Game News – Is there a future?

Lots of questions regarding the future of the game, many believing we’ve reached the end of the road, or Spooner Street. I think giving up is understandable after 5 months of repeated events, and I know even at that they aren’t the events you’d love to have repeated. But from what I know the game is not in suspended animation like FWOT was and new content is planned, what I can’t say is when. And I know the longer it takes the more you feel like drifting away to other games. But I’m hoping we’ll see something soon. 

And as well as above, players who’ve been contacting game support are being told similar so don’t give up, yet. Below is the response a player shared with us in the comments. 

“I appreciate the time you’ve taken to contact us and provide us with your feedback about bringing back resurfaced events, and we’re grateful for your loyalty.

Please note that our development team is currently working on releasing more content so that you will be able to continue playing and enjoying the game. Please stay tuned for upcoming updates and announcements by visiting our social media sites like Facebook:

However, to give some time and provide events, we are bringing back old ones, so players can have the chance to unlock characters they didn’t.

Your understanding of the situation is highly appreciated! If you need additional assistance, please feel free to let me know. Thank you for playing and have a wonderful day.”

Anyway I hope that gives you some hope. Until then I’ll only be posting the links to the repeated events, but be sure once the game fires up again so will the blogging. 

14 responses to “Game News – Is there a future?

  1. An ENTIRE YEAR of repeats.
    Despite the ‘assurances’ actions speak louder than words. Had they been honest and upfront at the fact that for a least a year the game would get no new content people would have known where they stand.
    The game is surely dead. You cannot treat your regular players who you rely on like this and expect them to return day after day to a game thats got no content.
    Id be very surprised if the game doesnt end as surely most by now have given up on it and moved on to other things.


  2. I just wish in the lull they would make a couple fixes to character related stuff. Like being able to find ‘all’ characters and each individual players status with them, if they have them or not. And make it simple to find, not distributed throughout a perpetually scrolling list of events in which a character may have appeared (but missing some of the characters that may have been Mystery Box or pure having to purchase). I have over 700 characters grinding for gold in the QHS and finding a character in that normally kills the memory for my game and crashes it, as does looking thru FaceSpace.


  3. I’m thinking of giving up on the game.
    Too many repeat events and usually it’s the character on the final week that I don’t have, and they make it so difficult to get it.
    Annoying to have to use 1 character to get a certain item and it could take several days to complete 1 section!


  4. I’m sticking with it. I’m a glutton for punishment. Been playing since day one. Waiting for past events and characters I enjoyed, like Star Trek or WWF.


  5. My game is very buggy. Takes a while to open and then when I make a small move it closes. Is this a common issue? Any suggested fixes.


  6. Whilst this sounds great, the FWOT support team said similar before closure. Please see a few responses.

    “It is indeed possible, especially from some unreleased ones we have on file. I truly hope to see events back into the game as much as you do, therefore, I’II be glad to follow up on your request for new events with the team in charge of those decisions.”

    “Glad to hear back from you again.
    Let’s work on this.
    I’m afraid that I’m unable to disclose plans for the unreleased content of the game although, I would love to disclose more about it.
    By the way, congratulations on finishing all game content in the game, you’re a great player, it truly shows a lot of dedication!
    I’II take the opportunity to submit this ticket as feedback on your behalf to let the team know how interested players like you are in more updates, events, and content.”

    Then it was closed. It’s also the last TinyCo game around, and the last city builder/character collector they have so I’m not too hopeful.

    Happy to be proven wrong though.


  7. I just assumed this was related to the entertainment writers strike. The repeats and the strike started about the same time. Thanks’ for the update Squirrel Girl.


  8. at least they finally said something and now the sun is shining a little bit


  9. Well, I guess that something. Of course I haven’t opened the game in 2 months. Just check here to see if it’s new and go on with my day.


  10. At least it’s not just me asking these questions to support, but it is frustrating with another repeated event.

    Tbh I’ve broken my “addiction” to this game by not playing it for a few weeks – my phone says I last opened the app 13th July, which is a long time for a game I played daily for 9 years.

    Hopefully it’ll come back soon before it’s too late and players move on to another game to get obssessed with.


  11. Will FGTQFS reach its 10th anniversary? I doubt that it will.


  12. That Facebook link they provided is not working for me in a browser, and I cannot find them trying thru the iOS Facebook app. A few public/private groups related to it, but nothing directly for whoever the developers are now. Was able to find Tiny Co (JamSoft) that had a lot of posts in 2015 looking for workers but apparently has been abandoned since then.
    As far as I am concerned, every time we have a “tell them what you really, really want” most of the requests are the ability to get previous characters. Guessing the stuff we have been seeing was from early in the new format that used just a couple frameworks with different artwork and dialog, and also why so much of the artwork and dialog can seem ‘off’ at times as they try to plug and pray it into those frameworks, but they can’t really go back any further than that without structurally changing the game and then they run the risk of major outages again, massive glitches and bugs, etc.
    They have no idea how to tell when a player started playing or what they individually have, so while the writers and artists write and art, we get replays with a chance to get something you missed. If you didn’t miss it? I have suggestions but Squirrel Girl would probably not want me to say them.
    You can either continue to open the app and tap away just for the sheer addiction satisfaction, or take three weeks off, come back on that Wednesday, see what’s up and then alternate week, three weeks, week, etc until you see something new.
    Keep an eye here for late breaking news and maybe occasionally leave a comment asking how Squirrel Girl is holding up. Like, “Hey Squirrel Girl!! How ya doing? Thanks for hanging in there with us!!’


  13. I was told, in one message from support , that they were giving new players a chance to get some past characters.
    In their defense. This game has been running for 9+ years. That is a lot of data. I personally have upgraded devices in order to play. My problems were processor size and memory.
    So I get it.
    Peace ✌️


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