Tag Archives: Showgirl Brian

Quick Questing & Character Tasks: Showgirl Brian – Shaking Tail

Greetings Addicts!

Rise and Shine cause it’s Questline time!!!

Yes let’s gather round and take a look at all you’ll encounter in the Shaking Tail Questline.   Continue reading

Fear And Loathing In Quahog Week 3 is here…..and Liberace is NOT timed

They say what happens in Vegas usually stats in Vegas, apart from when it comes to Quahog…. Yup all bets are off in the final phase to hit our games, Fear and Loathing in Quahog.

I’ll get the LIVE post up as soon as possible. Until then you can throw caution to the wind as there is NO timed content.

Yes let me repeat the good news, Liberace is NOT timed so go ahead and repair him in the event area to start working on him.  

And keep collecting those Silver & Gold Rewards Cards, they will be needed in Week 3!

~ Russian Tigger