Tag Archives: Family Guy American Flag

A Moment For Memorial Day

Hey there Tribblemakers!

Bouncing by with a few quick words on today. In the USA it is Memorial Day. A day many Americans use to remember those that are no longer with us. A time to mourn the loss of those no longer with us that have served, but to also appreciate time with those that are still here. fg_decoration_largeamericanflag@4x

Fill free to read our own personal thoughts on Memorial Day and those in service in the following post…

Addicts Remember Memorial Day

This day is not so easy for me as I am sure not for others as well. I have lost so many in the past few years. I actually lost my close friend suddenly last Memorial Day and it made it quite a struggle for the weeks that followed. But with the two amazing friends I have made within my Addicts Team as well as the strength from all of YOU, Our Amazing Addicts Community, I continue to count my daily blessings and know that no matter what I am never alone.

Take a few moments today to reflect where you have come from, those journeys you made in life, those that may not be with you… then look forward. Appreciate those still there in your life. Family, Friends, even those silly online Friends you have come to know and chat with. Embrace the joy and laughter life has to bring. In a world full of sadness, we all can use an extra smile. 🙂

Much Love,

Alissa, Bunny, & Wookiee

(FYI, we may not be round so much today as we will be taking some time to be with our families.)