Star Trek Main Questline: Star Trek Second Contact (Week 1)

Hey there Kardashians!! 😉

Tribbles are back, Lil Borg Kittens are roaming, somewhere the Captain is over acting, and poor Meg can’t even get a Klingon to love her.

With the Mini Event re-release of the Star Trek Event we now have a new Questline to take us through it, Star Trek: First Contact.

Star Trek Splash Screen

Let’s take a look at Star Trek: First Contact and all you will encounter along the way. 

For more information on the Event, check out the Main Event Page HERE.


Star Trek: Second Contact Pt. 1
Peter Starts

Repair the Shuttle: Takes 10secs, 500Family Guy Coin
Learn About the Enterprise: Tapping on GO will show the Pop Up window with Event Basics
Construct Borg Cube: Cost 1200Family Guy Coin

Completed Task Earns 1Anti Matter, 75xp


Star Trek: Second Contact Pt. 2
Peter Starts

Clear 8 Borg: While in Quahog, just tap on them to clear them
Have Starfleet Peter Reminisce About the Enterprise: 1min, Earns 1Anti Matter, 3xp
Travel to the Enterprise: Tap on the Repaired Shuttle to take you there

Completed Task Earns 3Anti Matter, 125xp


Star Trek: Second Contact Pt. 3
Peter Starts

Clear 28 Tribbles: Spawn roughly every 4hrs on the Enterprise. They do multiply when tapped
Collect 2 More Gamma Rays: Starfleet Peter Press All The Buttons OR Tribbles OR Borg Cube 63697 OR Starfleet Medical Center
Open the Bridge: Cost 4 Gamma RayGamma Rays

Completed Task Earns 5Anti Matter, 125xp


Star Trek: Second Contact Pt. 4
Peter Starts

Have Starfleet Peter Recline in Captain’s Chair: 6hrs, Earns 5Anti Matter, 30xp
Collect 3 Photon Torpedoes: Starfleet Peter Do the Peter Maneuver OR Vulcan Quagmire Live Long and Giggity OR Guinan Fire Her Gun OR Brown (Red) Tribbles OR Clam Purchase from Menu
Blow Up 2 Borg Cubes (takes 3 hits): Each Requires 3 hits & Cost 1 Photon Torpedo each hit

Completed Task Earns 6Anti Matter, 150xp


Star Trek: Second Contact Pt. 5
Peter Starts

Clear 2 Borg: On Enterprise they take 2hrs each, Requires Vulcan Quagmire OR Worf Or Deanna Troi 
Have Vulcan Quagmire Suppress the Giggity: 6hrs, Earns 4Anti Matter, 45xp
Have Starfleet Peter Do the Peter Maneuver: 6hrs, Earns 7Anti Matter, 45xp

Completed Task Earns 4Anti Matter, 150xp


Star Trek: Second Contact Pt. 6
Peter Starts

Open Ten Forward: Requires 15 Gamma RayGamma Rays
Collect 3 Communicator Badges: Worf Eat Rokeg Blood Pie OR  Deanna Troi Work as a Translator OR Weapons Locker (Enterprise Room) OR T’Plana-Hath OR Bat’leth Badassery Outlet OR Starfleet Research Facility
Send Klingon Chris to Terra Boberra: 6hrs, Requires 3 Communication Badges and Klingon Chris

Completed Task Earns 8Anti Matter, 175xp


Star Trek: Second Contact Pt. 7
Klingon Chris Starts

Collect 5 Catnip from Terra Boberra: Each try takes 6hrs, Requires 3 Communication Badges and Klingon Chris
Clear 2 Borg Kittens: Tap on Borg Kitten to start process of taking them out

Completed Task Earns 3Anti Matter, 175xp


Star Trek: Second Contact Pt. 8
Peter Starts

Clear 25 Tribbles: Spawn roughly every 4hrs on the Enterprise. They do multiply when tapped
Have Starfleet Peter Press All the Buttons: 2hrs, Earns 3Anti Matter, 20xp
Have Klingon Chris Complain About Complexion: 8hrs, Earns 8Anti Matter, 50xp

