What The Deuce!!!

Happy Weekend Clammers! Well we’ve all made it through another week and the weekend is here!

All week we field your comments about your frustrations in the game and we wanted to give you (and us) a way for you to voice your frustrations and get it all off of your chest.

So welcome to WHAT THE DEUCE?!

What the Deuce

Here’s your place to vent about anything and everything, Family Guy or not. Consider this your weekly bitch fest and get it all out with a good…WHAT THE DEUCE?! And start your weekend fresh! 🙂

Just be respectful of others & be mindful of the language while commenting. Censor yourselves so we don’t have to!!  

Go on, get it off your chest…you’ll feel a lot better! 🙂

21 responses to “What The Deuce!!!

  1. Anybody else ever had this issue…all my characters have been duplicated and i now have two of each character walking around my town…some of the regular characters even have quests and rewards from previous events(years ago) Ive contacted tiny Co but ive not heard anything back,any advise please?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Rewards are so difficult to get. This plays like a midway carnival game.


  3. I love how the cheap 6 packs stopped dropping from Peter and O’Brien as soon as TC/JC introduced the offer to purchase cheap 6 packs and Pillpopper Mort for $$…not a coincidence, IMHO…yeah, that’s not motivating me to spend hard-earned discretionary income…


  4. RT, I have a request. When you do the end of event poll, and ask how much we enjoyed the event, 1-5, could you add some negative numbers to that scale, or at least a zero? 1 simply isn’t low enough for how I feel about these bugs. I want Mickey, but I’m having a hard time turning on the game when I have no idea where anybody is and if they’re done with their task. I swear Jam City is just trying to chase away enough players that they can shut the game down due to lack of interest.


    • 1 is no fun, so just hit that, but I get the frustrations. May need to think about a different question about enjoyment


  5. Bug spray is definitely a rare drop in my game,only get up to 3 sprays a day which is really #issing me off…


  6. First drop from the Brewery was 2 sixpacks, not 6 as advertised!


  7. TinyCo has learned nothing. 9 out of 10 buildings needed for drops are always infested, cleared buildings are re-infested before tasks are completed, and some cleared buildings are re-infested within seconds, in the time it takes for characters to be sent back.

    We’ve gone from a achievable multi-week event (the first in years) to a crappy, unachievable short-lived event.


  8. Chuck Shockley

    Not enough Griffins to many infestations. To many shamrocks for these buildings and they need to clear more space for more buildings for long time players.


  9. BUG SPRAY!!! This seems to be a rare drop now! And it would seem appropriate for the bugs to infest the the Potato Fam Inn, but no! Arrrg WTD?!!!


  10. In 5.5 hours my game has spawned just one darn griffin. Good grief. Playing this is making me wonder if I might be a bit of a masochist.


    • I’m with Chtisto!! No sprays making the game come to a grinding halt. This started as soon as I unlocked O’Brien. WTD!!!


  11. Wow, despite the MANY options available to them, those potato bugs essentially an quite inconveniently finding the buildings that my characters are or need to use for missions: Quohog Day Spa, Mini Mart, McBurgertown, Preschool, Quohog Police, Madeline’s Boutique. Sure wish they would mix it up a little bit.


  12. Matthew Goodall

    What the deuce happened to the Police dog Brian offer? It popped up last night with a 48 hour timer, then this morning it was gone. I picked up the last of the other items included with the offer, but I still want the outfit.


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