Tag Archives: John ‘Jigsaw’ Kramer

A Very Griffin Holo-ween Character Questline: John ‘Jigsaw’ Kramer – Piece Of Work

Hey Addicts!!! There’s a Questline looming so come out, come out wherever you are.

So here’s how to get John ‘Jigsaw’ Kramer through his killer  Questline. Continue reading

A Very Griffin Holo-ween Character Profile: John ‘Jigsaw’ Kramer

Hey Addicts, with all the murder and mayhem hitting our towns, I think it’s time for a head count of who’s newly wandered into Quahog.

John ‘Jigsaw’ Kramer is making a terrifying entrance as part of A Very Griffin Holo-ween.

Let’s throw you some information on what John ‘Jigsaw’ Kramer can do in our silly lil games. Continue reading