Completed Task Earns 5Anti Matter, 200xp


Star Trek: Second Contact Pt. 9
Vulcan Quagmire Starts

Have Vulcan Quagmire Live Long and Giggity: 4hrs, Earns 5Anti Matter, 20xp
Clear 3 Borg: On Enterprise they take 2hrs each, Requires Vulcan Quagmire OR Worf Or Deanna Troi 
Have Starfleet Peter Sneak into Forbidden Areas: 10hrs, Earns 9Anti Matter, 59xp

Completed Task Earns 5Anti Matter, 200xp


Star Trek: Second Contact Pt. 10
Peter Starts

Open Sick Bay: Requires 20 Gamma RayGamma Ray
Have Edo Herbert Have a Wardrobe Malfunction: 12hrs, Earns 10Anti Matter, 65xp
Clear 8 Borg Kittens: Each Requires 1 Bag Cat Nip from Terra Boberra

***Stopped at this point waiting on Borg Kitten Spawns. Will update when more spawn til I get 8

Completed Task Earns (screen cleared before I could see payout, thanks to Tribble tapping. Lol)


Star Trek: Second Contact Pt. 11
Peter Starts

See what’s coming in Week 2: Tap in GO to see an overview of Thursday’s coming items
Open the Holodeck: Requires 30 Gamma RayGamma Ray (this is be available to Open in Week 2)


***Here is where the Questline stops. It will pick up on Thursday with you being able to unlock the Holodeck and Engineering.


There you have it. An idea of what to look forward to for the Main Questline during Week 1 of Star Trek: First Contact.

Where are you on the Questline so far? What do you think of it? How are you collections coming along? Let us know.


125 responses to “Star Trek Main Questline: Star Trek Second Contact (Week 1)

  1. I don’t have Edo Herbert, so I’m stuck on second contact pt. 10.

    What can I do?


  2. Has anyone else had an issue with All The Way Bare quests? I had 2 running at the same time. One reached Part 3 then disappeared. The other won’t let me past Part 2. I cannot complete Edo Herbert be Carefree. It doesn’t show up in blue and I’ve completed that quest 4 or 5 times now


    • Yes. Try 1.18.5 update and message them if it doesn’t help.


      • I’m having the same issue. I have updated version. I’m also having issues with Starfleet Peter every time I click on him my game freezes. I even uninstalled and downloaded again per TC still didn’t work. I’ve went into Al’s and switched his outfit and sent him on a short task to see if that fixes it. This only happens on my iPad TC said they are aware of both issues.


        • 1.18.5 was supposed to help. They just messaged me back that Edo Herbert has another patch coming for him.

          In the meantime, try sending Peter only from the Enterprise to a task to see if that helps (like noted above).


  3. I’m really enjoying this event. Freemium player and was finding recent events to be more and more discouraging, to the point of “don’t really care anymore”.
    Here’s an opportunity for me to use buildings and characters that otherwise would be collecting dust in inventory (played in event last year) and allows new players opportunity to get stuff that would otherwise be long gone. Even better if Tinyco drop the odd new stuff in there as well.
    Keep up the good work guys and don’t let leaderboard’s get you down.


