Quahog Valentine’s Day Walkthroughs: Tea with Benedict

Hello There Clammers!

Valentine’s Day has arrived in Quahog & the residents of our Tiny Quahogs are really getting into the spirit of the holiday!  During phase 3 of the event you’ll have the opportunity to get a little sexy in the mix to help you along the way.

Benedict Cumberbatch will unlock for the purchase price of 200 clams in your store.  Benedict will help you earn additional Valentines with his tasks & he’ll also help you earn more more hearts to help you unlock the Valentine’s Day prizes!

Of course when you purchase Benedict he’ll come with a questline….So what are we waiting for?  Let’s take a closer look at Benedict and the questline you’ll encounter once unlocked…

Benedict Cumberbatch 1

Pride and Benedict Pt. 1
Peter starts

Get Benedict his M-otter-cycle- 200 Clams

Completed Task Earns 25 Homemade Valentine's

Pride and Benedict Pt. 2
Benedict starts

Make Lois Shoplift- 8hrs, Earns $80, 50xp

Completed Task Earns 25 Homemade Valentine's

Pride and Benedict Pt. 3
Benedict starts

Have Benedict Hail to the King- 6hrs, Earns 25 Homemade Valentine's, 45xp

Completed Task Earns 25 Homemade Valentine's

Pride and Benedict Pt. 4
Benedict starts

Have Benedict Pretend to Play Violin- 4hrs, Earns 20 Homemade Valentine's, 30xp

Completed Task Earns 25 Homemade Valentine's

Pride and Benedict Pt. 5
Benedict starts

Have Benedict Cumberbatch Be Steeped in Sexiness- 8hrs, Earns 30 Homemade Valentine's, 50xp

Completed Task Earns 25 Homemade Valentine's

Pride and Benedict Pt. 6
Benedict starts

Have Benedict Cumberbatch Search for Clues at Quagmire’s- 10hrs, Earns 35Homemade Valentine's, 59xp
Have Lois Get an Adrenaline Rush- 1m, Earns $5, 3xp

Completed Task Earns 25 Homemade Valentine's

Pride and Benedict Pt. 7
Benedict starts

Have Benedict Cumberbatch Have a Dance off at Cumberbatch- 6hrs, Earns 25 Homemade Valentine's, 45xp
Have Quagmire Giggity Strut- 2hrs, Earns $20, 20xp

Completed Task Earns 25 Homemade Valentine's

And with that Benedict’s questline is complete!

What do you think of the Benedict’s questline?  Thoughts on the dialogue?  How about Benedict?  Did you purchase him?  Thoughts on his sayings?  Sound off in the comments below, you know we love hearing from you!

31 responses to “Quahog Valentine’s Day Walkthroughs: Tea with Benedict

  1. On my freemium account, I only had 3000 hearts and unlocked the bench for Cupid only yesterday. I have now gotten all required items except the Cupid statue. I need 1000 of my hearts to unlock cupid so I gave the mystery box two tries. Of course I only got decos so I guess bye bye cupid. Somewhat painful considering I got SO close… 😦

    Liked by 1 person

    • P.S. “hearts” above = “valentine cards”. And now I have some good news. After posting the above, I spent the last 1000 cards on a another cupid chance (and got a deco), but then got another 500 valentine cards from jobs/characters/buildings before going to bed. 8 hours later when I woke up, half an hour before the event ended, I somehow managed to get another 500 valentines. My last ditch effort scored me…Cupid statue – Yay!!

      Talk about down to the wire!!!


      • Correction: I just realised didn’t spend the 1000 cards before going to sleep – I hung onto them, so just before bed I had 1500, then 2000 before event ended allowing me the cupid win AND the unlock!


  2. I was disappointed in the Benedict character – other than earn hearts late in the game, he had no real value to the event.


  3. They should make it so we can pay with clams to get the cupid statue so we can unlock cupid. I was dumb enough to Insane Asylum instead of the statue while gathering hearts and now I’m completely stuck, all I can hope for is getting the cupid statue from the Homemade Valentine’s Box and it seems like I’m not lucky because I haven’t gotten it yet and I’m running out of time.


