Let’s Hear All Your Bitching About Glitching

Just wanted to put up a post to try get all your glitch and issues in one place. Currently your glitch comments are spread across various posts which makes it hard to direct game support to them all. So if you’ve got an issue please comment on this post with all the details about your issue please.

35 responses to “Let’s Hear All Your Bitching About Glitching

  1. About a month ago there character of Chris, disappeared from the game. If I search for him the game gives me an error then crashes. I’ve contacted support they have me a canned answer about the multiple character issues. Now the character is a necessary for the new tasks.


  2. Why won’t the prom patio unlock all the buildings? I already have Neil and Chris. The quest I’m on says to place the sexy AF high school, but I can’t because that building and the last building are still locked? Why? I have 2,959 popularity which I believe is enough. It’s been like this for over a week. I’m losing progress and this sucks.


  3. Can not even open the game loads for 5 sec and stops


  4. I’m not sure if this is the kind of thing you’re asking about, but here it goes anyway. A few days ago, nerds that need to be cleared with Mid-life crisis Lois appeared again, and i finished districts questlines a few years ago. I haven’t tried clear them because Lois is busy with current stuff, so I couldn’t say if they’re dropping as in the district questline or what they’re doing.
    This is not harmful at all; just sharing to add to the collection of weird stuff happening in our games right now 🙂


  5. game boots me to the main screen a lot. have to repeat all actions. seems to occur mainly when collecting medals (at the moment I only have around 50 characters in there since everyone else is collecting Stewie Bucks), but maybe because my iPad is slightly old too.


  6. So the Fear No Evil questline opened in my game a couple days ago when I unlocked E Stewieworld. I’m up to part 4, which I could complete by collecting rent from Tiny Tots Sweat Shop. Should I work my way through the questline? Or do you know if a fix is coming to remove it? Or, based on all the glitches, is it smart just to not touch it?


  7. Everything I’ve done in the game for minutes is not saved when I leave the game. I have to stay 5 minutes after doing all the missions and tasks because if not when I re-enter it marks me as if I hadn’t done them.


  8. I had lots of characters stored in my inventory. They’ve gone missing. Been playing for years and I had tons of characters and they’re gone. The characters I had saved in Tan Lines are still there. But I’m afraid they’re not going to be able to figure out how to get my missing characters in my inventory restored.


  9. My game still has constant disconnections making it almost impossible to play at all. I normally get connected the first time i log on and then it starts. My issues predate E Stewieland. I am using an Android device and update 3.3.3 did not help at all.


  10. Hi, I have purchased e Stewie land and 3 Stewie that I didn’t have but my Stewie quagmire is locked for some reason. How can I get this character. Thanks


  11. My game is still getting the “loss of connection” error. I can clear Consuela’s Vacuum and send characters on new tasks, but about 60 seconds after opening the app, I get the error and everything I just did get’s lost. Going on 2 weeks now…


  12. Lots of characters multiply. For many of already owned costumes drops were renewed from buildings and other characters. Other things:
    Every Stewies costume I owned disappeared, except the ones I unlocked unwillingly because of this glitch;
    When I try to send character to do a daily task, if it is in an inventory, game will ask me to move to one of alternate Quahogs (99% is E. Stewieland), then immediately another window pop up to move back to normal Quahog. Task still isn’t activated, not even a character is found or pulled out of inventory. If I try to do the task again scenario repeats, but game wants to go to other alternate world, and than back to primary;
    After starting the game I have many characters, that are multiplied, roaming around town. When I click them it sends me back to Tan Lines, where I store them. I put the new ones there and can play fairly normal. Right now I have clones of Chris, Stewie, Jerome, Consuela, Connie, Quagmire, Cleveland and Space Cats. All adding up to over 80 occupants, who generate Stewie bucks every day (LOL);
    In this event (Daddy-O Guy) I had also multiplied Cheerleader Stewie and Letterman Brian in Harringtons shop (6 copies of each of them). I gathered almost all the stuff for Stewiefor the second time and unlocked him with few Clams again, gaining gold trophy once more. About that I can’t complain, as I needed this 😉
    And obviously game crashes occasionally, usually when using vacuum cleaner or when I click too fast on QHS building to pull characters out after their 8 hours is finished. But at least it’s quicker now than before v3.3.3.


  13. Also there are new costumes in the rank area that were not there before. I collected the clam for ran 92 but today it shows that I didn’t and there’s a costume I had to purchase.


  14. Thank you for helping to address these issues! Several very frustrating glitches since Alternate Quahogs began last week:
    1. Meg and Seamus popped up “Construction Complete” messages, and now all of their previously unlocked costumes are gone.
    2. Duplicate copies of Joe, Bonnie, Jerome, Seamus, and Consuela appeared after visiting Alternate Quahogs.
    3. Several characters now have tasks to collect items for Joe and Bonnie costumes that are already unlocked.


  15. List of issues since E.Stewie update

    1. Multiple characters now have duplicates

    2. Historical society has locked many characters that were already unlocked

    3. Unlocked costumes for Joe Lois and Chris are now locked and buildings are producing items to unlock the skins again

    4. Game is crashing when I attempt to vacuum coins


  16. My only issue is the crashing, like 80% of the time when I use the Conseula money collector function. I make sure I do it at the end of my game time, after visiting Ollieland to “save” the game state. It often crashes several times in a row, meaning I have to reload the slow-loading game, and keep trying until the function works.

    Side note: I would really love a way to turn off coin generation. I have 70 million and don’t need any more. My game is slower when there’s a lot of coins to collect, but I have to put up with it until the end when I can collect it. It’s just an unnecessary step to clear something I don’t need and that’s really only an annoyance to me.


  17. Connection issues. After about 30 seconds entering the game, consuela pops up to tell me there is connection issues. I can’t play at all.


  18. Okay, so I previewed by did not buy E. Stewieland.
    I have a number of characters in inventory (mostly ones who are frequently used in quests, so I don’t want them in QHS.)
    If one of them was needed for a task, and I just click to find them and start the task, it wants me to go to E. Stewieland. Nobody is there of course. I have to pull them out of inventory, and even then, it tries to send me to E. Stewieland.


  19. I have instant crashes when opening E.Stewieworld, which is bad, as I can’t finish the current event. I have Bruce stuck there.


  20. I can’t complete buffalo bill questline for months because his basement missing from the game i got him from historical society months ago


  21. alls good in the game for now till when ever next issue happens


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