Dear TinyCo: I Would Really Like…..

NOTE: As stated clearly below, I wanted a POSITIVE Post. This is not a What The Deuce. If you wish to vent, don’t bother commenting. 

This is for creativity and ideas, NOT to vent. Those disrespectful and not caring of a simple request will be moderated. I find it ridiculous people still don’t have respect for the Addicts in this regard.


Hello There Clammers!

Li'l Peter Griffin

With me under the weather and dealing with some personal stuff on this end, I wanted to kind of take a step back and out of the Current Event and focus on something positive for the game. Things we have hopes and wishes for that will be changed and/or added to the game.

We’re nearing the 2 Year mark of TQFS!  As the game continually evolves we still notice comments about upcoming items/features you’d love to see in the game.  This is a central place for you to put your game requests (features, events, characters, decorations etc) for TinyCo to see all of your great ideas!

Remember… TinyCo does listen to YOUR requests (and they do read this blog!) as evident by the Character Locator, Sell Feature, Coin Collector, and so many more items it’s hard to name them all.

To start us off, here are some thoughts from me…

  • More options for roads then just roads: Dirt, Cobblestone, Pavement, etc.
  • Resize ALL items in the game: Over time items have been added to the game that don’t seem to be sized the same. Maybe to help with the “space” issues, many of these can be resized or even downsized so we can fit more into the limited land we have.
  • Land: I know this one it a tough one, do to the limited space TinyCo can offer in the game to keep with the RAM limits… but I really am hoping more comes along soon.

There you go. Feel free to sound off in the comments below of some cool, fun, innovative, and new ideas of things YOU would like to see in the game in the future.


196 responses to “Dear TinyCo: I Would Really Like…..

  1. I had an idea for the game but I can’t find email details for tinyco.

    I also don’t want to email them through the game as last time I did that, they flagged me for cheating and wiped my game and I had to start all over again. I didn’t cheat (I wouldn’t know where to start) so I’m not risking that again.

    The game is called Quest for Stuff, and that is the entire point for me, to collect every single item, building, character, deco etc the game offers. I’ve been playing since the beta and am lucky enough to have nearly everything. However, I spent a few months in hospital which covered one major event, one minor event and a portion of another major event, meaning I don’t have any of those items, leaderboard prizes or characters etc and that infuriates me.

    I think tinyco should release an update to the inventory with a tab showing items you don’t have and give you the opportunity to pay for them with clams and/or stewiebucks. Obviously these would be at an inflated price or number of clams, but it would then allow you to collect those items, decos etc you have been coveting or missed collecting for various reasons.

    What do the Addicts community think?


    • RussianTigger

      I think we’ve seen in last 2 events that old event characters/costumes are being made available, Mr Miyagi, Mr Washee Washee, Condom Chris and so forth. I like the way they’re doing that and hopefully it will continue in this event with likes Bertram available. But I doubt there is much appetite among players to spend a high number of clams on premium items that have no event use now, the point paying premium is they help during the event they featured. A few could go into Tan Lines easily. But as I say unless you’ve endless clams, I can’t see people spending them on high clam cost past event buildings and characters/costumes.

      Your in game support is the best way to contact TinyCo, they do have an email but it is for help requests not game thoughts, but it’s if you want to try them.

      Anyway that’s only my opinion, what do other addicts think? Would you be willing to spend an inflated amount of your hard earned clams on past event decor, buildings and characters? If not, well I think I can guess why. If so, who or what would you be willing to break the bank for.


      • I agree some are being made available, but not all of them. If there was an inventory tab with items you dont have on it, I could pick and choose what items I wanted to introduce into my game. Tinyco would make a profit as I would have to buy them so its a win-win situation for them.

        It doesnt matter to me if those characters/buildings/decos are not usuable in any new events, sometimes you want something just because you want it, not for any practical reason. I dont have any of the Star Trek event characters, costumes, buildings or decos because I was in hospital and unable to play during that event and it drives me insane with jealousy whenever I see screenshots of the game with Enterprise crew walking the streets, the Enterprise D in a transport section etc. I really want those items and I would be willing to pay clams or stewiebucks to get them.

        I know I’m not the only person that wants this as its been posted many times before, here and on other family guy sites. It used to come up on reddit all the time.

        Tinyco wouldnt have to release the update during an event, but as part of the normal update schedule, and it would only mean more revenue for them and we get the items we missed. As I said before, win-win.


