Star Trek Main Questline: Keep On Trekking (Week 2)

Hey there Borgs!!

The Second and Final Phase of the Re-released Star Trek: Second Contact Event is now live and running in our games. That means we have again another Main Questline to take us through the final week. The Main Questline for Phase 2 is Keep On Trekking!

Star Trek Banner

Let’s take a look at Keep On Trekking and all you will encounter along the way. 

For more information on the Event, check out the Main Event Page HERE.

For Week 1 Main Questline, go HERE


Star Trek: Second Contact Pt. 11
Peter Starts

See what’s coming in Week 2: Tap in GO to see an overview of Thursday’s coming items
Open the Holodeck: Requires 20 Gamma RayGamma Ray (this was available to Open once Week 2 launched)

Completed Task Earns 7Anti Matter, 250xp




Keep On Trekking Pt. 1
Peter Starts

Have Klingon Chris attack Borg Bertram: 3hrs, Earns 13Anti Matter, 30xp
Have Starfleet Peter Recline in Captain’s Chair: 6hrs, Earns 5Anti Matter, 30xp
Hit 2 Romulan Warbirds: Phaser Battles, Requires 1 Photon Torpedo Each

Completed Task Earns 3Anti Matter, 100xp


Keep On Trekking Pt. 2
Peter Starts

Clear 32 Tribbles: Spawn roughly every 4hrs on the Enterprise. They do multiply when tapped
Send Edo Herbert to the Bowel Regulus: Transporter Away Mission, Requires 1 Communication Badge, 4hrs
Have Vulcan Quagmire Clear 1 Borg: 2hrs, Earns 15Anti Matter, 30xp

Completed Task Earns 3Anti Matter, 125xp


Keep On Trekking Pt. 3
Peter Starts

Collect 3 Puppy Bones: Get from Away Mission on Beta Max (3) OR Khan Wear Ridiculous Space Clothes (1)
Clear 3 Borg Puppies: Requires 1 Puppy Bone each. Tap on Borg Puppy to start process of taking them out
Clear 2 Borg Kittens: Requires 1 Catnip each. Tap on Borg Kitten to start process of taking them out

Completed Task Earns 3Anti Matter, 125xp


Keep On Trekking Pt. 4
Peter Starts

Have Starfleet Lois Rage Shoot: 8hrs, Earns 8Anti Matter, 65xp
Have Starfleet Peter Sneak Into Forbidden Areas: 10hrs, Earns 9Anti Matter, 59xp

Completed Task Earns 4Anti Matter, 150xp


Keep On Trekking Pt. 5
Peter Starts

Clear 4 Borg Kittens: Requires 1 Catnip each. Tap on Borg Kitten to start process of taking them out. They Spawn roughly 2 MAX at a time every 3 to 4 hrs. 
Have Edo Herbert Simulate Chris in Holodeck: 6hrs, Earns 3Anti Matter, 20xp
Collect 3 Communicator Badges: Worf Eat Rokeg Blood Pie OR Deanna Troi Work as a Translator OR Weapons Locker (Enterprise Room) OR T’Plana-Hath OR Bat’leth Badassery Outlet OR Starfleet Research Facility OR Q Summon Mariachi Band

Completed Task Earns 6Anti Matter, 250xp


Keep On Trekking Pt. 6
Peter Starts

Open Engineering Bay: Requires 30 Gamma RayGamma Rays
Shoot 4 Shielded Petercraft: Requires 2 Photon Torpedoes each to clear
Clear 54 Tribbles: This may take at least 2 spawns to complete. I get roughly 32+ each Spawn myself about every 3 to 4hrs. 

Completed Task Earns 5Anti Matter, 175xp


Keep On Trekking Pt. 7
Klingon Chris Starts

Clear 6 Borg Puppies: Requires 1 Puppy Bone each. Tap on Borg Puppy to start process of taking them out, This will take a bit to wait for all the Spawns as they only arrive 2 at a time.
Send Starfleet Lois to Beta Max: Away Mission, 6hrs, Cost 3 Communication Badges



*** This is where I currently am. Will keep updating as I go. As this is the last week, I am not too worried about finishing it, but do have to wait on Spawns so it is taking me a bit longer. 


