Blah Blah Blah Yadda Yadda (Open Thread)

Hello There Addicts Asylum Patients!

Having a fun day? Lots of stuff on your mind? Just want to ramble on about anything and everything? WELL TOO BAD!!!

Addicts Asylum Patient Zero

Errr, I mean… Here is the place where you can do it. Have something cool you want to share with your fellow readers/Addicts? Have something on your mind that you just want to get off it? Have a million dollars? Having a mental breakdown like me? Lol.

This post is for open conversation. Pretty much anything and everything goes (as long as it still follows the Addicts Site Guidelines). Feel free to chat it up all you want.

If you are not sure of what to talk about, here are a few subjects to get you started.



Anyone else take advantage of the made up holiday to suck the life out of your wallet and make you feel guilty if you don’t spend a small fortune? I mean… errr… anyone else celebrate the “Holiday” other than Elementary kids? 😛

I got a lot of family in town this weekend, ideas for a FUN board card game that won’t have us declaring war on each other? 

Was taken to see Deadpool as a “treat” to get me out of the house, anyone else catch it yet? Without spoilers of the movie, your thoughts if you did? 

Anyone else waiting for some cool TV Series to return? Dr. Who? The Fall? Luther? Penny Dreadful? Gotham? 


Remember this post is for FUN!! If you wanna gripe or complain or rant or …well, be mad about something…take it to our WHAT THE DEUCE posts and get it out your system there. 🙂

There you go. Get your typing fingers fired up and yap yap yap away.

32 responses to “Blah Blah Blah Yadda Yadda (Open Thread)

  1. when I receive a new Star Trek character, I see a pop up that says it is part of collection X.
    When I go to facespace, I don’t see any Star Trek groups. they go into the new characters group.
    is this because I didn’t take part in the previous event? I bet their is one premium character in there.


  2. I’ve been checking the game every 5 minutes all day…
    When is week 2 coming?


  3. My favorite new game is Exploding Kittens. It was given to me as a gift fro my last birthday, because I am the widely acknowledged crazy cat lady among my friends. There is also a new version of Monopoly called Catopoly, which is a cat centric version of the game.

    On a game related note, I am glad that I no longer care about snagging every skin and character that comes along, because there is no chance I will get Bertram or Rupert, which I do not car that much about, but I am also unlikely to get the puppy, which I did want. I literally went down over 900 places over the last 8 hours! If this keeps on, I will be knocked out of the third tier by the end of the game, but it is just not worth it to me to spend the kind of money it would take to stay in the running.


  4. I’m trying to complete Vulcan Embrassment Pt 3 but there is no opition for Deanna Troi’s objective when I click her, what do I have to do?


  5. Well, it saddens me to do this but it looks like I am giving this game a fond farewell. I am tired of the whole Leaderboard thing to where if I want to have all characters and skins in this game then I have to compete with others that spend way more money than I can afford. It has gone from me spending $10-20 a week on this game to more than that just to “gotta collect them all”. So I will not be on this site after today but I will be on the other Addict site where I dont have to feel like I have to compete to get characters or skins.


  6. Had a guy introduce a cool game to me a few years back called re-noun. More fun with at least four people, 8-10 seems to be ideal (even number better but can still work it out if not). Every person takes a small sheet of paper and writes down 5 nouns, compounds aloud, (I.e Henry Kissinger, democracy, aardvark, Prague, Germany & love). Put everyone’s nouns in a hat, bowl, etc. pick teams of two people if you haven’t done so already. Sit across from each other so that each team has one player between you and your teammate so that it alternates properly. Now you are ready to play.

    NOTE: when guessing nouns, they must be exact….For instance, Prague is not the same as Prague, Germany. ALSO, no skipping nouns, they must be guessed in the proper order as listed on the sheet from top to bottom or left to right. Agan NO SKIPPING NOUNS.

    Round 1: 1 min time limit. Draw a list from the hat (yes it may be your own list) Using spoken words only or noises(absolutely no charades or hand movements whatsoever) try to get your teammate to guess the five nouns on the list. You may not use rhyming words or of course say any part of the word on the list or your turn it s forfeited. If he/she does not get all five nouns on the list in 1 minute, place the list back in the hat and shuffle. The next player from a different team now does the same thing. If your teammate gets all five nouns within the time limit, keep the list and grab another list from the hat until time runs out or the lists are gone. The list you didn’t complete goes back into the hat. Only completed lists (all five are guessed by your teammate) stay at your side for scoring at the end of the round. Each list your team gets through completely is one point. It is important to pay attention when the other teams are going. Remember even if you get four of the five, that doesn’t count for anything and the list goes back in the same hat to be drawn by another team or even your team. The lists only stay out and count for a point if your teammate gets all five. Once you or other teams get through all lists in the hat, score your sheets and now you are ready for round two. If there are four teams, that means there should be eight lists. Total scores for all teams should be eight at the end of round one.

