Caption This Clammers!

As you are playing through quest lines, finishing up some tasks, or seeking to get those “rare” items for our characters… you may catch a glance at some of the funny moments that happen in our games. For those of you that are watching and are actually able capture these rather silly and strange things as they happen, we want to see them.

Now comes the fun part, once a week we will be posting these silly images here but want YOU, the readers, to caption them for us. So put on your silly thinking hats, let out that lil comedian inside, and have some fun! (Keep them PG please.)

This week’s Caption This was sent in by Addicts Reader BMan….



If you’ve got an image you’d like to submit for a “Caption This Clammers!” post, email it to us at or post it on the Family Guy Addicts Flickr page, you never know when yours might be next!

39 responses to “Caption This Clammers!

  1. “EVERYONE SING WITH ME “…… Kumbaya my lord Kumbaya…. Kumbaya my lord Kumbaya…, STRIPPERS BURNING LORD Kumbaya….. Oh lord Kumbaya


  2. johnnyicemaker

    Did I Do That!!?? (in Steve Urkle voice)


  3. (SUNG) This girl is on fìiiiiiiiirrrreeeeee


  4. Turning fire into a stripper would be nice miracle for the 21st century.


  5. Jesus: It’s so nice to speak to you dad. I have so much to tell you.
    God: Who is this? How’d you get my number?
    Jesus: Dad. It’s me, your son Jesus.
    God: Oh right. (Turns rain on to put out the fire)


  6. Grandpa Yahweh? It’s been forever!!!


  7. How else was I gonna get Fireman Chris on stage?

    Liked by 1 person

  8. “Oops!”


  9. Sorry to leave this comment on this post. Im only doing so because I noticed the fire acadamey is in it. Can someone please advise how you kept it or where you recovered it from. Thanks. I can’t find it in my inventory.


  10. Jesus took it literally when Peter said he wanted to see the strippers burning hot bush.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. When I said all the sinners would burn I didn’t mean like this

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  12. Jesus, when I told you that stripper is on fire, I didn’t mean for you to take it literally!

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  13. Mom said to stop making it rain on this stripper pole and show California some love.


  14. Jesus: I wasnt expecting to find the burning bush here!


  15. I’ve taken on Satanism.


  16. johnnyicemaker

    Does anyone have some oil or grease? The pole needs to be lubricated before we have another friction related fire.

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  17. Guess how i started this fire, it was’nt 2 sticks


  18. And then there was fire!


  19. Ahhhhh Heavenly S’mores anyone? I’ve got chocolate graham crackers!


  20. Thanks Dad! A stripper for my birthday is what I always wanted.


  21. johnnyicemaker

    I knew that Bonnie’s infidelity would eventually come to haunt her…


  22. What the deuce? Did the devil get to the stripper show before Me?


  23. Hello bunny and friends, I got a no no no message saying contact support, I have through the in game menu conversation, is that the best way to go? Also I have NEVER ever used third party sites, I use iTunes and use gift cards out the wazoo I’ve spent thousands on this darn game, this is really a pain, also it didn’t lower my clam total though, what gives

    Also I tried using their website to contact support and when u hit send it just spins and spins, so minutes now and I’ve tried over and over, they are treating people crappy and it’s not appreciated it, I’ve invested thousands I can’t even express how enraged I am

    Tried asking on a different board..never got through mediation


  24. “So let me get this straight, you send a burning bush to Moses, but I get a burning stripper pole? Where is the eloquence in that?”

    Liked by 1 person

  25. Just me and my Dad having a chat


  26. “Who else but Jesus?”


  27. Oh my dad; that stripper was on fire. I mean, her bazukaas were like this big.


  28. my names jeff

    And for my next trick, fire,….
    wait, what do you mean fires already invented… oh jesus christ

    Liked by 1 person

  29. GenFireDragon

    “What do you want to me to say, Spirit? I don’t think you would make a good stripper and I don’t think dad would approve.”

    Liked by 1 person

  30. RocknRedneck19

    I … have made fire!


  31. “I bet you wish we *Hic* still had some of that *Hic* water left… *Hic*”


  32. Sorry Bonnie. But I warned you about struttin’ your stuff.


  33. Anyone got a witch? Joan of arc? I’ll settle for Harry potter.

    Liked by 1 person

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