There you have it, an idea of what to look forward to for the Main Questline during Week 2 of Star Trek: First Contact.

Where are you on the Questline so far? What do you think of it? How are you collections coming along? Let us know.


34 responses to “Star Trek Main Questline: Keep On Trekking (Week 2)

  1. Part 7: says puppies spawn 2 at a time, but they’ve been spawning 3 at a time in my game.


  2. Part 8 is, Have Furengai Mort Hurl Space Chunks


  3. I finished keep on trekking part 1, but part 2 will not show up, even when Peter is available. It has been like this for 2 days now and I still don’t have the dogs or anything. There is nothing for the main questline in my task bar… Is this a glitch or am I missing something?


  4. One quick question. After getting all the free character from last year’s star trek event, besides deco’s, is there anything else to collect?? Oh and defeating Bertram when you sleep 7 hrs a night isnt a walk in the park especially on is larger health bar.


  5. Has anyone found anything after part 10?

    I just finished Part 10 and am twiddling thumbs waiting for Bertram Borg boss to wake back up.


  6. I am having a issue trying to assign Bonnie her task. She is in the cheer outfit and when I move her to another outfit it freezes or gets stuck on the cheerleader outfit. Any suggestions?


  7. I am only to Floppys away from getting Data. Spock has been a lot of help. The only other character I want from the event is Captain Pike Joe. I got every other freemium character last event. Don’t want to risk clams to get Khan and I never liked Scotty in the show.


  8. Hopefully i can help bunny but :
    Keep on trekking part 8:
    Have geordi update look- 8hrs
    Have bonnie poke a dough boy-6hrs
    Shoot 2 shielded petercrafts
    Keep on trekking part 9:
    Have Edo Herbert violate prime directive-4hrs
    Have Klingon Chris battle cry-4hrs
    I could be wrong but this is the first time i seen an alternate questline but if you have talosian stewie it adds an extra quest
    Keep on trekking 10(a):
    Klingon chris attack bertram- 3hrs
    Have starfleet peter drop a captain’s log-12 hrs
    Keep on trekking part 10(b) is the same as 10(a) but it adds “have talosian stewie attack bertram-3hrs” if you have talosian stewie unlocked. Hope this helps stay awesome


    • I tried to post this before but I don’t think it went through. I replicated Talosian Stewie without having unlocked real Stewie yet. Do I have to unlock real Stewie before the event ends tomorrow so I can keep Talosian Stewie, or will he just turn up when I unlock real Stewie in a few days? Talisman Stewie showed up in the top right progress bar for a second, but I can’t find him anywhere, not even locked. Thanks!


  9. The only thing I really wanted was Captain Pike Joe since I pretty much have everything else from last time, but I cannot get those Omega Molecules to drop from the puppies even though it says an always drop. Bummer…why do I always want what I can have!


  10. I’m still on part three. It took me 5 away missions before getting 3 puppy bones, that’s 30 hours. After all that I only got one puppy to drop 3 gamma rays. Clearly with those statistics it’s impossible for me to get Picard without clams but oh well, maybe next Star Trek event lol.


  11. I finally got the Vulcan floor and it’s a 1×1 with a 5 latinum payout. Kind of small for the amount of work needed, at least I didn’t have to spend clams.

    Not a complaint but a heads up for anyone else who has been saving.

    Been nice to finally have a low key, low stress event.


    • So… it sounds like it is the same as the Lava Floor? I wonder if multiple linked create the same look, just brown instead of Lava. Good to know. Thanks. 🙂


      • That would be interesting, but get more than 200 of the red matter without clams would be unlikely


      • Yes, they do. Exactly like that or the beer river. I wish I had 9 to show you what a circle of them looks like. It’s brilliant. 🙂

        They would actually look really good in bulk, though I doubt most people will get more than 1 or maybe 2.