  4. Hi,

    What happens to any leftover valentine cards? Are they converted to cash when the event ends?


  5. Had to get Benedict being a Brit, and was pleasently supprised when part way into his tasks you get the chance to get his mansion and even better using the collected money from the game, so freemium, would have hated miseing out on him, and with the Building better value than Arnie, I purchased Arnie also, he only had a few tasks, and a shame Arnies tank was not available the same way as a thankyou from Tiny, rather than trying to get us to spend even more money. The fact Benedicts mansion is freemium is very much appreciated, please Tiny take this under advisement when players spend money for clams as I did for Arnie, only asking after for even more from us for a decoration, is a bit much.


  6. Tiny co. just posted on facebook that after the event is over we keep arnold and benedict. Here lies my question: So do we lose things that we earned like hot meg, glenda, cupid, and ida or do we get to keep them. Seems like if we unlocked it we earned it right? Any help would be awesome!


    • No… that isn’t what they said. They said “the ONLY thing that continues…” that means the only questlines that will go on. The rest, decos, buildings, anything you did NOT finish, did NOT buy, tasks you did NOT complete… that is what all goes. Event stuff.

      Anything you bought, won, or completed stays as is. Your to keep as far as characters as long as they are unlocked and wandering your town. 🙂


  7. I got him and Arnold. I thought I was threw with his quest until it popped up again. It will be like the other quest undone except for hot meg since I am on the last part. I am happy with my purchase.


  8. I am sure i am missing something or it has already been discussed, but I don’t see anywhere to get cupid yet I see him listed as part of this event? What did I miss?


  9. When this ends on Thursday does hit meg offer end too?


  10. I don’t understand why people put chars. In inventory. What is the point of having the game if you are not going to play. I have all 66 of my chars. Out and about alwaya. I got this game to play and play I do.


  11. I know this isn’t the place to ask this bit I wasn’t really thinking it’s a WTD.I’ve been playing about a year now and my memory usage is over 800mb is that normal or is something wrong with my device ?


    • VERY much going on in this game. You will see the memory peak, especially during highly active events like this. The OTHER game we play and write on spikes in the 1-2GB sometimes for me. This is why it is critical to keep a good solid strong signal to the game at all times, leave “wiggle room” on your device memory for the game, and make sure it is the ONLY thing currently running on your device. Otherwise you will run into crash and lag issue when that memory drain spikes the most.


  12. We totally need a voice clip of Benedict being Khan!


  13. I set a clam limit for myself so while I would love to spend clams on everything it’s not feasible as in the real world these things do nothing! I have AS and that is good enough for me. Honestly idek who BC is so I was not moved to add him. I am stingy when it comes to spending my real cash!


    • Same here, I recognized him from “The Imitation Game”, and I think he is a good actor. But I agree, spending real world money for clams is only something I do once every couple of months for a character I REALLY want.


  14. I think I would love another Brit in town im British so it’s nice to hear people who sound like me but I have 25 clams also 1 hour and then u have hot Meg I get to see this rumour in the comments about Meg an the front page
    all quest lines im on the last one for ( if not finished ) besides hot Meg and cupids second quest line involving hot Meg
    Then that’s it 100% quests complete


  15. I’m one of those Uber addicts that had to have them all! Now, according to my calculations, I’ll be finished with all quest lines tonight, except for Cupid’s last task, which will end at 11 am tomorrow. Plenty of time for any last minute things Tiny Co might throw at us! Looking forward to getting rid of the sprayers, pda couples, etc. Maybe I’ll get my life back for a few days. 😊


  16. I did get arnold, not the tank though, already have to many npc things slowing down the game, I didn’t get bennidict either, I’m a guy, who cares about him just women. I got hot meg, now does this stop the heart collecting? Or should we keep on collecting them becouse there is nothing to decide for. I went straight up love hearts for every prize so I’m gonna keep on collecting love hearts unless bunny or alissa say otherwise. Have a nice day.


  17. I didn’t buy him nor Arnold. It’s not that I don’t like them, but I’m dissapointed in how they’re reduced to expensive inventory statues after the events. Sure they sometimes helped a bit with 1 day tasks, but i don’t need more inventory chars.


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