Where Are You Now – Wet Hot Summer Quahog Phase 3

Hey there Campers!!

Figured with all the comments still flying around about Camp Wars and a lack of drops I’d gather some info to get an idea of not just what you’re thinking about the event but more importantly how we’re all doing.

I know you’ve just completed a few other polls, but hope you won’t mind another as believe me this information is very useful  to share with TinyCo, so they can visually see just how the Players are getting along in the Event so far.

Please take a few minutes and fill out all the information that applies to you in the Poll. There are quite a few questions and I’m sorry you need to answer them separately, but it really shouldn’t take you long. Just remember to tap VOTE after each answer you select. I will be closing the poll down in 24 hrs so please complete it ASAP.

The results will show and update as players answer, so it will also let you gauge where you are compared to others.

Thanks as always and feel free to leave any other helpful feedback or thoughts in the comments. And of course if your feeling like me, a bear with a sore head, you can vent it out in the What The Deuce post HERE.

~ Russian Tigger


75 responses to “Where Are You Now – Wet Hot Summer Quahog Phase 3

  1. When it comes to battles freezing or crashing, I found that if i make sure the water cannon character is definitely out of storage, it works ok. If the character is in storage, even though you can select them, the game crashes after about 20 seconds


  2. I have had lois and Mort working nonstop on clipboards for 6 days, Ben for 3 days and the building for 2 days and only at 6 of 15 with 1 day left. Collected at least 6 times a day with mostly no luck. Pretty much got everything else, but throwing in the towel on Susie as it is not going to happen. At this point 9 in 1 day would be a miracle.


    • You have 6?? I only have one! And I have everything you have trying to earn clipboards. The drop rate is terrible. Why waste our time??


  3. I just need 7 pianos for Susie, but only 11 hours left. I can’t streak 12!


    • RussianTigger

      Good luck, I need 16 and can’t get past Streak 11


      • 17 for me with around a day left – Streak 11 is a bear.
        Close to upgrading the Jock to level 4 though, so if I can get past 11 and then lose a few (assuming 12 will be worse), then maybe.


    • I need 8 pianos and only have 9 hours left, and can’t get past 11. I got everything else, without even getting all of the buildings! Have tried it at least 10 times. This was ridiculous. First time I have not obtained a character I have sought. I even spent clams, and they did nothing. I refuse to purchase her, in fact, I refuse to spend anymore clams on characters. I may just go straight freemium after I spend off the ones I currently have, because after the last few events, this may be the one that will break me of my “addiction.” If I do not get Brian, I will definitely call it good.


      • RussianTigger

        I needed 6 pianos and was stuck at Streak 12, so I just used up my Water Balloons losing 3 times to get the 6 pianos I needed – is that an option to get them down, just losing. If you’ve some balloons or time to gather some. Camp Wars aren’t used in the final phase so using up balloons this way won’t impact you.


  4. Still at Phase 2… and in a slump. I’m still at Battle of the Bulge Part 6, with 65 wood so far instead of the 200 required for the hot dog eating contest thing, and terrible drop rates as I have only won ONE battle streak in four days. I’m not giving up yet, but I don’t think I’ll manage to unlock Great Outdoors Joe.


  5. I am at a complete standstill. The hotdog drops are literally never for me and that is what is holding me up from everything. Shame cause this was a fun event.


    • Ashley Caldwell

      Agreed I haven’t saw a hot dog or a card to upgrade all star athlete (one litterally one is holding me back) since week 3 started after they gave the hot dog bonuses. Right now with these 2 factors and the fact they are keeping me back from getting joes costume I do no see myself unlocking him by the end of the event. I’ve kept the cook pranking the entire time this week and have gotten 2 care packages to drop one gave me all water balloons.


