Tag Archives: how do i unlock football jersey chris

Quest for Stuff Quick Walkthroughs: Football Fever Week 1

Hello There Clammers!

Wow my first full, substance post on FG in a while.  Hope I remember how to do this!  It’s funny…within 5 minutes of playing the new update I was suddenly hit with all the things that make me crazy about this game lol.  Somethings never change!

Anyway…it’s football time in Quahog!  Time to bust out the cheeseheads, pom poms, foam fingers and body paint and get ready for some football!

Week 1 is full of annoying super fans, football pretty boys, touchdowns and frustrating rate drops…ah just another day in our Tiny Quahogs…..

Of course to help guide you along with the first week TinyCo has provided a fun little questline.  This is designed to help explain how the event works, as well as encourage you to earn more materials to unlock characters and prizes.  So let’s take a look at the details behind the week 1 questline and just what you’ll need to do to move onto the next phase when it hits next week…

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