Riverfail – End of Event Feedback Page

Welcome to the latest new end of event feedback page. where today I’m asking you to tell me what you thought about the event, the characters, costumes, buildings, drops, questlines, glitches. Basically here’s the page where you can tell us everything and anything you want to feedback to Jam City, just keep it PG.  

***I’m putting this up now as there’s been flexible end times on recent events so just give us your feedback here when you’re done with the event or when it is officially over if you’re playing until the end***

Remember you can say more than you simply liked or disliked the event, such as commenting on the format, the content, what material drops held you back or irked you, what character or costume you’re mad you missed out on, or even which you weren’t fussed about getting. You can share with Jam City how glitches impacted your play, or even how support dealt with any issues you had, such as did they help you get back on track or did they fail to help you at all. Basically any thoughts you share here will be passed to Jam City. 

11 responses to “Riverfail – End of Event Feedback Page

  1. I got all the freemium characters but drama Meg was really hard… Just two minutes before the end of the event!


  2. Event was OK. Finished all weeks with a little time to spare and got all the characters. Only minor complaint is that by the end of these events you build up large amounts of event currencies that are useless. Had over 6000 popularity, 80 cannonballs, tons of silver bullets, etc. left over.


  3. Logged on every day of the event and could not play due to connection issues. I’ve been playing this game every day for over 5 years, and while I have missed a few characters due to glitches, this is the first time I haven’t been able to play for an entire event. Not happy about this. I would have thought an issue like this would have been a major priority for this company to fix, and would have liked the event to have been extended or put on hold until they did fix it. Looks like it’s time to find another game to play, and not by choice 😦


  4. Found the collect and send all to gold buttons on the unlock page for historical society


  5. Jam city, bring back face space posts!


  6. Got popular Chris and Neil. Very happy. Fun event


  7. Jackets and bottles are to hard to get. Rest of the event is okay.


  8. Kinda tricky, But I somehow got popular chris


    • Good event. I finished it Friday FFreemium and have like 10,000 extra of the game currency. I used the extra time to clear QHS Rank 101. Only 1 few new Real Playable Character in QHS for the past several weeks or months now. Please no more useless skins. Those costumes are just a nuisance. Make RPCs.


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