    • Vulcan floor is a deco. No payout.


    • Thanks for the heads-up on that one. Been eyeballing it for a couple of days now, but was hesitant to take the plunge. Pretty lame considering the Red Matter cost on those – I mean, what could anybody do with 2 measly squares? Why did they even bother making them if no one could truly utilize them?

      I keep wanting more landscaping options like these, and were it not for the Red Matter necessary I would have certainly crafted a ton of them. Heck, even the Alien Shrubbery needs Red Matter – so those are out of the question as well. It is a real shame since these are the little things that really allow us to get creative with our tiny little Quahogs…

      Persistence is futile…


  12. Do not have rewards recorded, but…

    Par t 7
    6 Borg Puppies
    Send Lois to Beta Max

    Part 8
    Geordi update his look (8 hour task)
    Bonnie poke a pool boy (6 hour task)
    Shoot 2 shielded Petercrafts (auto populated for me)

    Part 9… ? 🙂

    The questline is smooth for me. I like the story with it.


  13. For me Part 7 is to clear 6 Borg puppy and to send Starfleet Lois to Beta Max


  14. Part 7 was clear 6 Borg Puppies and something else, can’t remember, sorry!

    Part 8 Have Geordi Update Look
    Have Bonnie Poke a Dough Boy
    Shoot 2 Shielded Petercrafts

    Hope this helps you or other players! 🙂


  15. The rest of the walkthrough:

    Part 7
    Clear 5 Borg Puppies
    Send S. Lois to the planet where it is just her and Quagmire

    Part 8
    Have Geordi update look (10 hrs)
    Have Bonnie poke Dough Boy (10 hrs)
    Shoot 2 shielded Petercraft

    Part 9
    Have Edo Herbert Violate Prime Directive (4 hrs)
    Have Klingon Chris Battle cry (4 hrs)

    Part 10
    Have K. Chris attack Borg Bertram
    Have Starfleet Peter drop a Captain’s Log ( 12hrs)
    Have Talosian Stewie attack B. Bertram

    Hope this helps. Good luck!

    Liked by 1 person

  16. I stopped at part 5, don’t have any catnip left and don’t want to take Chris away from Betram battles to try earning any, wish there was another way to earn them like there is with the bones.


  17. I am only on Part 8 myself, but here is the rest;

    Keep on Trekking pt 7

    Clear 6 Borg Puppies
    Send Starfleet Lois to Beta Max

    Keep on Trekking pt 8

    Have Geordi update look
    Have Bonnie poke a Dough Boy
    Shoot 2 shielded Petercraft

    Keep on Trekking pt 9

    Have Edo Herbert Violate Prime Directive
    Have Klingon Chris Battle cry

    Keep on Trekking pt 10

    Have Klingon Chris attack Borg Bertram
    Have Starfleet Peter drop a Captain’s Log
    Have Talosian Stewie attack Borg Bertram

    If there is any after Pt. 10, I do not know


  18. I’m currently on Keep on trekking Pt. 7
    Clear 6 Borg Puppies
    Send Starfleet Lois to Beta Max

    These communication badges take too long to earn 😁


  19. Keep On Trekking Pt. 7 is
    – Clear 6 Borg Puppies
    – Send Starfleet Lois to Beta Max

    Just waiting for 3 borg puppies to spawn, and I’ll be along to the next part. I’ll update as soon as I can if you want. 🙂


  20. I’ve got most of the items as I played last time around so I’m just focusing on doing the quests for now.

    I’m one step ahead of you. Next task is:

    Keep on Trekking: Part 7

    Clear 6 Borg Puppies
    Send Starfleet Lois to Beta Max

    Just need one more puppy to get the next task going, as I had five bones already. Other than that I’m just doing what I assume everyone else is, continually battling Bertram and spending all his drops on Replicator items.


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