        • RussianTigger

          I think I’ve seen many, many requests for old characters to come back but I’ve never seen players say they’d be happy if thy came back at inflated clam prices to be honest. There are not many completionists playing this game, as the clam spend would be too high to keep up. You also need remember that with some characters they may have limited license agreements so they might never come back.


  2. DEAR TINYCO, If you guys could repeat limited events that would be so cool! 1.) it’s a way to get the items you missed. 2.) I’m sure many people like me deleted the game for a while and now we are left out on so many of this items and characters we could’ve gotten! Maybe even pay clams to re-do past events!


  3. • Give each character a task for *each hour increment. It’s so struggling to have the shortest task for a character only be 4 hours or 2 hours. Sarah Connor, from the 2015 Christmas event, has a task for almost every hour increment (1hr, 2hrs, 3hrs, 4hrs, etc.) including odd numbers, which she has been the only character that I’ve ever seen with odd number hour tasks.
    I don’t think it’s necessary for every character to have a task for every hour increment, or even tasks that last shorter times than an hour (e.g. 1min, 30min, etc), but every character should at least have a different task for each hour increment spanning 1hr to 12hrs.

    When trying to level up my characters, they are all doing different length tasks and it becomes difficult to manage them and I have to be in the game a lot more due to these different times.


  4. • There should be an option to level up a character by one level for a clam price. The price would have to depend on amount of xp needed to complete the specific level.
    • Sync the xp level shown in Facespace and in the character finder popup. Facespace always shows a fuller xp bar which is misleading.
    • Coin to Clam conversion. Whether a steep conversion rate or not, it would be great to be able to convert some of my un-needed coins into clams.
    • More characters available for coin prices.
    • New districts. I’m not through all of the existing districts yet, but it would be cool to have new districts soon in place of events. New land would increase the storage and memory of the app, but new districts would be cool.
    • An event that’s all about Peter’s relatives and ancestry. The show often has cutaway scenes with relatives or ancestors of Peter, all of which essentially look like peter. It would be cool to have some kind of event that implements all those Peter-doppelganger relatives.

    • I would love to see a feature that gave a list of all the characters on task. With a scrollable list of all the characters currently on task, you could easily see where everyone is and how much longer their tasks will take to complete. The character finder only works for characters not on task, plus it doesn’t display them in a list. Facespace allows you to find any character whether on task or not, but this is in no quick or suitable for what I’m thinking. If we just had a new button, or even a new option under the menu button that when clicked gave us a pop-up of a list of every character on task, showing if they are in a building, possible drops, and the time remaining for their task. And I think it would be easiest to read if the characters were sorted by the length of time remaining for their tasks, so characters soon to be finished would be at the top and so on.


  5. I would like to see:

    Better descriptions of characters and items. When deciding on a purchase I want to know if a character is voiced, and if they have visual tasks. For decorations I want to know if they are animated or walk.

    Repeat events for people who missed them. Though I don’t like leaderboards in general, they are especially unfair in a repeat event.

    More ways to earn clams. Prices are way to high.

    I second the doll house idea and the link to separate playspace mentioned above.

    Add a red ! to anything in inventory that has a use in the current event.


    Firefly!!!!!!! Give us the verse.


  6. As far as more land and more room goes, couldn’t they just add a button that took us to more land like they do for events?


  7. Dear TinyCo,
    I have Klingon Chris on an away mission right now but he’s the starter for the next part of the main questline. So he is showing with an exclamation point in the upper left available character list but when I tap that it just goes to the away mission page that shows how much time is left and the questline won’t begin. Now, I just had about 15 characters get done with their tasks and when I go to reassign them via the available character list I have to tap on Chris and then close out the away mission popup 15 times to get those characters set on new tasks. Until he is off that away mission this will continue to be a problem any time I need to set other characters on task unless I follow them around and tap on the character directly. So if we can’t start a questline when a character is on away missions it would be great to just not show that exclamation task popup while they’re busy.

    With that said, this is another scenario where just fixing the available character task list would be beneficial. Like has been suggested by others, the fix would be to stop resetting the available character list back to the alphabetical beginning every time you send someone on a task. If we want to leave a character available or as described above can’t do anything with them because they are on an away mission – it would be much better if we could continue on through the whole list of available characters before coming back to the beginning of those remaining characters. That way we wouldn’t have to cycle back through any unavailable or intentionally skipped characters every single time we send someone further down the list on a task.


  8. I would really like to see Conway Twitty come in.

    It would be nice if more characters we spend our time getting would be useful.

    Either more ways to get clams or instead of so many things costing clams, they cost coins.

    An American Dad event would be great.


