Football Challenge Premium & Scoreboard Questlines: Tom Brady & Richard Sherman

Hey there Giant Foam Fingers!

With all this Sports Stuff now in our games, we also have a lot of New Characters too. That means New Questlines to go along with them.

Questlines for Characters like Tom Brady & Richard Sherman!

Tom Brady Touchdown Richard Sherman

Let’s take a look at Fan Service & Media Blitz and all you will encounter along the way. 

For MORE Information on the Main Event, go HERE

For the Main Questline, go HERE



Tom Brady Touchdown

After Purchasing Tom Brady
Fan Service Pt. 1
Tom Brady Starts

Have Tom Brady Hit the Showers (Requires Peter): 4hrs, Earns 50Family Guy Coin, 30xp
Have Lois Freshen Up: 6hrs, Earns 65Family Guy Coin, 45xp

Completed Task Earns 125Family Guy Coin, 75xp


Fan Service Pt. 2
Tom Brady Starts

Have Tom Brady Perfect His Aim: 8hrs, Earns 80Family Guy Coin, 50xp
Have Bruce Teach CPR: 8hrs, Earns 80Family Guy Coin, 50xp

Completed Task Earns 175Family Guy Coin, 100xp


Fan Service Pt. 3
Tom Brady Starts

Have Tom Brady Manscape: 10hrs, Earns 90Family Guy Coin, 59xp
Have Meg Pop a Zit: 12hrs, Earns 100Family Guy Coin, 65xp

Completed Task Earns 250Family Guy Coin, 125xp


Fan Service Pt. 4
Tom Brady Starts

Have Tom Brady Make a Perfect Throw: 2hrs, Earns 30Family Guy Coin, 20xp
Have Stewie Make a Pass: 6hrs, Earns 65Family Guy Coin, 45xp

Completed Task Earns 375Family Guy Coin, 200xp



Richard Sherman

After Winning the First 3 Games in the Scoreboard
Media Blitz Pt. 1

Richard Sherman Starts

Have Richard Sherman Go Through the Drill: 8hrs, Earns 80Family Guy Coin, 50xp
Have Bonnie Abuse Jacuzzi Jets: 8hrs, Earns 80Family Guy Coin, 50xp

Completed Task Earns 125Family Guy Coin, 75xp


Media Blitz Pt. 2
Richard Sherman Starts

Have Richard Sherman Show Off His Movies: 10hrs, Earns 90Family Guy Coin, 59xp
Have Peter Dance the Shipoopi: 8hrs, Earns 80Family Guy Coin, 50xp
Have Mort Feeble Flail: 1min, Earns 5Family Guy Coin, 3xp

Completed Task Earns 250Family Guy Coin, 125xp


Media Blitz Pt. 3
Richard Sherman Starts

Have Richard Sherman Hold a Press Conference: 4hrs, Earns 50Family Guy Coin, 30xp
Have Chris Fat Kids Hula Hoop: 4hrs, Earns 50Family Guy Coin, 30xp

Completed Task Earns 375Family Guy Coin, 200xp


There you have it, Questlines for a New Character you can make the choice if you want to spend Clams on and another you can Win by … well… Winning Games in the Scoreboard. Tom Brady & Richard Sherman!

Did you splurge and pick up Tom Brady? If so, what do you think of his Questline? How about Richard Sherman, how far are you to collecting him? Have him unlocked already? If so, what do you think of his Questline? Let us know.


12 responses to “Football Challenge Premium & Scoreboard Questlines: Tom Brady & Richard Sherman

  1. I’m confused. I completed Game 3 but Richard Sherman didn’t open. I also don’t see any way to get pom poms. It only shows the ability to get pom pom if I have astronaut Peter. The drops on the field are still weights and play books. Can someone help me?


  2. Just completed game 3 and got Richard Sherman.
    Hope the next update comes soon!


  3. I’ll be lucky at the rate I am going to get game 3 finished. I really wanted Jesus.


  4. What percent of people have Richard Sherman?

    I’m frustrated with how long it’s taking to win Game 3, because it requires so many materials. Also, sometimes progressing down the field requires you to use Face Grease which you also need to win Game 3.

    Any advice? I’ve been clicking on the field and clearing those tasks first to move down the field, because sometimes the next requirement is a different tasks I haven’t cleared yet. Seems to be working, but still so slow.


    • Go at your own pace. Do what you can, some items and drops may come faster and better as the Event progresses. So don’t view yourself as “behind”, just keep playing and see where it takes you. 🙂

      As far as advice, just play. It is really all you can do, drops may get increasingly better, more options for drops, more Characters added to help, etc.


  5. The event has plunged into a looming chaos with Chris now being currently the only source for earning weights every 8 hour, Phase 2 is rolling in tomorrow, Gronk is just a useless liability, those helmets are needed for pretty much everything, and Chris is one of the limited fellas who can drop them…

    Tinyco, please… stop it.


  6. I’ve played this game since launch and this is the even that finally caused me to email them and delete the game.
    Frustratingly low drops make it infuriating to play and force your hand into clam purchases(which I’ve done.)
    Six , 8 hour attempts from Chris to drop weights and not a single one dropped. Hardly “common” .
    I thank you,ladies, for running an amazing page full of helpful tips and great advice along with a wonderful spirit for your gaming community and I will surely miss you guys’ site…but I’m done with tinyco.
    Thanks for everything, addicts. You all have been great.


    • We always have the mind set if YOU are not having fun and enjoying a game, take a break or find one you do like. No worries. You are always still welcome to bounce by. 🙂


  7. I spoiled myself and got Brady 🙂


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