  6. I’m stuck I can’t beat battle 10 and need 4 more of each card to upgrade the phase 3 fighters. Looks like I’ll be behind going into phase 4


  7. how to beat streak 10


  8. I’ve only gotten 3/15 on the clipboards for Director Susie and it’s very hard with three days remaining. Even with Lois, Mort, and the building all working together, I still get nothing and there’s nothing I can do about it because of it. That’s the worst. The pianos are alright I guess, I’m half way done with that, but if anything, the pianos and the clipboards are the most troublesome.

    Liked by 1 person

    • RussianTigger

      Have you Ben on task for the clipboards as well? I just got last one I needed with less than 20 hrs left, hope you see an increase too


      • I’ve had Ben for a couple of days, and had Mort and Lois on it pretty constantly since I initially started her timer (5 days ago), and got the building a day and a half ago.

        I have 3 total, with less than 2 days to go. Apparently they made them epic drops and require 15 of those. It’s a good thing I don’t really care if I unlock her, or I would be more upset about this.

        Liked by 1 person

      • I have not unlocked him at all yet. I still need four microphones before I can. I’m pretty much screwed and forced to pay for a character that I wanted and worked hard for at this point.


  9. Jon Bon Jovial

    Hi Bunny – how can I upgrade my All-Star Athlete to lvl 3 when I’m in Phase 3? The only way I can get Standard Care Packages is from sending Gene to prank, but he never drops them or hot dogs. I still need 5 more cards to upgrade her so I can claim Joe’s achievement.


    • RussianTigger

      I’m afraid Camp Pranks is the only way to get the Standard Care Packages, and yes the drop is horrendously random. The only other way to get the Cards is again through taking chance on Premium Care packages. It’s not a good way they’ve done this, I’ve other campers and bought the premium Stewie costume and I’m stuck as can’t get All Star Athlete cards


    • This is my exact problem too. Poorly designed by Tinyco.

      And it’s near impossible to get Susie the Director. 12 hours left and I can’t even beat level 11 on the camp wars because of needed upgrades. 4.5 hours on each box = insane.


      • They did this intentionally because they want people to spend clams to unlock her before the timer runs out. Unfortunately for them, they’ve set the Piano goal so high that it would probably take the majority of players 500+ clams to unlock her so most people probably wont (or shouldnt) do it.


  10. just remembered as well, on Friday I had to contact TinyCo because I lost all my Standard care packages. I had 13 that i managed to build up from the last round of battles and doing some pranks but i wasn’t bothering to open them because i was focusing on the Fancy care packages to drop stuff for this phase. anyways, i open TQFS app Friday afternoon on whilst in the train and noticed that my 13 care packages had gone. so i messaged them telling them they’d disappeared and could i have them back. few days later i got a seemingly standard response that basically said
    “we apologize… working through heavier than normal support volume… we have released various fixes over the past few days… please note support is not a live chat and expected response times can vary between 1 to 5 business days”

    so they basically fobbed me off and i still haven’t got my 13 packages back


    • RussianTigger

      Message then back.this standard response is become way too frequent, and just isn’t good enough from a support team.


      • thanks RT. i agree with you and although i have gone back to them before when getting a standard response im just so over this event i dont even care.

        even if i got them all back i cant open enough packages to get the cards required needed to level up to be able to beat camp wars streak 11 before susies timer runs out – which is in 17hrs.
        and seeing as camp wars are effectively useless in phase 4 theres really no point in trying to get as many cards as i can to progress in camp wars


      • You know, there’s really no excuse for having an up to FIVE (5!!!) DAY waiting period for support replies WHEN YOU HAVE TIMED PORTIONS OF YOUR EVENTS!!!

        And it’s not even up to 5 days for a support response – IME, I’ve waited 5 days (on more than one occassion, mind you) before getting ANOTHER auto-reply asking if my problem has been resolved yet, because my question/ticket is apparently still active/pending! ARGH! So infuriating!

        Seriously though – how can you take up to 5 days to respond to customers when you have tasks/quests that are only open for 7 days? So, if something happened with 3 days left on my timer, it’s basically been “too bad, so sad!” from TinyCo. Which…does not endear them to me, or make me want to give them any more of my money, which presumably they do want…


        Finally beat Streak 6, now stuck on Streak 10. I have just over 3 days remaining on my Susie timer (got all the bldgs before I started it) & it might be doable. Maybe.