    • Conway Twitty is probably my favorite Family Guy cutaway. Had really hoped he would show up during Peter-palooza. Come on TinyCo, I_seeee_the_want_to_in_your_eyyyes!

      Also agree that another American Dad would be great. Missed it the first time around.


  9. 1. I can’t recall how many districts there are now, but could we have the Experience bar to grow per district unlocked or something? I mean I think my level was maxed about 18 months ago at level 50 or 60?, would love to see the experience bar need filling in again.
    2. Optimise the app, its file size is still the biggest storage eater on my iPhone 5S 16Gb 9.2.1 (well 11Gb thanks Apple) – we don’t all need huge iPad versions of all the graphics, this will also help with it currently being the slowest game I’m aware of to launch.
    3. Make it easier to show which characters are able to collect something, rather than getting everyone out of storage one at a time to check.
    4. Freemium play is becoming harder and harder, in the Football one, like so many recent events, I had to send so many collecting characters on pointless 4hr+ long tasks when they should have been collecting.
    5. One positive note – keep it up using characters like Finn and Deaths Dog, which are older characters on new events, I like that way of thinking!


  10. The repeat of the Star Trek reminded me of something I had thought of:

    I wish there was a way that TinyCo could have mini-events from the past trigger based on where players are in their game instead of everyone having to have the same event in their games at the same time. I am sure there are coding reasons which I could never understand that would prohibit this, but here’s what I am thinking:

    Players who have every district to date completed would get an event that featured characters who have been provided in districts later in the game (Olivia, New Brian, Paddy) since people have those. Newer players who aren’t quite that far would get an event that has already taken place, say Spanish Soap Opera Peter or Nature Week or something that features characters/skins that are in their game.

    Since the determining factor is advancement through districts since those are the characters that are used for drops, events would only trigger if someone has advanced that far in their games. And at the point whereby players have surpassed certain levels by completing a certain batch of events, those event characters can now be used for future events. Say for example, Angela and Opie. Their event gets triggered such that everyone would have it show up in their games at certain points and potential future events could feature them and people would only see them provided they are at that point in the games. It is a way for people to get a crack at past characters/skins and allow for more of these characters/skins to be used in the game.

    I am sure this isn’t possible due to the volume of coding that is necessary and I recognize that “Best Of” events and direct clam purchases for past characters/skins may be lining TinyCo’s pockets, but as a player from the onset, Star Trek Redux doesn’t do a lot for me for a lot of different reasons. But I am very happy that people who didn’t play the game last spring now have a chance at those characters. I will treat these two weeks as a respite and try to shelf my disappointment that this wasn’t a Valentine’s Day event. 😦


    • I wish we could do more with the characters we unlock in events. Like after the event I just put them away in inventory. We spent time and/or clams for them and it would be nice if they could help on future events. Or get costumes in future events. (Christmas King Butt? Valentine’s American dad family?)


  11. I would really like a easier way to find characters or buildings in the inventory or have required building and characters that are need for events at the front of there inventory.

    I would also love a Star Wars event.

    Thank you and love this site it helps me get through every event.


  12. I would like to see an event count down clock.


  13. I would like it if costumes/characters who are freemium the first time, return freemium.
    I also like Carol West/Pewtersmith, Joyce Kinney and Peter’s hairless twin to join our games! 😄


  14. I think that characters that don’t do ANYTHING during an event should all be grouped together so you can set them to their max task amount and not have to set each individually…it’s a massive time suck.


  15. Would really like things to also be in coins… granted a lot of coins… like 300000 for Cleveland for instance…
    Also maybe the ability to get characters that you have the house to like like Lil chips tennis Cort and it costs you 20 clans… or something like that….


  16. I agree with the chuggs thing I earned and messaged them and they’re saying no

    Also want evil monkey and Neil Goldman to go live
    Better drop rates
    The pepperidge farm guy
    Bill gates
    Seamus mcfinnigin for st Patrick’s or Father’s Day
    Barbara to the Lazarus
    A Star Wars event with the costumes from the movies even the multiple ones for Joe and Meg would be funny


  17. It would be great to be able to cancel a character task ( without having to speed clams to just rush it). This could be done in many ways, but even if I had to forfeit the entire thing so that I could stath another task, it could come in handy. Thanks.


  18. I would really like to see all the characters we work so hard for to be used more often to unlock other things. I would also like to see some more things that we can use coins for. I have about 14 million now and rarely use them. I would also like to see that we don’t have to choose which item we are working for in characters (like where a character has 2 or more items that they can drop. Use some of the unused characters for stuff)


  19. I would like to see another. Way to sort out inventory. I like what we do have but I believe there is one other option missing. There should be tabs that sort by event or holiday (after event is expired). Such as, all Halloween stuff in their own tan. All Christmas stuff in there own tab. Or even 1 tab where we can place things, to set up for the next holiday. This has been my pet peeve since day 1. Thank you for listening and being the best online freemium game!


