Tag Archives: Bronze Silver Gold Statue

Star Trek Enterprise: Replicator (Extra Week)

Hey there Tribblemakers!

TinyCo graced us with another week to offer many players unable to play a lil more time to get into their games and finish what Characters they were working on. What about those that were all done? What to do? Well, TinyCo thought of that too. Enter some extra items added into the game to utilize spare items if you have them, or work to get more if you so choose to.
Replicator Ice Cream

For items from Phase 1, see the main Replicator post HERE. 

For items from Phase 2 & 3, see the post HERE. 

For items from Phase 4 & 5, see the post HERE

For items from Phase 6, see the post HERE. 

Let’s take a look at the items added with the extra week of the Star Trek Enterprise Event. Continue reading