Let Freedom Ring Addicts Area!!!

It’s time to talk independence as the Let Freedom Ring event has arrived in Quahog. Yup you asked for a readers page where you could share event tips & tricks and I’ve only gone and called your bluff and created one. So here’s where you can lay all your  event progress on the table for your fellow addicts to see.

And it’s also where you can share any strategies or advice, hey you can even chat about your favourite presidential moments. So c’mon Addicts let’s do this together.

Apart from that once again I’m sorry, I’m not sure how much of this week of the event I’ll cover but like last event you can help each other out in the comments.

~ Russian Tigger

50 responses to “Let Freedom Ring Addicts Area!!!

  1. I’m still trying to clear chumba wumbas – anything I can do to speed this up. I’m averaging 2-3 in a 24 hour period. Or is that the norm….???


    • Are you taking About for the Brewery Questline, if so, you can’t speed it up, you need wait for them spawn I’m afraid


  2. Anyone have any info on the fire monster drops?
    Do the drops vary (like amount of leather) with how much “health” it starts out with, or is it a fixed 1 leather per time you defeat it?


  3. Paradin Around part 6 is

    Clear 10 Lazy Protestors
    Have a 450 Firework Balance
    Place the Camo Hunting Gear Shop


  4. Bolo Tie Lois info if interested:

    Bolo Tie Lois: Country Girl

    Earn Bolo Tie Lois

    Part 1:
    Have Bolo Tie Lois Do a Lasso Trick: 10 Hours

    Part 2:
    Have Bolo Tie Lois Shop for Cowboy Hats: 4 Hours


  5. Patricia Lenhart

    HELP! My android phone and tablet just updated to the “throw it away” event and now I can’t get it. It keeps telling me to upgrade but the only upgrade is already installed. I was doing well on the Let Freedom Ring event and now I can’t even access the game.


    • RussianTigger

      It’s the upgrade loop, you need let TinyCo know it’s happening, other players are having the issue.


    • I had this same exact issue. So I uninstalled, then went to google play and reinstalled, and it put in version 1.89.1 (I did have 190.1 which is the “messed up version”. And now that you can reconnect to your Facebook right off the bat instead of having to go through the first several quests, it makes it a bit easier to reinstall. It should put you right back where you were. (It did for me)


      • Patricia Lenhart

        I tried that. It’s version 1.89.1 and it still doesn’t work


        • I know it sounds cliche, but did you clear the data and cache? I actually uninstalled using the “uninstall” on google play and not through settings > apps> on the phone itself. I don’t know if that would make a difference or not, But if you have a PC, there is always “NOX” until you can get the issue fixed on your mobile device. I have a post somewhere around here that says how to use NOX.


        • Patricia Lenhart

          Jam City emailed me and suggested that I reinstall the game. Since I had already tried that and it didn’t work, I cleared that game cache and data, then uninstalled it. When I reinstalled the game, it works. Anyone having trouble, give that a try


          • On android, the game does not play well unless I regularly clear the cached files. If I do not for a while, all kinds of problems arise


  6. If anyone is interested, or already knows, but for those that don’t. Here is some info:

    Buildings used during this event:

    Flappy Jack’s House of Pancakes: (Meg)
    The Founding Father: (Bruce)
    The Drunken Clam: (Lois)
    Herbert’s House: (Herbert)
    Goldman’s Pharmacy: (Mort)
    The Swanson House: (Joe, Bonnie)
    The Griffin House: (Chris)
    Anal Point (Uncle Sam Peter)

    Uncle Sam Peter Quest Chain: True American Values

    Earn Uncle Sam Peter

    Part 1:
    Have Uncle Sam Peter Blow Up Some Fireworks: 30 secs

    Part 2:
    Have Uncle Sam Peter Ask for a Discount: 8 Hours

    Refrigerator Meg Quest Chain: Cover Your Tracks

    Part 1:
    Have Refrigerator Meg Stuff Her Face: 10 Hours

    Part 2:
    Have Refrigerator Meg Cry In Front of a Mirror: 30 Secs

    Part 3:
    Have Refrigerator Meg Stash Her Snacks: 6 Hours

    Hot Dogs:
    Making Mort Mark Up the Hot Dogs: 4 Hours
    Making Meg Stack ‘Em Up: 8 Hours
    Making Chris Say the Pledge of Allegiance: 4 Hours
    Making Bonnie Serve Some Sausages: 4 Hours
    From Chewing Tobacco Shop

    Clearing Fire Monsters
    From investigating Freedom Rooms
    From Lazy Protesters
    Making Bruce Tip His Hat: 4 Hours
    Making Joe Salute the Flag: 4 Hours
    Making Joe Drink Some Warm Milk: 8 Hours
    Making Lois Sing the National Anthem: 8 Hours
    Making Bonnie Serve Some Sausages: 4 Hours
    Making Bonnie Tailgate in the Parking Lot: 8 Hours
    Making Herbert Bake a Cake: 8 Hours
    Making Mort Mark Up the Hot Dogs: 4 Hours
    Making Meg Stack ‘Em Up: 8 Hours
    Have Chris Say the Pledge of Allegiance: 4 Hours
    Making Uncle Sam Peter Do a Blind Test: 8 Hours

