Where The Hell?… Football Challenge Edition

Note From Bunny: This post was brought to you by the generous help of one of our Addicts Helpers! Thanks!!

In this lil game of ours, it is easy to get lost and so focused into collecting items or unlocking characters that we tend to forget the lil things that make the game what it is. Like Where the HELL did these items come from and why are they in our games?

Well I am here to do just that for you. Let’s take a look at the Family Guy Series and find out just Where The HELL Did That Come From?

Peter Football Icon 2016

In this post, I will be covering the origin of some of the stuff brought into our little games with the Football Challenge event, including Fit Brian, Football Jersey Chris, Cowboy Astronaut Millionaire Peter, Tom Brady and Silly Nanny Peter. Why are they in our game? When did they show up in the Family Guy series? What’s happened to Brian?! Let’s take a look at the TV episodes to find out.


Fit Brian

Fit Brian

Season 13, Episode 2: The Book of Joe
Ok, let’s get this one over with first, as I’ve seen some people in the comments grossed out by Fit Brian’s… grossness. After obsessing over a runner named Chloe at the coffee shop, Brian manages to get a date by pretending to be a runner… “aaaand one thousand, phew!” “One thousand what?” “Percent, that’s what.” After going on a run together, Brian experiences his first “runner’s high”, so he decides to take up running, and eventually announces to the family that he and Chloe will be running a marathon in a couple of weeks.

Football Challenge (1)


Later in the episode, when Brian asks Stewie to help him in the bathroom, Stewie is horrified to see ‘fit’ Brian, who is taping his nipples down with band aids in preparation for his run: “Brian, you’re all sinewy. You’re whole body looks like Paul McCartney’s neck.” “Thanks!” “That’s not a compliment, you look terrible!”

Football Challenge (2)


It turns out that Brian dumped Chloe after she “couldn’t keep up” with him, so Stewie shows up at the Quahog Marathon to show his support and express his concern for Brian’s health: “Stewie, I know you’re worried, alright, and no offence, but I’m not taking advice from a guy who eats bread.” I think I’d have preferred the version of ‘fit’ Brian wearing his running clothes (shown below), rather than being able to see his partially taped-down nipples as in our games… but maybe TinyCo likes that sort of thing…


Football Challenge (3)

Needless to say, Brian’s marathon doesn’t go well; as soon as it starts, his leg snaps in two places and he gets trampled by the other runners (don’t worry, I haven’t provided an image of that; it’s pretty gross). Stewie sums it up best: “Brian, why does everything you touch turn to garbage?”


Football Jersey Chris

Football Jersey Chris

Season 12, Episode 13: 3 Acts of God
The Griffins, Cleveland, Quagmire, Joe and Bonnie are tailgating at a Patriots game, during which Chris enters a tent marked “The NFL Experience”. In 15 seconds, Football Jersey Chris is signed, coached, injured, retired and hit with a handbag, before getting headaches and deciding to save his brain for science.

Football Challenge (4)


Cowboy Astronaut Millionaire Peter, Tom Brady, Dancing Officials & Silly Nanny Peter

Cowboy Astronaut Millionaire Peter Tom Brady Sad

Season 4, Episode 20: Patriot Games
Peter receives an invitation to his high school reunion, but he isn’t keen on going at first, since “everybody’s all got their nice cars and their big important jobs and their fancy hats and their fresh strawberries so big you can eat them like a hand-fruit.” But Joe just tells Peter to lie and pretend that he’s a big shot… which looks like this in Peter’s imagination:

Football Challenge (5)


So Peter goes to the reunion as a secret agent astronaut millionaire, wearing the Cowboy Astronaut Millionaire costume from our games (“Cool, where’d you get the cowboy hat?” “… Space”).

Football Challenge (6)


He is then introduced to one of his classmates’ friends, Tom Brady, before Peter blows his own cover by mentioning the brewery. After being laughed at by everyone, Peter decides to get drunk, and as he quickly charges through everyone to get to the toilets in time to throw up, Tom is impressed enough by his speed to invite Peter to join the Patriots.

Peter quickly becomes successful on the team, and enjoys the life of a pro-athlete, including sponsorships (“At Wilkins Hyundai and Subaru, we have Hyundais and Subarus”). However, this starts to go to his head, to the point where he buys a $30,000 wax sculpture of Harriet Tubman and Gwyneth Paltrow, and turns up late to a game, before driving onto the field and showboating.

