Monthly Archives: October 2021

8-Bit Event Links

Click on a link below to see an events post.

***Please note not all links will be immediately available***


Overview Post
Main Questline – Console Yourself 
Side Questline – Brian Kong
Side  Questline – 8-Bit Peter
Side  Questline – 8-Bit Lois
FaceSpace Sets
Where Are You Now
Event Feedback

Main Questline: Console Yourself- Clam Reward

Hello Addicts!!!

For those of you that have been asking about the Clam reward for completing the main Questline I can confirm it’s only 5  clams. So my advice is don’t spend clams to complete it, unless you’re obsessive about Questline completions that is.

Click here for Questline

Quick Questing & Character Tasks: Ape Peter

Greetings Addicts!

Rise and shine cause its Questline time!!!

Yes let’s gather round and take a look at this new character’s questline and tasks.

*** Please note this character was only available as part of a material bundle offer which was bought for real $$$ ***
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Quick Questing & Character Tasks: 8-Bit Peter

Greetings Addicts!

Rise and shine cause its Questline time!!!
Yes let’s gather round and take a look at this new character’s questline and tasks.

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8-Bit Event – Where Are You Now?

Hey there Addicts, it’s time to find out where how you’re getting on in the latest event to hit our games!Yes with the event halfway over I thought it was time for the Where Are You Now post.

So  you best get busy telling us how you’re getting on with collecting materials and completing the Questline.

What The Deuce!!!

Happy Weekend Clammers! Well we’ve all made it through another week and the weekend is here!

All week we field your comments about your frustrations in the game and we wanted to give you (and us) a way for you to voice your frustrations and get it all off of your chest.

So welcome to WHAT THE DEUCE?!

What the Deuce

Here’s your place to vent about anything and everything, Family Guy or not. Consider this your weekly bitch fest and get it all out with a good…WHAT THE DEUCE?! And start your weekend fresh! 🙂

Just be respectful of others & be mindful of the language while commenting. Censor yourselves so we don’t have to!!  

Go on, get it off your chest…you’ll feel a lot better! 🙂

Time Traveller Madness – Just a heads up that the feature is being tested in some players games…

The feature is going live in a few players games as TinyCo do further testing. But don’t worry if you’re not one of the players that has it in their game as all players will see the function very soon.

You might still see the Time Machine in your store to place for free but it won’t do anything unless your game is part of the current beta testing.

Quick Questing & Character Tasks: Brian Kong

Greetings Addicts!

Rise and shine cause its Questline time!!!

Yes let’s gather round and take a look at this new character’s questline and tasks. Continue reading

8-Bit Event Main Questline: Console Yourself

Hello Addicts!!!

Let’s go on our travels through the latest event.

Yes it’s time for us to gather round and take a look at all you will encounter in the  Main Questline.

Continue reading

8-Bit Event Overview!!!

Here comes all the info on the new event.

For all Event Posts clíck here

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