Tag Archives: Upcoming Event

“A Grimm Knight In Quahog” Teaser?

Hey there Curious Kitty’s!

Just to give you a lil sneak peek at what will be hitting our games tomorrow, I wanted to share the lil Spoiler Image sent to us courtesy of TinyCo. I have to say this one did make me LOL. Do you remember seeing this in an episode? Spark any thoughts or ideas? Things you want? Let us know.


Grimm Knight Teaser

Star Trek Confirmed & iOS Update

Hey there Minions!

Now that TinyCo has officially confirmed the Star Trek Event my lil icon I posted teased to you, we can now go ahead and let you know that March 19th, 2015 the Family Guy Star Trek Event will be launching into our silly lil games.

Star Trek Peter

Are you excited NOW??!! What are your thoughts for the Event? Excited to see how they play into the Series? Ideas of what we will expect? Let us know.


On the flip side, many iOS players should now be seeing a newer Version in the Market for the App (1.7.1). I am still checking to see if my game is back to normal on that device. 

Just finished updating the newer iOS Version to my devices. All seem to be functioning just fine. One I did have to go through the Beginning of the game til the Menu popped to let me sign back in, but it looks like all is working as intended again. WOOHOO!!! Downside, my cute lil Star Trek Icon is gone. At least we now know it is coming soon. 😉  

You may also see this lil fun thing pop up in your game. Feel free to tap on “ENGAGE” as it will essentially take you to their FB Page and the info for the Upcoming Event.

Family Guy The Quest For Stuff Star Trek