  20. I wish…
    – That there was a way to cancel actions in case we choose the wrong one or change oour minds. Of course, cancelling an action would mean 0 drops, as opposed to using clams to speed it. It’d still justify the clam-spending if players want goodies.
    – That from time to time there were quests to get old outfits/characters in the way they did with slutty cat Meg or the ghostbusters outfits, with requirements similar to the original ones. Clam characters would remain available for clams only and free characters available for stuff.
    – That in big events FGcharacters/outfits are ‘earlier-to-get’ than celebrities or other movie characters.
    I think that’s all. I’d be more than happy with this 🙂


  21. It would be really nice to have more tasks that involve the premium characters we’ve already purchased or gained through loooooong tasks. I have been playing since the beginning and in the last 2 years (or so), with the exception of Santa this past Christmas, they haven’t reused the characters.
    While this may seem unfair to people that are new to the game, it goes a long way to reward the loyalty of those that have been playing longer and have endured many ups and downs.

    Liked by 1 person

  22. this a one thst i have already submitted to tiny co. a couple times, maybe, if i say it here also it i might get somemore attention.
    tiny co. what i really want is for my characters to gain xp for EVERY task i send them on. in the last couple of events you tied up my characters for 2 to 6 hours at a time doing things like being in a hummer, hovercraft, tank and helicopter. i was unable to level up new characters to unlock new task, because they were to busy fighting and not earning any xp.


  23. I would really like TC to stop catering to the paying players and go back to how it used to be: fun, exciting, and moderate ability to finish the event. I want them to listen when we write in.

    Liked by 1 person

  24. I would really like these things and your opinion if they look sensible.
    1)Peter’s Costume Box #1 and #2: I started this game after Spanish Soap Opera and Handsome Peter missions, so I cannot complete them but the game keeps promising 25 clams to complete each costume box on Facespace, at least it sounds like a promise, I started collecting those costumes and when I cought up with you, completing the main missions, I realized I still missed those custume, checked on this site and… they were gone forever, the game it’s still proposing an imposible task; that’s why I think we need a second chance on those 2 mission and get those costumes (not buying them thtough a mistery box, just a second chance on the original missions). Do you think it’s reasanable?
    2) it was about one year ago when they removed some of the “characters you can buy”, telling us they were going to rotate them, all of them came back eventually, except for Buzz killington. Since I do want to complete the “FaceSpace sets” I think he should come back for a couple of months. Again, proposing a mission you cannot complete, letting us starting it, and it takes a lot to complete those sets, is like breaking a promise to me, so we should be able to buy him (in this case it’s buying, not earning through a mission like those two costumes of peter’s).


    • I agree with you. I have both sets of Peter’s costumes incomplete as well becaue I’ve been playing for about 9 months. I’d like a little quest to collect items for those outfits, like the ones we got for Meg’s and Connie’s halloween costumes.


  25. How about the ability to store the Lazarus Portal in inventory? It was nice to be able to stash the Brewery once it was exhausted and became a simple deco, but the portal oddly remains “too important to put away.”


  26. I would like to be able to select which characters to collect from if they’re all in the same building.

    I would love to be able to use more characters. I understand wanting to include new players, and I believe you can do that and convert them to long term players if you demonstrate that things have more value.

    I’d also love more in game announcements, especially when an event shifts. Love this site, but I shouldn’t have to rely on it so much.

    Liked by 1 person

  27. I wish the Superbo.COUGH COUGH . The big game event was longer, I mean, so many players need Jesus man! I also think they need to add a new way to get clams, such as a daily bonus, challenges or a special building that drops clams!


  28. I wish that during these events we could use more of the characters we have earned, won and bought. I have so many characters in inventory doing nothing, it is a shame.

    Liked by 1 person

  29. Oh! And a way to interrupt tasks, that would be great. Too often I mess up and send someone on a task for an item and forget that I might complete it with another character. Then, someone is on a useless 12 hour task. Since the timing on these events is often REALLY tight, a way to interrupt a long task would be greatly appreciated.

    Liked by 1 person

  30. A break. Maybe a couple of weeks with no events. A chance for use to breathe, and a chance for TinyCo to fully think out events and timing BEFORE releasing them.