    American Flags:
    From Big’s Wiener Gourmet Sausages

    Goatee Waxes:
    Making Lois Sing the National Anthem: 8 Hours
    Making Bonnie Tailgate in the Parking Lot: 8 Hours

    Spare Hats:
    Making Joe Salute the Flag: 4 Hours
    Making Bruce Tip His Hat: 4 Hours

    Clearing Fire Monster
    From Bolo Tie Statue

    Raw Milks:
    Making Joe Drink Some Warm Milk: 8 Hours
    Making Herbert Bake a Cake: 8 Hours
    Making Uncle Sam Peter Do a Blind Test: 8 Hours

    Clearing Lazy Protesters

    From Camo Hunting Gear


  7. Andrew Halliday

    To anyone that replied to my past message.
    My apologies if it frustrated or offended you.
    I will be honest that it was just meant to be a general comment, and you were all correct that the recent FAQs do cover this well & I hadn’t had the opportunity to really look there… I was just assuming.
    Having said that – while this is my own error – I really don’t see the need to dive into the negative or backhanded replies.
    Come on, the simple answers would have sufficed – no need for overreactions.
    Let’s all get along & “Play Nice” here gang… no need to beat each other up over stupid questions or posts.
    Cheers and happy gaming!


    • I certainly don’t take any offence, and hope others didn’t either. Normally, our beloved site moderator would be happy to provide the information you requested, and in fact, usually posts all that information, but during her absence, we are all doing our part to assist others.

      I do hope that people will continue to be civil about it, of course, in the spirit of friendly cooperation.


    • not offended or frustrated, just trying to keep the page, in RT’s absence, from getting filled with duplicate info and info that can easily be found elsewhere. As there was only one page for the whole event at that time, tried to keep it from getting too cluttered. Also, what do you expect from a bunch of addicts?


    • You’re good… it’s the internet. Even when people try to help, it may look totally evil. I’m guessing RT came back in and cleaned some stuff up, cuz I don’t see any offensive stuff but you would have. Sorry for that. Again… internet. Don’t let it bug ya. We ARE all here to help each other but we may get snarky. In the past, RT has been there to moderate and THAT IS A GOOD THING. In this little funky time where RT is just sorta letting us run the asylum, some crap is getting thru that would have been modded out. We could be better, but WE ARE THE INTERNET. We get stupid, fast. Apologies for any stress you felt, now get to tappin characters that aren’t dropping hot dogs…


  8. Questline: Paradin’ Around Pt. 3

    Learn about Lazy Protesters
    Clear 5 Lazy Protesters
    Place the BBQ Supply Store


  9. The only thing players need/would want are the questlines, TinyCo has put most everything else in the FAQ …

    Main questline, Paradin’ Around:
    PART 1 has 2 tasks …
    1. Learn About The Event (tap on GO)
    2. Have Chris Say the Pledge of Allegiance (4 hours)

    PART 2 has 2 tasks …
    1. Learn about Freedom Rooms (tap on GO)
    2. Investigate the Big’s Wiener Gourmet Sausages (requires 2 hotdogs and Chris, takes 1hr 30min)

    PART 3 has 3 tasks …
    1. Learn about Lazy Protestors! (tap on GO)
    2. Clear 5 Lazy Protestors (find protestors from investigations)
    3. Place the BBQ Supply Store (costs 340 Fireworks)

    PART 4 has 2 tasks …
    1. Learn about Fire Monster (tap on GO)
    2. Join the Pick Up Truck Tailgate (costs 650 Fireworks to unlock Decked Out Tailgate)

    I am stuck at part 4 until I get enough Fireworks. Don’t forget to check every 4 hours and to investigate for those lazy protestors as they drop 15 fireworks each.

    Just a tip if you you are thinking about buying the silver fireworks crate for 199 clams will drop a maximum of 1,000 fireworks for the entire event assuming you don’t speed up the timer (will only cover the first 2 prizes in the 1st week out of 3) … the gold crate for 499 clams will drop 1,500 the entire event (enough to only cover the first 3 prizes) 😉


  10. I STRONGLY URGE EVERYONE to read the FAQ section as nearly all details have been given in recent events by TinyCo directly, such as which characters are used, which characters and buildings drop stuff and how much each prize cost … that being said, here it is, direct from the FAQ how many fireworks are needed for the 1st week/phase 1

    Event Buildings for Phase 1 include the following:
    – BBQ Supply Shop for 340 Fireworks
    – Decked Out Tailgate for 650 Fireworks
    – Camo Hunting Gear for 500 Fireworks
    – Chewing Tobacco Shop for 500 Fireworks
    TOTAL needed = 1,990 Fireworks


  11. Strategery! Concentrate on uncle sam peter first


  12. Another week of characters with two possible tasks, yet others with no task at all (at least not this week). It is a bit disappointing to not have another random character or two from Tan Lines help with the drops.