        My Pranking has been miserable, even with exploiting the, uh, exploit (?? not sure what else to call it lol). I have had multiple occasions of 30+ attempts at trying to get Okay *AND* Standard Care Packages without.a.single.drop. I have a life to live, so I eventually would give up upon receiving Water Balloons or Badges, but when Pranking is the SOLE METHOD of continuing to level up certain characters, it should NOT take 30+ tries to do so.

        I’ve mentioned before that I actually really like the idea of these Camp Wars, but the execution is T.E.R.R.I.B.L.E!! 😢


  11. Thanks for the poll RT…..I do agree that when I am struggling with an event it is encoranging to see that I am not alone!
    I am curious, does someone at TinyCo come on this site and view the results themselves? Or do you report your findings to them yourself?

    Liked by 1 person

    • RussianTigger

      They do read the site but Bunny also sends them the results. I’m going ask Bunny send what we have so far just now as things are getting bleak with this event and with Phase 4 almost upon us, I’m not sure how many will see it.


      • Many thanks. At the risk of sounding sycophantic may I, ( along with many others I don’t doubt), thank you ( & Bunny) for the hard work and effort you obviously put into this extremely frustrating game!
        Your efforts are truly appreciated!

        Liked by 1 person

        • RussianTigger

          Thanks Gary, this has been a grind of an event, sad as could have been a lot of fun!


          • It was shaping up to be a lot of fun but has crashed into a disaster…and to echo Gary’s comment, thank you to you and Bunny for all you do – I would have seriously given up were it not for this site, I’ve been thinking about the question you posed to that point several days ago and now I can give you a straight answer: If the addicts site goes away, I would likely give up the game…this is not a knee-jerk reaction, but one I’ve been mulling since the disastrous run of events at the end of 2016/beginning of 2017…your question just made me think seriously…which is sad, this is supposed to be fun, TinyCo!


  12. I’m in phase 3 finally after getting stuck in the last phase. Two of the biggest issues for me are the Eating Contest badges and Clipboards for Susie. I need EC badges for 2 buildings now – camp showers (to help unlock Ben and progress in the questline) and Secret Snack Stash (to help unlock Joe). I need a total of 19 EC badges. I can’t get them from the standard packages anymore because I’ve progressed to phase 3 and I have had one drop of badges from the pranks in 2 weeks! So for the pranks, I need the tokens but I’ve had to take Mort off the task for tokens to get clipboards which have only dropped once in 3 days! This is entirely impossible – I need more ways to get badges and less time on opening the packages to even stand a chance!


  13. IDK if it’s just me or whatever but it feels like sometimes this game is rigged. I am like close to unlocking Susie and now barely getting the needed requirements. The drop rates are horrible and the amount needed is a bit excessive. Why bother putting a character on a timer if they’re just gonna slow down progress just as completion is within reach? It’s like they see how well you’re doing without buying clams and decide to mess things up so you’ll be forced into buying them. As nice as this game is at times, it’s a real money grabber and totally not worth it in my opinion. Still enjoy the show from time to time but this game not so much.


  14. I know this probably isn’t the feedback you’re looking for, but I’ve completely passed on this event. Nuked my Quahog, took all my characters out of Tan Lines, and have only logged in to start and collect Daily Quests. Still haven’t decided if I’m rebuilding or uninstalling and walking away, but I’m definitely not missing the frustration that seems to come hand-in-hand with every new Event.


    • RussianTigger

      Not at all, it’s refreshing that despite sitting this one out you’re still commenting and checking in on us. Hopefully see you back for the next event but if not, I completely understand why you’ve waved goodbye to the game.


