Quahog 500 Week 1 – Where Are You Now

Hey there Addicts, it’s time to find out where how you’re getting on in the latest event to hit our games!Yes with the first week of event halfway over I thought it was time for the Where Are You Now Poll.

So  you best get busy casting your votes Addicts. And remember the results will show and update as players answer, so it will also let you gauge where you are compared to others.

Thanks as always and feel free to leave any other helpful feedback or thoughts in the comments. And of course if your feeling like venting you can vent it out in the What The Deuce post HERE.

~ Russian Tigger

37 responses to “Quahog 500 Week 1 – Where Are You Now

  1. Unlocked him with 10 hours to spare. That never happens! Usually I’m 1-2 days behind.


  2. Something really strange happened. My game showed Ricky Bobby for free, but when I clicked on him in the store, it just goes to a random empty area of my land and no character appears.


  3. So I just about unlocked Ricky Bobby…. And when I log in today, he’s gone from my town… And shows up as “free” in the store. But when I click on him, the screen shifts to somewhere in unplayable forest like it’s trying to place him….anyone else see this?


    • Yes other players are, I think it’s a glitch he’s showing as if the timer ran out he should be gone. I’ll ask TinyCo about it though.


  4. Got the last piece I needed for Ricky Bobby with 3 hours to spare. I wish they had stuck with the clam bonus for completing in time, that was a good incentive that kept me playing while not punishing me for having to miss a day or so.


  5. Do you believe in miracles?!?!
    For the first time in, like, FOREVER, I am seeing “Wait for Phase/week/part X to start!” in my tasks BEFORE it has dropped and gone beyond any hope of me finishing IT on time!!!
    I just don’t know what to do with myself now. Keep on grinding and picking up trophies and hope that stays the event currency…


  6. I didn’t get the 40 clams for getting Ricky Bobby within 6 hours. Anyone else have this issue?


    • There wasn’t 40 Clams for unlocking him in my game, I checked my screenshots


      • I remember seeing at the start that there were 40 clams for unlocking him in 6 days. We can’t all have made that mistake. It appears the 6 days was all you had to unlock him or he was gone.


        • Sorry I never saw anything with 40 Clams, I’ve gone back through my screenshots – the only 6 day timer I saw was to unlock him before he left the game. If anyone can email me a screenshot showing the clam offer I can Purdue it with TinyCo. This did happen once before. But as I say in my game their was no Clams offered to unlock him.


    • I’ve never seen a reason to take a screenshot of my game. Would be a lot of work just in case they changed the game on us. Not sure if it matters but playing on iPhone.


      • Well for the site I screenshot everything but unfortunately I didn’t get the clam reward showing so my screenshots don’t verify what players are saying to pursue it with TinyCo. Hence hoping someone might have one


  7. I didn’t get the 40 clams for getting Ricky Bobby in 6 days. Any one else have this issue?


    • There wasn’t 40 Clams for unlocking him in my game. Do you have a screenshot or more details and I’ll check with TinyCo.


      • I also remember seeing the 40 clam offer for completing him as well, but when I unlocked him it even said I earned the 40 clams but they never showed up. I submitted a ticket for it nd they came back saying it was never part of the offer. I just chalk it up to TinyCo’s usual brand of “can’t get it together” for this game.


        • Shame you didn’t grab a screenshot as I’ve nothing to take to TinyCo as my screenshots don’t show the Clams as a reward. 😕


  8. Facebook lock out!!


  9. Shocked…I only need two more caps with over a day to go on his timer…should be OK…in my experience, racing wins have been easier with Peter…


  10. 1 pen and 2 hats left for Ricky Bobby with about 2 days still on the timer .. it wasn’t this hard to unlock him


  11. I am surprised to find that I enjoyed the challenge of the timer on Ricky Bobby. Adds some suspense knowing he will disappeàr if you don’t get him in time. Easily got him with over a day to spare.


  12. Facebook version has been down for over a week “updating.” Most of the monthly events have had something wrong during the first week this year.


  13. Although we don’t want timed characters, it would be nice to at least see his timer. I’ve no idea how long I have to get him.

    Just unlocked Race Peter and see he is part of a clam set. If you don’t get Ricky Bobby then the whole clam set is unobtainable and no incentive to try and complete it with the weeks still left.


  14. Howard Greenberg

    whenever I see the name Ricky Bobby, in my head I hear Sacha Baron Cohen saying it – Rickay Bubby


  15. Thomas O'Sullivan

    Still waiting for my account to be fixed.


  16. Just a few hats left, so on track.


  17. Just unlocked Ricky Bobby and ready for week 2


  18. The timer for Ricky Bobby was an unwelcome sneaky surprise but I think I might make it but it will be very close. I won more races with just Bruce than I am with adding Peter. Two days left so I am trying to remain positive.


  19. Got Ricky Bobby but did not get any clams .. 😦


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