Football Challenge (7)


After Tom warns him about going too far, Peter scores a touchdown, only to begin the showboatingest showboating ever shown… “This calls for a victory tune!” Cue “Shipoopi” (originally from Meredith Willson’s 1957 musical, ‘The Music Man’). If you haven’t seen this part of the episode, you need to. Neither description nor images can do it justice, so I’ll just add that the Dancing Officials decoration from the Heisman Stewie Mystery Box seems to be based on these guys:

Football Challenge (8)


Tom Brady then fires Peter, and the only team that will take his contract is the worst football team in Europe: the London Silly Nannies. The Griffins move to London, where Peter finds out how terrible the London Silly Nannies are…

Football Challenge (9)


But instead of giving up, Peter eventually decides to try to turn the team around and challenges the Patriots to a grudge match. However, when the match begins, the Silly Nannies run away, leaving Silly Nanny Peter to face the Patriots by himself.

Football Challenge (10)


Unsurprisingly, Peter doesn’t manage to win, but Tom says that he admires his courage, and the Griffins head back to Quahog.

Football Challenge (11)


And as a little extra…


Jewish Eye Surgery

Jewish Eye Surgery

Season 6, Episode 9: Back to the Woods

The ‘Jewish Eye Surgery’ ads on the sides of the stadiums in our games are based on a TV ad from this episode.

Football Challenge (12)

“Get your eyesight fixed, unless you don’t have the balls! JEWISH!”


There you have it, a rundown of where some of the stuff that dropped into our little games with the Football Challenge event came from.

What do you think of the episodes? Did you recognize where these items came from? Any that I’ve missed? Did you manage to get Fit Brian, Football Jersey Chris or Silly Nanny Peter? Did you try the Heisman Stewie Mystery Box? Did you buy Tom Brady? Have you got “Shipoopi” stuck in your head now? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.



25 responses to “Where The Hell?… Football Challenge Edition

  1. I earned the Bonnie skin buy can’t find it. Help


  2. Would love to see a poll after the end of the event to see how far people got. I had 1 day to get football Peter, that’s how far I was behind, of course I didn’t get him. This is the worst I’ve done in any event. I log in every 2-3 hours.. just sucks! But oh wellsies.


  3. I still got get fit Brian quest in my game. Anyone else got this?


  4. Great recap! Hope they add voices to the football players added in the game– especially the premium characters! Although I won’t be surprised if Cam decides not to record sound bites for the game after their Super Bowl loss. Bummer. 😦


  5. Hey Bunny this is a bit unrelated, but do you happen to know when the Valentine’s Day event will start? I have some side questlines I’d like to get out of the way, but I don’t want start some of my main characters on quests that are like 16 hours long if the V day event is gonna start soon. Wanna have them ready… Like you don’t think it will start tonight, do you?


  6. I hope they dont extend this event, for i have all my characters in storage (sorry gronk, and R.S…. see you next year, hopefully.), and i nuked my town already. To frustrating indeed. I never made it past game 6, i did get cheerleader bonnie skin though. To many 24-12 hour tasks to do, so everyone went to storage, except jesus who i earned 2 x-mas’ s ago. Couldn’t come close, as an avid player checking in every 2 hours. I did spend clams on doggie box got cloned brian (hilarious) it was worth 145, and spent about 150 rushing things throughout the event. NOW BRING ON THE HEARTS FOR VALENTINE’S DAY!!!!!. Good job as always bunny, and allisa, thought you were stuck in Springfield. By the way like both you’re girls new profile pics, new mommy, and hopefully not sick anymore bunny……..see you on the V-DAY event.


    • I spent about 150 Clams that I had saved up for free to rush through this event. I managed to keep up pretty well until the last phase. How could one possibly get Silly Nanny Peter in time and have him run his tasks that many times? I just barely got Silly Nanny Peter today so I made the decision to spend $10 on Clams to bypass Game 7 and 8 so I could get Touchdown Jesus. I already had the Jesus character and I really like the few Clams I get here and there.


      • I did the same as well. Hope I recoup the 250 clams I spent to speed up Game 7 and 8 on Touchdown Jesus’ if he keeps dropping clams every day!


  7. Clicked update on the App Store and the app is well, updating. It’s stuck downloading and I can’t open the game at all…


  8. Can anybody tell me how many clams do you need to win game 8?


  9. Finally got Bonnie’s outfit. Seems like there’s no way I’m getting Peter’s in time, but I’m totally exhausted by this event anyway. Lol


  10. Great recap Dan. A nice reminder of some great episodes!


  11. Thanks Dan, you brought the episode with Fit Brian back to my mind, now I’m going to try forget it again, ha.


  12. The event is ending… still no phase 3 for me…


    • Same here 😦


    • Same thrice. Except I kind of called it an event after finishing game 6 and building Bonnie’s cheer outfit two days ago. Never once saw game 7 open up, or Peter’s costume show because Bonnie had that 6 hour task to do and then a 12 hour one before it’d ever (likely) show up.

      Not as bad as a certain event which shall not be named, but not one of their best IMO…


  13. I still have the Cheerleader Bonnie glitch (since 6 pm ET last night) and cannot progress on the main quest line til I can build her! This is so frustrating. I’ve reported this within the game twice but feel like TinyCo simply doesn’t care. 😦


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