  15. I’ve found a new glitch (which sucks). My game is not recognizing part 7 of the upgrade questline or my upgrade. This is the upgrade to beat camp war 10. When I choose the campwar icon on the lower right side of the screen – it highlights part 6. When I select the questline directly it has part 7. I’ve upgraded to meet the recommendations in part 7 but the questline did not move forward. I’ve also tried 4 times to beat camp war 10 (3 with the recommended upgrade) and lost dismally every time. I think the game thinks I havent upgraded.

    I have the latest update, closed out and re-entered, and visited Ollieland. Nothing’s changed this. Will reach out to Tiny Co.

    p.s. I have the hardest time typing comments here – keyboard seems delayed/freezes. Almost has a mind of its own. Don’t have this issue anywhere else. Anyone else have this?


    • RussianTigger

      My Roll Call Questline is off to, but I got past Streak 10, now stuck at Streak 11 so it’s not making much difference to my play.


      • It’s weird. I haven’t beaten 10 but it gave me the new questline. So now I have week 3 and week 4 quest lines in the game.

        Is there an additional upgrade recommendation for war 11?


        • RussianTigger

          Due to so many behind they lifted the requirement for completing the Phase 3 Questline to move on to Phase 4.

          I still had to get All Star Athlete to L4 to win Streak 11, nothings got easier there in my game


  16. I never finished Joe’s request and thought I’ld never get the required hotdog badges so I broke down and spent clams to make up the remaining badges.


  17. I noticed in the results some people got past Streak 11. How did you do it? I am getting killed no matter what i send.


    • Yes, please share, LOL! I struggled with Streak 10, found in that case, I finally won when I sent Campers out before leveling-up, so send Campers, level up, repeat, etc…that hasn’t worked in Streak 11, I’ve tried a couple of different approaches, not working, ugh…


  18. I’ve no idea how I’m going to get Brian’s outfit as most of the rewards I get are 2 or 3 spears. I haven’t even unlocked Joe’s outfit as I can’t spare wood for the useless buildings he needs.


    • RussianTigger

      I feel the same, unless something changes in Phase 4 I can’t see how most of us can get those Campers levels high enough to earn the Spears for upgrading

      Liked by 1 person

  19. I am doing Streak 11 – Method to the Madness and even though my campers, Swimmer level 4, Junk Food Monster level 4, Jock level 3, Deer level 3 and Cat Actor level 4, with Playright Stewie as leader, I am still unable to defeat the rival campers.

    Anyone that has completed streak 11 advise?


  20. why don’t you ask how many of us are experiencing freezing during battles


    • RussianTigger

      We’ve had glitch posts for you to share that info, I’m impacted by it also, we’ve reported it to TinyCo over and over, not sure there is much more we can do about the issue at this stage.


  21. No offense to the work you put into this site, but I dont see how these polls help considering every event seems to run poorly and have all kinds of problems. By the time TinyCo gets this information, and MAYBE makes changes, people will be so far behind that its pointless to continue trying.


    • RussianTigger

      Well a few weeks ago I asked what posts readers wanted to see, and there was a resounding response to keep these, not just for feeding info to TinyCo but also by players saying it lets them gauge where they are at in relation to others. And as you say changes do get made, albeit I agree they need to be quicker. However remember there is no pressure on any reader to do these, polls are optional, so skip them if you don’t think they are worthwhile.

      Liked by 1 person

      • I think the polls are great.
        At the minimum I get to see where other people are at so I know if it’s just me who is way behind.
        If TinyCo act on anything then that’s a bonus IMO. Also, can’t blame the guys here for TinyCo being so naff at responding.


    • I am one of those who supported the Polls. Although we agree Tinyco may never do the fixes, the Polls are a good way to highlight that we are not alone, stuck at a certain level. Beats knowing that you are the only one stuck at a certain stage. At least this keeps me sane on the ground.

      Liked by 1 person

    • The majority of us let her know we wanted the polls, so we could see where we are in relation to others.

      Liked by 1 person

    • I like the polls as it makes me feel better either knowing I’m in the same boat as everyone else, or I’m ahead of the curve.

