Fresh Start!!

Hey all!

I am so sorry for the last few weeks. Stupid Medication caused some really bad reactions and put me back where I am sooooo tired of being. Love the Doctors, but I don’t wanna be in a Hospital, ER, Surgery, any of it again. BLAH!

My dear sweet sweet Lotty has been trying her best to hold the fort down and doing an awesome job, even without me helping when I could. THANKS LOTTY!!!

Many of you also jumped in and helped in the comments, so Thank YOU too!! (Thanks Russian Tigger!)

In short, I am off those nasty meds. Had to go through withdrawals (weehaw super fun time) to get them out of my system. NOT something I would recommend…EVER! I have made the decision to quit my new-ish job, and try to focus more attention getting fully better… all this along with giving you the support you have come to expect from the Addicts Sites.

I just wanted to apologize to all of you. I have not forgotten about you… PROMISE!! I am still here.

Going forward, Lotty may be more of a presence here and Ares too when he can. I may still look at adding additional helpers full time too. Just got too much for my body to do it all the way I was.

The Prehistoric Event will be ending today. I have not been able to play the game much myself, so for once since it launched… I am behind in my game. I will attempt to help all I can with what is left, but will be starting fresh with what I am sure they have coming next.

Those that do want to continue on as Addicts Helpers, please email me (I am sorry if you have before, just want a new list) and I will start the process of selection.




42 responses to “Fresh Start!!

  1. Welcome back!


  2. Pleased to hear your feeling better, rest, eat well, do as your doctor says, and don’t worry about us. We miss your posts but we will manage. Hopefully the start of many steps forward and very few back.


  3. Totally funny. Finally got the family rocket and I kept trying to place it in one spot. It kept floating off down the road. I just had to keep laughing, I didn’t realize it did that. Fun little event.


  4. My dearest Bunny, It is great news to hear you are on the road to recovery and no apologies needed for taking the needed time off to take care of yourself. In the great scheme of things, your health IS the most important thing. With that being said, I’m really glad you’re back. The helpers have done a gross job in your absence, but I did miss your witty sense of humor. Best regards.


    • Omg, in my last comment the word “great” autocorrected to “gross”. My sincere apologies. I would never insult the people who give of themselves to help the rest of us. Again, so very sorry.


  5. So glad to hear you’re on the mend, Bunny! We’ve really missed you, but never feel like you have to apologize for taking time to make yourself well. That is the most important thing! No matter how much we all crave your insight and help with our addiction to this game, your well being is what really matters.


  6. Russian Tigger

    Welcome home Bunny… Your straight-jacket has been laundered and your Bunny juice is on ice.


  7. Glad your feeling better. This site is my lifeline to great great stuff but rather it die and you live healthy if need be. Seems for now we have both and that makes me happy. Thanks for all you do.


  8. Welcome back. I hope the worst is behind you.:)
    This last event was the worst yet. I am pretty much a freemium player, but I will speed up tasks with calms. I am grateful TinyCo. has started providing more clams daily.
    Even with that, it was really hard to get drops of some items. It was the most frustrating event to date. 😐
    You didn’t miss much fun.


  9. wish you all the best Bunny

    speedy recovery

    we are here for you


  10. Bunny, it is good to hear that you are back. Im so happy your health is improving and that your making choices that help to move along. Youve been such a kind and helpful person for the time ive been here and its truly good to hear your news. 😃


  11. Glad to hear you’re feeding better. Just wanted to let you know. I appreciate what you and Family Guy Addicts are doing. You have answered many of my questions and help me get through quests that totally confused me. Hope you get well soon.


  12. I’m in and I didn’t do well this event but I wasn’t trying to spend as funds are currently tight. Nevertheless I still had fun playing for free. But now I can’t get in, do you know when they plan to allow us to log in to play. I did an update but still nothing? any help please.


  13. Welcome back Bunny….it’s great to read your posts again.
    Now that long drawn out Dino quest is done has anyone else had the problem of load failure when starting? I have seen this on iOS and Androids.


  14. Bunny! It’s so good to see you! I’ve been on here around 4 months only, but have grown fond of your posts, as I often look for advice on the basic game, just yesterday I googled how to get sexy fire fighter Chris, and there your posts were, awesome as always. So even when you’re out, so much of your help is still here. Please feel better, you rock, thank you!


  15. New Multiverse game started. Have to get items from the Multiverse to free up Stu Griffin. They cost 2 batteries, but be warned, the items duplicate! so getting the specific items you need for drops is gonna be fun!


  16. Glad to hear you are on the mend, Bunny. The community missed you. I was semi happy with this event. The completionist in me was hurting because I had to skip over soooo much, but I still managed to get all the dinosaurs and that is all that matters in this case. As a bonus, I also unlocked all the free skins, so 3 cave peoples, plus a bunch of themed building, so yay.


  17. Welcome back, Bunny. I hope you get the chance to relax more while you’re recovering. xx


  18. The apologies are not needed, Bunny!!! But glad to hear you are on the mend and rarin’ to go… Cuz it looks like we are all going….. Whoaaaaa….. (With your inside line could you let TinyCo know that they could have SOME downtime between stuff)


  19. Hi,

    I’ve been questing for a while now. Usually play every event and have spent too much money on clams lol. Anywhozzle, I’d like to help if I can. If you have any questions, comments or concerns please feel free to contact me by any means necessary. Thanks!