  4. Hi Bunny
    I wasn’t sure where to post this because your leaderboard post had no comments but for some reason I’m blocked from participating in the leader boards. I tried contacting Tiny Co three times when this first happened in the Raid to the North Pole with no response and I have now tried contacting them twice in this event and still nothing. I’m a freemium player but I play super often. I’m a student so I’m up late doing hw and up early for class so I play at all hours of the day, but otherwise I spend only clams stockpiled from Clam TV. I have never bought clams and only spend clams sparingly. So having me marked as a cheater is supremely frustrating. Is there a more efficient way to contact them or something because I’d at least like to have a shot at the bottom of the barrel prizes, as thats all i can ever hope to get with all the premium players. Thanks


  5. Oh sorry,
    I found my answer, it was on a page about districts. Great content for the star track event!!
    I LOVE 💙 Star Trek! And I missed the first one, so I’m so thrilled they brought it back🙏🏽❣


  6. Is The hollow deck locked till phase 2 ? I have 30 GammaRay’s but I can’t unlock the hollow deck .


  7. What is the spawn rate for Borg Kittens? I didn’t see this info on any of the posts,but may have accidentally overlooked it. I’m at 6/8, waiting for the last 2.



    says they will figure it out and doing something about it
    Just popped my tribbles and got 3rikker
    Lol…. Now one down from sending Jerome on his one day trade jaunt
    Now if they could put my missing Richard Sherman in a tribble I’d be happy


  9. They changed it for Deanna Troi… Jerome’s task is only 2hours to unlock Photo of Riker (Changed to host happy hour) and also yellow tribbles give the photos out as well…


  10. Link Patrick stewart caracter to locutus and jean picard. So locutus and jean picard would be just costumes. That would get us Patrick for free. Can we ask for this or îs too much?


  11. Collecting pink shoes my antmatter(?)…what can I spend it on?


  12. It’s impossible to unlock Deana Troi. I have to get 18 Rikers photos, only Jerome can get them, and his task last whole day. So it is 18 days? Whole event doesn’t last so long. They also are ‘extra rare’ so it would be even longer. Not fair, guys.


  13. I’ve having difficulty with Star Trek: Second Contact Pt. 10 as Chris keeps coming back from his away mission without any catnip. Happened 3 times in a row now – pretty frustrating. So I can’t clear all 8 kittens just yet; that said, not really sure why I’m participating as there aren’t any goals to play for this week (already have all the free characters and costumes from the first Star Trek event). I don’t count the leaderboards; they’re a money grab.

    Too bad TinyCo didn’t downgrade a previous premium character like 7of9 so that we could earn her free this event, giving us something fun and rewarding to do. I have 20,000 crystals and nothing to spend them on?


  14. Resumed my battle with the transporter… just need a batch of catnip so I can clear borg kittens but Chris has failed four times in a row and now I am out of badges so can’t attempt again for a while. 1-2 chances per day given the amount of badges needed and I’m now held up until I get some luck. Wish there was an alternative source!


  15. I managed to get almost everything the first time this event came around, so there is not much going on (do not get me wrong, I am definitely not complaining). At least I can get the Battle Arena this time (and without shelling out the 100 Clams needed to even access it last time). Just awaiting 4 more Borg Kittens and it looks like I am ready for next week. Nothing else to do but stock up on materials while I wait…

    Still curious about the Vulcan Floor in the replicator – it looks like a single square similar to the walls/fences, but I have not collected enough Red Matter for even one. Anybody craft this yet?


    • With it such a high price of Red Matter, I assume it is just one hole in the ground, if it is like the lava “fence” one is all I will get unless Red Matter becomes Always. I most certainly am not wasting the Clams to collect Red Matter to just find out. WAY too costly. So working my way there as I can. I am around 45 now. 😉


  16. Do you know if there will be new stuff for the ones who completed this stuff last time?


  17. hey Bunny do you remember which characters are used for battle? especially Chris? Was he in the team?


  18. I looked but didn’t see any posts about the spawn rate for kittens. Does anyone know what the spawn rate is?


  19. I am having trouble with Edo Herbert quest “All the way bare” part 1. I got Edo to have wardrobe malfunction but can’t get credit for Klingon Chris picking asteroid boogers. I’ve had Chris do it three times with no checkmark. Any suggestions


  20. Can someone please tell me how to get edo Herbert thank you


  21. Why is Klingon Chris the only one who can go to Terra Boberra? I’ve sent him so many times I’ve lost count cause I need cat nip to clear borg cats. It’s only dropped 4. I need 6 more to to finish Second Contact Pt. 10. Also on All The Way Bare pt. 1 I’ve done the task Klingon Chris Pick Nose Asteroid but it hasn’t cleared. I’ve messaged TC but haven’t heard back. Any advise?