      Liked by 1 person

  22. I’m no where unlocking Joe I haven’t had any hotdogs for over 10 days (apart for the 10 TC gave as a challenge) even though I do the prank bus every 4 hours min and opened dozens of care packages. And keep getting nonsense of TC about things r ok or they will pass my concerns on, but nothing ever gets done. I’m now trying to unlock 4 characters at the same time and I bet I don’t get one!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  23. I’m not sure how I can’t move past War level 6. I just finally got the deer cards to upgrade to Lv 2 and used the campers in the recommendation, even with some being higher level than what they say you need. It really sucks that it seems I would have to spend clams to buy a cannon leader to even have a chance to move forward. At least in Phase 2 it was possible to unlock the cook without losing 25 times.


    • dont spend (waste) clams on people just to get them on the cannon. in my opinion the cannon guys are useless.
      i used the water cannon in the last phase about 5 times in a single battle against the fatties and i still got owned every time. now i dont even bother adding anyone in to use the cannon and it hasnt made a difference to my progress.

      best strategy i’ve found is to just build up and save water balloons until you’ve opened as many care packages as possible to try and level up characters. if u run out of packages and have to do a battle just expect to get beat, you’ll still get a package which might help.
      once or twice i’ve even won a battle purely on speed of tapping because a few of my fire guys got to the other end before theyd even sent out a single person to fight. then when they did send people out the battle was like 2 steps from their end so it seemed to make it easier


      • Update – I finally beat Level 6 this morning in about 20 seconds using the exact same set up I’d lost in 10 seconds with five times previously. Seems like there’s some odd code going on here….


  24. just annoyed that clam vids are down again


  25. Here’s how this event feels:
    Wait 4 hours…failed drop.
    Wait 4 hours…failed drop.
    Wait 4 hours…useless drop.
    Wait 4 hours…failed drop.
    Wait 4 hours…failed drop.
    Wait 4 hours…uselsss drop.
    Wait 4 hours…failed drop

    Dear TinyCo. Which part of this do you think is a nice experience?

    Liked by 2 people

    • Exactly. They need to get rid of the randomised crap ASAP. Everything should be an “always” drop and we can actually enjoy the game. If they want to slow us down just make them longer tasks i.e. 8/12/16/24 hours. At least I know that if I have 7 days to collect 10 items using 12 hour tasks then I should be able to achieve it in 5 days. If I’m going to be busy then I can rush some tasks with clams knowing *with certainty* that rushing it will give me the item I need. I’ve rushed things in the past and still got a fat load of nothing. The entire “chance drop” model just sucks all of the joy out of the game

      Liked by 1 person

  26. Drop rates for Susie are ludicrous. I waited to repair the camp until I had all the necessary buildings. Now three days in, I only have 5 of 15 clipboards and 3 of 9 dance steps. Masks are almost done, but pianos are slow going because balloons are not dropping like they were earlier and I can’t get any upgrade cards from packages to advance in the Camp Wars streaks. It’s like TinyCo wants to aggravate us.


  27. Those Drama badges from care packages have possibly one of the worst drop rates so it means I can’t buy the buildings required to help me with items for both Susie and Ben

    I’m seeing the same issue occurring again during an event with regards to ‘uncommon’ drop rates being pretty much non-existent, this time it’s the Scripts to unlock Ben.

    For anyone who started playing TQFS just prior to this event, you would not blame them for abandoning the game due to the multitude of issues that has plagued this event so far.


  28. Hot Dog eating badges are still impossible to get. Camp pranks will just not drop them for me. It’s been days and I’ve done probably a dozen pranks.


    • I still need another 24 Hot Dog eating badges and I have been pranking for those around the clock. I doubt I’ll unlock the Joe costume by the end of the event, and I refuse to spend clams on him.
      It’s weird they made them so difficult in Week 2 as I found the Week 3 drama badges really easy to get – I have all the buildings that require them except Dye Station, which I don’t want, and have 15 badges spare.


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