    Liked by 1 person

  31. Tiny Co has had a lot of events.
    They were great, however a lot of time effort and money went into creating event content that is now unavailable to new players.

    Tiny Co should make a way for users to be able to replay events. For example a player can checkout Valentine’s day 2015, earn buildings & characters from that event and after 30 days, the event would end again.

    This replay feature would take a lot of initial effort to setup to ensure stability, but in the end I believe would extend the longevity of the game by allowing more players to see content they have not previously played.


  32. I really like some of the ideas I have read about “long-term” characters. With events becoming more and more premium driven to the point where freemium players get behind in the first week and have no chance of completing them, it would be great to always have something in your game to be working for, even if it is way, way, way into the future. The “challenges” section hasn’t been touched since the game first launched and while that was a nice diversion at times, working toward something with an actual payout is the foundation upon which this game was formed. There are people who love Family Guy and there are people who love this game and there are people who love both. There should be something to keep people engaged and long-term goals that never go away would at least keep people engaged. If an event isn’t for you, at least you can still be logging into your game and perhaps the next event is a better fit and you can jump back in full-time. We are event-centric now as opposed to having districts any more, so at least long-term challenges would keep the game alive for some of us.

    Liked by 1 person

  33. I would love to see a Star Wars event and I would like to be able to send my friends resources they need during events or just little gifts in general when I visit them like in the 2014 Christmas event.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Before getting into sharing with neighbors I’d like to see some other way to add friends beside FB, and a way to hide FB friends.

      I’ve got two friends who are still playing, and all the others gave up during events, which I can see if I visit.

      One is stuck in last year’s Valentine’s day, one still had the mobster stuff, one still has PeterPaLooza, and I lost another with the Christmas event.

      I really want to hide the person who didn’t make out of level 1 since trying to visit brings up an error anyway.


  34. – more cats!!!

    – counters for event stuff we need to collect in quantity but aren’t the main currency so we’re currently operating blind, not knowing how much we have so we can plan tasks and purchases. Sometimes we can tell from the store or Al’s where it says things like 256/15 required available, but other times we’re kept in the dark until a purchase goes through (or not). Can you imagine if credit cards worked like that? Never telling you if you had enough credit left, you found out when your card was accepted or declined?!? Okay, some people do operate like that, but I don’t. The replicator room in the Star Trek event had a nice strip on the top showing how many of the different items needed we had, that kind of thing could be done in the central place for the event that is accessed by hitting the event icon at the bottom of the screen.

    – since they keep giving us decos that are rooms open on one or two sides (Star Trek, Halloween), we need a doll house type building in the shop (coins, please) that we can insert such rooms into for display. They look stupid just out in a field… But big dollhouses would be fun. Especially if the whole thing could be stored in the inventory as a unit.

    – more priority given to updating the faq when an event is launched and altered (for instance, when new event tasks are assigned to characters). Sometimes the event is launched before the faq is available, and it’s rarely updated in a timely manner when they make changes on the fly to help us limp through the event when we’re slower than expected. No wandering the web for sites like this to get basic info should be needed, they’ve got a good in-game faq setup and just need to utilize it better. A good addition to the faq for each event would be a single master list of characters and tasks (including times, please) that generate event materials, that would be easier for them to update promptly also.

    – when they do make helpful changes on the fly because we’re such slowpokes, they should notify us in a message after launch of he game, like they do for new clam purchases in the shop or when we need to update or when the event will be ending soon. If they’ve updated the faq, they can just have a button to take us to the faq for details.

    – did I mention more cats?

    Liked by 1 person

  35. Be able to look at a building where multiple characters are on a task, that has a check mark without said building becoming unchecked. I.e. choose what characters to complete task instead of sending all to completion.

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  36. All of these are so wonderful and well written, and I’m just sitting wondering if TinyCo is going to put Payton Manning in our lovely game. 😁


  37. Jason Voorhees, Freddy Kruger, American dad smith family, coins for clams, no more mystery boxes, just let us buy the items we want. Too much risk of getting useless crap in mystery boxes stops me from buying them. Finally, lower the cost of Cleveland!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  38. Once again…:
    1) When assigning a character to a task, DO NOT RESTART the upper-left selection list from the beginning! Instead just continue on to the next character.
    2) In the character task selection, ALWAYS show the required buildings/decorations/characters, not just if they are currently in storage or unpurchased.
    3) Option to TURN OFF the new follow-the-character behavior when assigning them to tasks.

    And new…:
    4) How about you make the game not crash every few minutes.
    5) Give me my Chugs that I earned honestly

    Liked by 1 person

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