Tag Archives: Humpty Dumpty Cleveland

Quick Questing & Character Tasks: Humpty Dumpty Cleveland – Picking Up The Pieces

Greetings Addicts!

Rise and shine cause its Questline time!!!

Yes let’s gather round and take a look at all you’ll encounter in Picking Up The Pieces Questline.   Continue reading

Lois In Wonderland Week 3 Addicts Area!!!

It’s time to get in the party mood, the mad hatter tea party mood that is…. Yup you asked for a readers page where you could share event tips & tricks and I’ve only gone and called your bluff and created one. So here’s where you can lay all your  Week 2 event progress on the table for your fellow addicts to see.

And it’s also where you can share any strategies or advice, hey you can even share your crazy tales here. So c’mon Addicts lets do this together.

In my game I’m seeing couple strange things, firstly Jabberwock Herbert, who is a NPC, is available to buy in my for free even although I’ve not defeated the Boss version 10 times, and secondly possibly because of this I can send characters to fight the Boss before I’ve even found him.

~ Russian Tigger

Lois In Wonderland Week 3 is here….. and it’s the final week….

It’s time to jump down the Week three rabbit hole the latest event to hit our games,  Lois In Wonderland is here.

I’m seeing the full event on IOS, app version 1.82.5, and pulling info now and I’ll get the LIVE post up as soon as possible. But you should throw caution to the wind and get going as it’s the final week.

Yes, let me repeat me repeat it’s the final week so get going on unlocking Queen Of Hearts Stewie!!! 

~ Russian Tigger

FaceSpace Sets – Lois In Wonderland

Hi Clammers!

FaceSpace made a welcome return to our games a while back, and  I’m pleased to say there are some new clam sets  in Lois In Wonderland. So I just wanted remind you about these as they can be a nice source of bonus clams. If you want to know what’s coming and what you’ll get, then continue reading.

***Warning Spoiled Clams ahead – I mean Spoilers ahead***

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