    Round 2: Time limit is 45 seconds. Using the same lists, put them all back in the hat. Everything mentioned above is still the same except the time limit and you now can only say TWO WORDS. A compound word (New Jersey is still one word) but be very strict. A, an and the are all words. For example, Prague, Germany, you could use… city, Europe. It would be incorrect to say “city in Europe” or “big city Europe”. Again keep playing as mentioned above until all lists have been completely gone through. After the last list, count your sheets and add to your round 1 score. Total score for all teams combined should now be 16.

    Round 3: time limit is 30 seconds. This round, no words or noises, only charades. You guessed it, you now put the same lists you have just gone through twice back in the hat. Now as you draw a list, you may only use charades, absolutely no noise. This is why it is so important to not allow any hand gestures in the first two rounds. I literally have to sit on my hands during the first two rounds. Same rules as above, get all five, keep the sheet and mive on until 30 seconds are up, if you don’t get through all five, put the list back in the hat for someone to draw. After all lists have been depleted, count your lists and add to previous totals. Highest wins. Total score for all teams combined should be 24.

    This is a great game, trust me you will love it.


  7. We had the final series of Luther here at Christmas, only 2 episodes mind you, so you shouldn’t have wait too long for that. But there will be no new series Dr Who in 2016, only a Christmas special. Series 10 won’t air in the UK until Spring 2017.


  8. wildthornberry88

    Happy Valentine’s Day! Was at with this morning, fairly boring normal day here but I did get some flowers lol. Played a game of Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective which I bought my partner. (Mystery solving for 1 to 8 players I think). Other recommendations I have… Fluxx, e.g. Monty python, family, pirate themes etc. Maybe munchkin? Some people like it, some don’t. It can be kinda backstabby so yeah… something like small world or ticket to ride are fairly family friendly in terms of more geeky board games aka I have played with my mum and she enjoyed them. Also you could try apples to apples rich is basically the original family version of what cards against humanity is. I also like playing fish, fruit, flower. You have a list of categories you write on a sheet e.g. fish, fruit, flower, boys name, girls name, city, country, bird, animal, colour. Then you pick a letter of the alphabet and try and think of something beginning with that letter for each category. At the end a person’s unique answer gets 2, points, the same as someone else 1 point and no answer 0 points.repeat as many rounds as you like with different letters of the alphabet.


  9. I was thinking of COH as well but it does take a certain mindset to enjoy it properly >:)

    I want to see Deadpool but I’m soooooo behind on movies. Darn kids. lol still have yet to see Force Awakens.

    Only a few shows I really watch and they’re running now. Namely the Chicago threesome, mainly Fire even though I pick out things they do wrong. Lol


  10. If you are looking for fun card games: my mother got me one called “go ape” for Christmas. It’s essentially “go fish” mixed with”charades.” You have cards that you try to get from other players, but instead of asking for them, you have to act out the picture on the cards. It’s a kids game, so all the pictures are relatively simple and family friendly. I know a bunch more card games. Garbage and golf are simple, fun, and can be played with a regular deck of cards or two depending on how many people are playing. Directions for each can be found online (I checked). If you play golf, I’d recommend the 9 card spread.


  11. Depending upon age of family members’ I’d recommend “Cards against Humanity” as a game. Saw DeadPool and LOVED it! Ryan at his sarcastic best. Other than The Fall waiting for all the tv shows you mentioned plus Orphan Black (you lot overseas don’t know what you are missing).

    Liked by 2 people

    • Let’s just say the I’M the Black Sheep of the family. I would play it… but not with them. The cards would shock and probably offend many of them. Lol.

      I laughed so hard the whole movie. All the inside jokes… the cameo… Main Street… so funny.

      Orphan Black is on my DVR. 😉


      • Of CAH is to… taboo… a close cleaner version is Apples to Apples. Same general concept, the green apples have an adjective, and the red cards have nouns (nothing dirty that I’ve found). Each round has a judge and the judge pulls a green card. The other players then choose which of their cards is best representative of the green cards adjective. The judge picks the one they like the best and the player who played that card wins the green card/point. The next judge takes their turn, rinse, wash, repeat until someone gets however many points wins the game. You decide how many points to play to


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