Tag Archives: Enterprise

Star Trek Main Questline: Keep On Trekking (Week 2)

Hey there Borgs!!

The Second and Final Phase of the Re-released Star Trek: Second Contact Event is now live and running in our games. That means we have again another Main Questline to take us through the final week. The Main Questline for Phase 2 is Keep On Trekking!

Star Trek Banner

Let’s take a look at Keep On Trekking and all you will encounter along the way.  Continue reading

Star Trek: Second Contact Phase 2 Is LIVE!!

Hey there Romulans!

The second and Final Phase of the Re-released Star Trek Event is upon is. Lots more Characters, Buildings, and multiple other items returning with it.


Captain Picard

First up, the Basic Requirements…

  • Players will need to have completed Star Trek: Second Contact Part 11 in order to move into all the Phase 2 Content
  • Players will need to be on Version 1.18.5 in the App Markets, so if you are not… go download it
  • Players will need to have at LEAST District 3 Unlocked and Al’s completed
  • Players will only see this on the Mobile App Version, not Windows Stand Alone
  • PLAY THE GAME! Items unlock in stages and as you progress, so if you do not see an item it is most likely you have not progressed far enough in the Main Questline to unlock it. Check details below for more specifics on unlock points.

Back with more in a bit… Continue reading

Star Trek Main Questline: Star Trek Second Contact (Week 1)

Hey there Kardashians!! 😉

Tribbles are back, Lil Borg Kittens are roaming, somewhere the Captain is over acting, and poor Meg can’t even get a Klingon to love her.

With the Mini Event re-release of the Star Trek Event we now have a new Questline to take us through it, Star Trek: First Contact.

Star Trek Splash Screen

Let’s take a look at Star Trek: First Contact and all you will encounter along the way.  Continue reading

Star Trek Returns? Second Contact LIVE!! (UPDATED)

Hey there Kardashians! (Let’s see how many Trekkies that irritates…hehehehehe)

Looks like the Enterprise has decided to make another stop on Earth… errr… in Quahog again. WOOHOO!! Get your Phasers at the ready, your fingers split for a Vulcan greeting, hope you’re not the one in the Red Shirt, and for the love of… keep your women away from the Captain!


Star Trek


Starfleet Peter Vulcan Quagmire Klingon Chris

First up, the Basic Requirements…

  • Players will need to be on Version 1.18.0 in the App Markets, so if you are not… go download it
  • Players will need to have at LEAST District 3 Unlocked and Al’s completed
  • Players will only see this on the Mobile App Version, not Windows Stand Alone
  • PLAY THE GAME! Items unlock in stages and as you progress, so if you do not see an item it is most likely you have not progressed far enough in the Main Questline to unlock it. Check details below for more specifics on unlock points.

Back with more in a bit… Continue reading

Star Trek Family Guy AWESOME Video

Hey there all you Tribbles!

Bouncing by here really quick to show you all a lot clearer and longer version of the video clip that was shown this last Sunday During Family Guy on FOX.

What do you think of it? Seeing more recognizable Characters? Anyone you can’t wait to get into your game?

All I can say is I am truly amazed at all the time, effort, and FRAKKIN AWESOME stuff they put into this Event. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!


Star Trek Confirmed & iOS Update

Hey there Minions!

Now that TinyCo has officially confirmed the Star Trek Event my lil icon I posted teased to you, we can now go ahead and let you know that March 19th, 2015 the Family Guy Star Trek Event will be launching into our silly lil games.

Star Trek Peter

Are you excited NOW??!! What are your thoughts for the Event? Excited to see how they play into the Series? Ideas of what we will expect? Let us know.


On the flip side, many iOS players should now be seeing a newer Version in the Market for the App (1.7.1). I am still checking to see if my game is back to normal on that device. 

Just finished updating the newer iOS Version to my devices. All seem to be functioning just fine. One I did have to go through the Beginning of the game til the Menu popped to let me sign back in, but it looks like all is working as intended again. WOOHOO!!! Downside, my cute lil Star Trek Icon is gone. At least we now know it is coming soon. 😉  

You may also see this lil fun thing pop up in your game. Feel free to tap on “ENGAGE” as it will essentially take you to their FB Page and the info for the Upcoming Event.

Family Guy The Quest For Stuff Star Trek