Tag Archives: Drama Badges

Southern Fried Griffins Premium Character Profile: Hillbilly Stewie

Hey addicts, grab your banjo as its Hillbilly time. Yeehaw!!!

Yes with the new Southern Fried Griffins event, we’re getting some new Character Costumes and one of them just happens to be Hillbilly Stewie.

Let’s throw you some information on what Hillbilly Stewie. can do in our silly lil games.

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Wet Hot Quahog Summer Premium Character Profile: Playwright Stewie

The pen is mightier than the sword, especially when brandished by Stewie!!!

Yes with the new Wet Hot Quahog Summer event, we’re getting some new Character Costumes and one of them just happens to be Playwright Stewie.

Let’s throw you some information on what Playwright Stewie. can do in our silly lil games.

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