  22. What are all the ways to get Gamma Rays? So far I just know of Peter and by clearing tribbles. Takes a ton of time to collect these to open area’s of the ship.


  23. Just a quick question I was wondering if you could answer, I’ve reached ‘Star Trek: Second Contact Pt. 11’, and the first task is to ‘See what’s coming in Week 2’ which I’ve done, and the last part is to open the Hoodeck, but I’ve collected the 30 needed but it won’t let me open it. I’ve already opened all the other decks, apart from Engerneering which looks like it’s the last one you have to open, so is this locked till Phase 2, or should I be able to open it?


  24. Hey I don’t want to waste any torpedoes to find out but is it worth firing at meororites/ships, how many hits do they take and what’s the drop rates compared to borg cubes?


  25. Oh man, I unlocked Ten Forward two days ago but just noticed right now that I have to be on the Enterprise AND go into the store in order to bring out Troi and Crusher.

    Oh well, better late than never, I guess.


  26. Hi there! Just wondering if anyone else is having trouble with Edo Herbert? I need him for part 10 and didn’t get him the last time this event was released. Any idea how to get him now? I’ve checked all around and can’t seem to find any info on how to get him with this second release……Thanks!


  27. Hey bunny, it’s been awhile… 1st happy V-day!!! 2ndly, Oman wondering when or how planet Vulcan unlocks 4 the away missions ,n or is it on
    Y opened by the 100 clams?


  28. I feel like starfleet rupert should do something considering he cost 300 clams

    Liked by 1 person

  29. Is it “normal” that I’m only able to build one Borg cube?


  30. 18 extra rare rings and only Jerome to get them on a 1 day task.… for Diana wow


  31. Weird but on part 7 my task of eliminating 2 Borg kitties checked itself off out of the blue! Hooray!


    • Pt 6 completed for me as soon as I sent Chris on the away mission (I’d already completed the other 2 requirements) but pt 7 couldn’t start until he returned – so I had Chris with an exclamation mark sat in the top left corner of the screen for the best part of 6 hours. Tapping him just took me to the transporter screen (which was a real pain when trying to send other characters on tasks!)

      On the plus side, as soon as Chris returned to the Enterprise he brought some catnip with him. And it counted towards pt 7. And 2 kittens apparently shorted themselves out in all the excitement. Straight on to pt 8 it is 🙂 I wish I hadn’t squished all my tribbles just before Chris came back though…


  32. I now have 31 Gamma Rays. My Holodeck area still says locked. Is there something else I need to do to have access to it? Is this a week two thing?


    • I believe you have to go in order and I’m trying to remember if questline needed. But it was Bridge, Ten Forward, Sick Bay so far for me.


      • I have Bridge, Ten Forward and Sick Bay already. Looking at Second Contact pt. 11, the tasks are See what’s coming in week 2 and Unlock Holodeck, so I guess I’ll take it easy and just stockpile stuff.


  33. Just a weird observation.. Anyone else notice that when you send Klingon Chris on the 6 hour away mission, the clam cost to rush it becomes greater the shorter the amount of time left gets… When there was 4.5 hrs left it was 8 clams to speed thru. When 3.5 hrs left it cost 11 clams. And now with 2.5 hours left its 12 clams. Just don’t think I’ve ever seen that before…


  34. Not directly related to this post, but I opened up Ten Forward today and saw Deanna Troi listed in the shopping cart as “Free!” but when I go to place her, I need 18 Photos of Riker. Now the only way listed to get this item is to have Jerome trade baseball cards, which is a 1 day task. So how can I get 18 items that each take a day (and are Extra Rare) during a 14 day Event without spending Clams? How can TinyCo have the gall to list this character as “free” when it clearly is not?? TC needs to create another avenue to earn Photos of Riker.


