Merry Christmas

Wishing you all a Nutty Noel when it comes in your time zone. And yes I have been watching National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation. 

~ Russian Tigger

13 responses to “Merry Christmas

  1. I have not thought of this game in forever.. I had a strange dream last night (no idea why, after so long) and it was that I was talking to you and Bunny, just like in the good old days.. we were all saying “goodbye” to each other because this game had come to an end. I just had to look up this game again after that. 😉
    Hope you have been well RT. I told you that I would (well, might) return.. one day..
    Hope you had a great Christmas and will have a fantastic New Years.

    I don’t think that I have played this game for well over a year.. actually, it could be a few years now (no idea how long 😄)..
    Speaking of Christmas, one of my favourite events was when they released all of the old 1980s toys (such as the Tetris Christmas tree and the Space Invaders Santa display).
    I remember trying to win “ALF” when he was released to the game.. and Ferris Bueller as well.. I remember having a “Rick Astley” street with all the “Never Gonna Give You Up” shops.. also when they released the “VHS” shop (and I started talking about “Beta” videos).. and how much of a fan I was of the 1980s movie “Return To Oz” when the Wizard Of Oz event came to the game..
    So many memories..
    I will probably not touch this game again but I did have some fun while it lasted, I must admit. I also really enjoyed talking to both you and Bunny on a (almost daily) basis.

    Do they still release 1980s characters to the game? Or have they not done that for a long time? Is the pace of the game still as frantic as it was (where you are under constant pressure to complete all activities before the [short amount of] time expires)?
    I think you are fantastic for sticking / assisting people with this game for so very long RT.. What a true champion!
    All the best to you from your old friend, [that you probably thought you would never hear from again] Jacob.

    P.S. Wow, I just put in my e-mail address and my old icon popped right up.. have not seen it in a long time.. 😁


  2. Cherry Mistmas RT!


  3. Good grief typos. *face palm* lol

    *for all you DO
    *more players than I’m sure you know.


  4. Merry Christmas! Thank you so much for all you running this site! Commenting has seemed pretty dead lately, but all your time and work helps more players I’m sure thank you know.


  5. Happy Holidays Tigger!


  6. Happy Holidays to you, too. Thanks for all you do year ‘round for this crazy community of FG-TQFS lovers.


  7. Merry Christmas and a wish for lots of great memories to be made during this holiday for you and member addicts along with everyone’s family and friends.


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