. ~Flash to Peter in front of the cast of Shawshank asking how did the poster over the tunnel get tight enough for a rock to go through it after he had crawled into the tunnel.  They are watching the show and American Johnny is marrying the girl then all of a sudden a bus has a blow out and loses control and plows through the wedding and hits the girl. American Johnny runs to her and holds her and cries out, credit roll show is over. They want the last tape to put in and Quagmire reaches into the box and there is no tape. They want Quagmire to tell them what happens, and Quagmire tells them that he doesn’t remember that it was twenty years ago and that they shot out of order and he never knew what he was saying. He didn’t care he was living the life. Peter is looking for the last episode online and he can’t find it, he says he even tried the Korean search engine bing bong; Quagmire grinning says that’s not real, Peter goes alright it’s not but we need that episode, we need to know what happened. Quagmire tells them that it never aired outside of Korea.  Peter says we are going to Korea, Joe says tickets booked.  Quagmire tells them that it was a dumb TV show. Joe explains that it’s their life now; Peter says yeah we have to know how it ends.

FAMILY GUY: The guys travel to Korea and Quagmire is reunited with his old lover (guest-voice Margaret Cho) in the all-new ÒCandy, Quahog MarshmallowÓ episode of FAMILY GUY airing Sunday, Jan. 3 (9:00-9:30 PM ET/PT) on FOX. FAMILY GUY ª and © 2016 TCFFC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

~Peter tells Lois that they are going to Korea to find the lost episode that Quagmire was in. Lois wants to know what she is supposed to tell his boss if she calls. He tells here to put the phone up to an episode of “Who’s the Boss”. ~ Peter’s boss calls and wants to know where he is. Where hear “Anglia”, she says of course it’s me, I should fire you, “Angela”, I can’t stay mad at you I’ll see you when I see you.

~At the airport in Korea everyone recognizes Quagmire and start calling him American Johnny and taking picture of him. At the hotel they get the best room. The guys are in the lobby, Cleveland gets off the phone and says that Donnas’ mother died, but we have to get out and find that last episode. Joe wants to know where Peter is. Quagmire tells them that he went out to get plastic surgery. Cleveland’s like he did. Quagmire says that Korea is the plastic surgery capital; people don’t think you look good without a small nose and big eyes. Peter walks in with a small nose and big eyes.

FAMILY GUY: The guys the a trip after finding an old VHS tape called ÒWinter/Summer,Ó an Asian soap that Quagmire starred in when he was living in Korea in the all-new ÒCandy, Quahog MarshmallowÓ episode of FAMILY GUY airing Sunday, Jan. 3 (9:00-9:30 PM ET/PT) on FOX. FAMILY GUY ª and © 2016 TCFFC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

~They are out looking for that last episode, when someone calls Glens name, it’s the girl from Winter Summer. They smile and run to each other and hug. The guys are freaking out that it’s her, Sue Gin. Quagmire tells her she looks just as good and she says that she’s waited everyday in hopes that he would return, and Quagmire says that he has not stop thinking of her. Peter gasps and wants to know if they were involved and Quagmire tells him that they were. Peter tells her that they are there to find the last episode of Winter Summer and wants to know if she would happen to have it. And she says of course, Peter asks if they can see it. She tells Quagmire to bring them by tonight for dinner.

~They are at the Sue Gin’s house, and Peter asks if they can see the show. She says after dinner but for now you can watch Korean pop videos. We watch a pop video. Sue Gin comes in and says that she has a surprise for Glen. She asks if he remembers buttercup, and in walks buttercup, a cat. Joe laughs at them naming the cat buttercup. Sue Gin tells Quagmire that the cat had kittens and in comes a bunch of cats and Quagmire says “this is more ***** than I can handle”.  Cleveland thinking to himself “is he going to say giggity giggity or should I. Cleveland says giggity and Peter is like what, Cleveland says nothing and holds his head down.