    • As I always say, that is one of the only strategy elements of the game! Save the same old complaints for What the Deuce


  13. So for Bolo tie Louis, do we really need to spend the 199 clams for the statue that drops leather?


    • This, from the in game FAQ we are all referring to, which everyone has access to in their game:
      Leathers can be obtained in the following ways:
      – Clearing Fire Monster
      – From Bolo Tie Statue

      So, prior to Fire Monster appearing in your game, yes, you would have to drop 199 clams for the statue. I would suggest waiting to see if the Fire Monster appears.


    • You don’t really ‘need’ to spend any clams on this game. Some people do in order to speed up progress, but most if not all events can be completed without spending a clam. A lot of events make is seem like you have to buy a character/item in order to drop items early on, but there is always another way once you advance the main questline. You just need to be vigilant and check your game often.

      According to their FAQ, you can get leathers from the Fire Monsters. You have to unlock the Freedom Room called ‘Decked Out Tailgate”. You do investigations in these rooms. You’ll get that as you progress throughout the week.


    • No because once you open the BBQ supply shop you can get the leather from there as well.


      • They don’t really come “from” the BBQ store, that is how you might get a Fire Monster, then clearing the Fire Monster is what will possibly net a leather thingie.


    • No, you will never have to depend on a premium item only to drop items needed for costumes or characters. As you progress through quest line more options will appear. I think you will get the leather once you have opportunity to defeat fire monster.


    • Nm, jumped the gun. 😝


    • No I don’t think you have to spend the clams. From the FAQs, it says leathers can be obtained in the following ways:
      – Clearing Fire Monster
      – From Bolo Tie Statue

      I haven’t got to the part in the questline/unlocked the building which triggers the ability to search for the Fire Monster yet (I think it’s the Decked Out Tailgate), so am concentrating on unlocking Peter’s costume and stockpiling fireworks to buy the buildings.


  14. List of characters that are needed so far are:
    ~Bonnie(hotdogs, goatee wax)
    ~Lois(goatee wax)
    ~Joe(spare hats, raw milk)
    ~Bruce(spare hats)
    ~Herbert(raw milk)
    ~Uncle Sam Peter(raw milk)
    💫✨ALL drop the fireworks needed as well✨💫

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Hi RT, not necessary to post this I just wanted to send condolences for your recent loss. Best wishes, Tanya


  16. Has anyone been able to do a full check of all the characters required for each element of the Let Freedom Ring Event & are able to post?
    I think I have them all out of Tan Lines & working, but a double-check list would be helpful.


    • Go to support, see the FAQ, thanks.

      As a wise man once said,”(BigDaddy | June 19, 2019) Let Freedom Ring event has begun in iOS, all I have access to. Looked over the in-game FAQ and everything is covered. Please check there before loading this page with questions! Likely people will be nice and copy paste out of it for you, but you can save yourself time! Keep this space (unless we get another Addicts area) for strategy suggestions or advice!”


    • While it is wonderful that RT is usually able to provide these lists, during her absence this information is easily accessed in the game, by going to the Help & Support tab, in the Main Menu…

      But here is the list: Mort, Bonnie, Chris, Lois, Joe, Bruce, Herbert, Uncle Sam Peter.

      (Hugs to RT!!!)


    • Happyphantom2

      From TinyCo FAQ:
      Which characters and skins are used in Phase 1 of Family Guy: Let Freedom Ring event?
      Characters and skins used during this phase include:
      – Mort
      – Bonnie
      – Chris
      – Lois
      – Joe
      – Bruce
      – Herbert
      – Uncle Sam Peter


    • See the FAQ section in game to get this info and more


    • The list is in the FAQ…
      Characters and skins used during this phase include:
      – Mort
      – Bonnie
      – Chris
      – Lois
      – Joe
      – Bruce
      – Herbert
      – Uncle Sam Peter

      Note: all these characters drop fireworks with task, so even after they are no longer getting items for character/skin, they will provide event currency. And sadly, of course, nothing for Peter that is readily apparent until he gets his Uncle Sam outfit.


      • Actually, they do not keep dropping event currencyafter you have enough of the items they drop , unless unlimited like the hot dogs. For example, Bruce drops hats for uncle sam peter, I got all 5 required,, he does not drop fireworks anymore


  17. Uncle Sam Peter requirements
    – 3 flags = reward from quest in Big Wiener building (in the event area) — you have to send Chris on a quest and it costs 2 hot-dogs to send him
    – 13 make-up = Lois sing anthem, Bonnie tailgate in parking lot
    – 5 hats = Joe salute flag, Bruce tip his hat,


    • We can see also


      • Here’s what I got beating the fire monster:
        Fire monster started at 2 health – got 1 leather.
        Fire monster started at 4 health – got 2 leather.
        Fire monster started at 6 health – got 3 leather.
        That’s 6, so I stopped there.


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