Tag Archives: Free Guitar Picks

PeterPalooza Clam Offer In Game!

Hey there Festival Roamers!

Just bouncing by really quick to point out a Clam/Material offer that has popped into our Quahogs and the PeterPalooza Festival.

Peter will have a ! over his head triggering the offer, The Pick of Destiny.

Pick Of Destiny Clam Pick Offer

The offer basically breaks down as this, Buy $9.99USD or MORE worth of Clams and you will get 40 Skull Guitar Picks for FREE!.


So if you buy ONE any of the following offers…

Bin of 275 Clams ($9.99 USD)

Crate of 600 Clams ($19.99USD)

Drum of 1600 Clams ($49.99USD)

Tank of 3500 Clams ($99.99USD)

Once you complete the transaction and get the Clams in your game, Peter will complete the Reward and in return give you 40 Skull Guitar Picks.

Skull Guitar Pick Large

This is a TIMED OFFER and will run for 2 Days once you trigger it. 

Get It Gurl Clam Offer 2 Day Timer


So for those of you that would like to get a lil more for your money, this is the first offer we have seen for the PeterPalooza Event. Will you be taking the Offer? Did you already? Let us know.