    • You are not understanding how it works. Usually you have to Buy some Building, place it, wait for it to build, then out pops the Character with their lil Bubbles above their head of all the items you have to earn. This time, you PLACE her for Free instead of being made to buy a building, but you still have to earn items to unlock her… just like pretty much every Character in the existence of the game.

      As for the drops, like I note MANY times… patience. TinyCo works in steps and Phases so what you see today could easily change tomorrow. More items introduced to drop them, more Character Tasks added, etc. You have til the end of the Event to completely unlock her.


  35. Anyone else having trouble with Vulcan Embaressment part 3? Counselor’s action to read others emotions isn’t available..

    Liked by 1 person

  36. I did the first Star Trek event, but my I had to get a new phone because the old one died and I lost everything (I started playing when the game came out too). So I am currently on part 5, waiting to unlock Vulcan quagmire. At this rate I expect that will take a minimum of 3 days.
    Going to use the same motto I have to for every other event – slow and steady…doesn’t get you all the characters but stops you wasting money.


  37. How many attempts did it take you to get the catnip for part 7. I’m curious what the odds are since it’s a medium chance and the gold stuff is high.


  38. I must be doing something wrong with my borg kittens. I have done 2 trips to the planet with Chris, won the catnip twice, which I thought would give me 10 catnips, but when I tap on the kitten, nothing happens!


    • Tap on kitten to bring up target screen… THEN tap on catnip twice. You’ll see the kill zone circle


      • Okay, multiple tapping worked, but it is pretty strange as usually you tap once to get the “target” and once for the “smoosh zone” (I hate to use the word “kill” in connection with little kittens, even borg kittens!)

        Thank you! Hope you are feeling better and the healing process is starting to speed up for you!


      • wildthornberry88

        I drag the catnip from the bottom of the screen over the cat.


      • LMAO … I had NO clue whatsever you could double tap, I’ve been dragging them. I don’t know, it just never occured to me since everything else in the game is drag and drop … now the other game, I would think to tap, but not drag 😁


  39. can you please confirm, if we unlocked all the rooms on the ship during the last event, we need to get items and unlock them all again? So it’s doesn’t really provide any advantage from playing already and having those rooms saved in our inventory?


    • Incorrect. The “rooms” last event you could interchange and customize to your game. Those in Inventory are only Decorations and nothing more. They never helped anytime but for putting in your town after Event.

      You are unlocking sections of the Enterprise this time (like Ten Forward, Bridge, etc) and getting free rooms that drop Materials already in place.

      It’s the Buildings and Characters previous event that are a huge help. First time in the game they’ve done this.

      2 week event vs 5 week. BIG difference.


      • Um, the rooms, during the past event, did drop materials we needed while playing the game.


        • As noted very clearly in my comment… the ones in INVENTORY, never helped or dropped anything. They always have been and always will be nothing more than Decorations. They were awarded AFTER the Event ended. So no, they did NOT drop anything nor help with anything. Thanks though. 🙂

          The “rooms” ONLY on Enterprise and that left with the Enterprise when the Event ended (same rooms that are there now, just locked and not interchangeable) were the ONLY ones that ever helped.

          Two completely separate items we are talking about here. Decorations vs Event content locked in a Play Space environment. 😉


          • I understood the concept you are describing. However, from reading the previous post it was NOT clear to me that you were only referring to the decos now in inventory or I would not have made my comment. Language is often misunderstood , especially on the net. I’m sorry I misunderstood your comment, but those smiley faces really don’t help me feel less like you’re biting off my head.

            I’ll just stop asking questions here… again.


            • Not biting you head off, just letting you know I answered what they asked. They asked specifically about the ones in Inventory. So I wanted to make sure that you knew that’s what the two of us were talking about.