FAMILY GUY: The guys travel to Korea and Quagmire is reunited with his old lover (guest-voice Margaret Cho) in the all-new ÒCandy, Quahog MarshmallowÓ episode of FAMILY GUY airing Sunday, Jan. 3 (9:00-9:30 PM ET/PT) on FOX. FAMILY GUY ª and © 2016 TCFFC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

~ They are all sitting around the table eating; Glen tells Sue how much he has missed her and how happy they make each other. Peter says he is done and wants to watch the show. Sue Gin gives it to Peter and he holds it up this is everything I’ve dreamed of well beside being half man half horse, ~we see a horse/man with Peters bottom half. They are watching the show, American Johnny is getting on a plane and says “bye bye goodbye see you later”, and then the girl says “I will never forget your beautiful face and head”. Credits roll they are all crying wanting to know why American Johnny left to go back to his old life, he had everything here. Peter stops crying and tells Quagmire lets go home. Quagmire says that your right Peter American Johnny should have never left. Quagmire tells them that he is not going back. Peter says we seen the last episode what more is there to do. Quagmire says that he has nothing in Quahog but here he has Sue Gin and buttercup and the grandbabies, he’s not going to make the same mistake as American Johnny. Peter with a look of “what” on his face. We hear a narrator say “is Quagmire going to stay in Korea, find out after this Korean commercial from Ashton Kutcher that he thought no one in America would ever see. Commercial with Ashton Kutcher in it, “wanting to know if you ever hit a dog while driving drunk, and wanted to know why your car didn’t cook it on the way home. Now thanks to Dr. Lee’s Pet Engine Cooking Bag you can do just that”.

~Peter tells Quagmire that he can’t stay here that we all have lives back home. Quagmire says that’s just it y’all do but I don’t, but here I have a family. Joe tells Quagmire that he can’t stay, where is he going to get all his wiener jokes form; Quagmire lets Joe know that he got them from a book.

~Peter, Cleveland and Joe are having drinks discussing Quagmire not wanting to go back. Joe says that they have to except it because there is nothing they can do about it. Peter is like guess Quagmire is Korean now. Another pop video comes on the TV and they start bobbing their heads to it. Watching the video Peter comes up with an idea, he says one way to get to a Korean is through their music. Quagmire is flipping through TV channels when the guys come in, Peter says your making a mistake, Joe goes Quahog is where you belong, and Cleveland says if you want listen to us maybe you’ll listen to us in song. Pop video that you have to see, basically they are trying to get Quagmire to come back home. One part that I thought was great is Peter naked swing from a marshmallow just like in the video reckingball. Quagmire tells them that he is staying.

FAMILY GUY: Peter, Cleveland and Joe star in a music video in the all-new ÒCandy, Quahog MarshmallowÓ episode of FAMILY GUY airing Sunday, Jan. 3 (9:00-9:30 PM ET/PT) on FOX. FAMILY GUY ª and © 2016 TCFFC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.


~Quagmire and Sue Gin are going to bed when all of a sudden there is an old man in the room. Sue Gin tells Glen that is her grandfather and he will be living with them, and so will the rest of her family. Quagmire suddenly doesn’t look happy. At the airport the guys; getting ready to get on the plane; want to know what they are going to do without Quagmire, they stop to say goodbye. Then suddenly we hear Quagmire and he breaks out in song then says he going back to Quahog.

FAMILY GUY: Peter, Cleveland and Joe star in a music video in the all-new ÒCandy, Quahog MarshmallowÓ episode of FAMILY GUY airing Sunday, Jan. 3 (9:00-9:30 PM ET/PT) on FOX. FAMILY GUY ª and © 2016 TCFFC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

~Back at the Drunken Clam, Quagmire thanks the guys for bringing him home.


And that’s it, Hope y’all enjoy


There you have it. Addicts Helpers to the rescue!!

What did you think of the Episode? Any favorite moments? Thoughts? Let us know.

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