      • Ah gotcha thanks!


      • Hmmm. Wonder if they will do the same when they bring back the doggie multiverse.


  40. The event wont kick off fro me. I have all the stuff in the store to buy, and characters drop energy, but there is no quest line from Peter. I can’t repair the ship, nor travel to the Enterprise. I sent my characters up, and now I cant collect from them and get them back. Any thoughts?


  41. Another unstable unplayable mess, every time I try to Send Peter on a task the game crashes.


  42. Stuck on part 6 as Gamma Ray drops are horrific which means opening up new areas will be difficult.

    Borg cube about a 15% drop rate. Here we go again.


  43. I would love to hear how other freemium players, who missed the previous Star Trek event, are making out. Without any of the character or building, everything seems to be heavily “Peter-driven”, and with 1 torpedo taking 6 hours to get, it will take almost 2 days to get the 6 needed to take out the Borg cubes for Part 4 of the questline, and that assumes you don’t miss a shot! The Tribbles help a bit, but not enough. And I can’t unlock Vulcan Quagmire until I get 18 Space Condoms, that also require taking out spacecraft with MORE torpedos? (Let’s not get into the “are they photon torpedos or phaser shots” discussion here. :)) Apparently Away Missions will help, but then I need Ten Forward open, which requires Gamma Rays, which again require Peter (who is busy getting me torpedoes), or “Uncommon” drops from Tribbles or Borg Cube! (I have only 4 of the 15 needed for Ten Forward.) I guess I can see things speeding up when more outfits are unlocked, but this first part of the game is going to take many days, or many Clams, which I used up on the Big Game event (only to speed up tasks). And 35 Clams only gets you 3 torpedoes? WTD? (And how is that “10% Off” anything, since you can’t buy just 1? :))


    • Totally agree. It was impossible to gain main prize without using clams on Big Game, and it’s impossible here too.


    • I missed the previous Star Trek event as well, so I feel your pain. I got 2 photons from the first clearing of Borg, then another 2 the next time they spawned. Also I get 2 or so every time I clear tribbles. But I missed my 3rd shot at the first Borg cube, so had to wait to collect another 3 photos. Argh! I am slowly working towards Vulcan Quagmire, but getting the condoms is slow going. Just got 10 Forward unlocked, but don’t know how I will ever get Troi. Need 18 photos of Riker, but it’s extra rare and only Jerome drops it..on a 24 hour mission!!! WTD!


    • I’ve only taken out one Borg cube so far, wasted some earlier shots before I realized the 3 hits had to be all at the same time. But I have 4 space condoms for Vulcan Quagmire and just need 14 more. Everything else is already checked off even though I know I didn’t collect the q-tips. The books came pretty quickly since they drop at least two at a time.

      Same thing with Deanna Troi. Just started unlocking her, but everything is already checked off (headbands, chocolates) except for those doofus framed pics of Riker. Jerome has a 24 hr task to get them, he must be dropping at least two at a time since there are not 18 days left… I think they are reducing the requirements compared with the longer first event by automatically checking off some items and having multiple drops for others, so they can just recycle the code. In the first event, which I started very late, I had collected everything but the chocolates for Deanna.

      Anyway- I would say just go ahead and play the game and don’t worry about the math. Things will probably work out well enough in the end due to the immediate adjustments and any later ones if too many people seem stuck.


    • On the “good news” side; Looks like Tribbles are spawning more often now. I have had two batches in the two hours I have been playing today! First batch only gave me one Torpedo, but the second batch dropped 3; Yay! Got me some much needed Space Condoms so it looks like Vulcan Quagmire may be getting lucky soon! 🙂


  44. Thanks Bunny, got me some Bork Kittens on the loose, only thing is I keep mistaking them for Tribbles. Think I’m as blind as those referees in the football event.


  45. i pulled my borg cubes from inventory and they are not dropping gamma rays, only the new borg cubes bought eith coins drop gamma rays.


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