    Best Regards, Gerald Romero ***


  20. welcome back Bunny. I, and I am sure many others, were quite concerned. Glad to hear you are on the mend. Also glad your focus is going to be on getting your health in line. Take good care of you. You were missed, even though your minions did a fabulous job!


  21. what withdrawal did you go through? Benzodiazepines? Opiates?

    I’m hoping you feel better soon.


  22. When is next event


  23. Jimmy Campbell

    Well, I got all characters, buildings and decorations from the Prehistoric Park event. Can’t wait for the next event, the current mini event and the upcoming new District 12.


  24. The Problem Child

    Glad you’re feeling better and no need to apologize, you’re health is what’s important. As for the Event ending, the only issue seems to be that the Raptor can’t be put into Tan-Lines. All the other dinosaurs and the Saber-tooth can, though. Also none of them have FaceSpace pages either, so you have to search for them if they’re wandering the town. Mine are in Tan-Lines and the Raptor in storage.


  25. Nice to hear you are feeling better. I really had to change my view on this game after about the 1st year. I started with it at the beginning and wanted EVERYTHING (at least characters). If I purchased the premium characters it was enough to push me though to finish the event. After while, I was STILL not finishing events even with the premium purchases. I decided to go back to Freemium and just play for fun. I get what I get and I don’t get upset.


  26. I’m glad to hear your doing better Bunny


  27. Glad to hear good news! We were worried about you.
    Let’s see what happens now in this silly game… it’s a pity the “secondary” saurus like skullosaurus, herpersaurus, etc didn’t remain in the game, or an option to buy them…


  28. Hello Bunny, it’s so nice to see you back where you belong. We are all glad that you are feeling better, and we hope that the worst is behind you.

    I would also like to thank all of this community’s members who pitched it while Bunny was under the weather. Especially Lotty. Thanks Lotty for picking up the torch and seeing us thru.

    I’m glad that I found this site. I feel like I’ve become part of something that leaves me with a sense of belonging.


  29. Happy to hear you may be on the mend again Bunny. Your health comes first.

    I’m ending the game at halfway through phase 3. Wish they had dropped a big claw $ item to waste my leftovers on.
    Wonder what’s coming up next?!


  30. ((((((Hugs)))))))))) The game doesn’t matter compared to your health! I’m glad you’re back, but really because I’ve worried about you.

    This site is amazing, and so many other games could really use one similar, especially with people like the fabulous ones here. I’ve fallen out of love with the game, but I still like checking in here because of the community.


  31. Glad to read you back Bunny! You been missed, even though I know you needed to get sorted out. Here’s hoping you mend quickly and find a job better suited to you (game beta tester pay well??)

    I’m not quitting the game but not real happy us soooooper casual gamers had a hard go of it. Didn’t get close to Lois’s skin but did get 2 Dino’s and Peters so guess I’ll take it.

    Think I got one of the lower tier prizes from last event and haven’t seen that either. Ah well.

    Anywho, just keep bouncing Bunny! 😊


  32. Hi, Bunny! Awful to hear what you have been going through, but good to hear you seem, however slowly, to be getting better. Your helpers have been doing great, I must say!

    Are you sure the event is going to end today? I have not been getting pop-ups to that effect, which we usually do, starting a day before the end of an event… And I need to decide whether to buy the last two Feathers I need for the Pterodactyl. 🙂


  33. Welcome back


  34. Bunny, you have absolutely NOTHING to apologize for–your health comes first, always.
    I echo your appreciation of the helpers and all those who added details in the comments.
    This event was more grating than fun, and more annoying than challenging, but at least TC made some good strides in the user-friendly direction with the aiming and tapping requirement–not great, but good. I’m still debating if I want to buy Patches just to have that dinosaur cause looks kinda cute–the biggest negative is I know he will VERY quickly get checked into Tan Lines and never be seen again. Is his cute dinoness really worth almost $10 in clams? Ack!


  35. Get well, Bunny, and welcome back!

    I think I am going to set the game aside a take a break, maybe temporary, maybe permanent. The last couple events, even with playing fairly often (I work from home) and spending a few clams, I haven’t gotten close. I haven’t even completed Phase 3 in the Prehistoric event, and I’m nowhere close to getting the Brian outfit. I had no chance of getting the week 3 reward. I shouldn’t be that far behind playing regularly and using the occasional clam boost.


  36. Glad to hear you’re on the mend and feeling better Bunny!!! Continued Good Health and all my Best Wishes!!! Glad to have you back!!!
    All The Best,

    Dave from the Meet and Greet


  37. wildthornberry88

    Thanks Bunny for your kind words. The community you helped build really pulled together! Looking forward to the next event, let’s make some awesome posts together! ^_^


  38. Glad you’re on the mend, but good riddance to this Prehistoric event, T.Co has shown their greedy side and once this event’s over, I’m done. Hope you and everyone else has fun going forward, I have far better things to do than not be able to come close to finishing events without literally spending thousands of clams to do so. Take care, it was fun for awhile.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sorry to hear that. It is not a game for those that “want it all” unless they want to spend. It’s a game you have to view through different thoughts and eyes then usual.

      You are always welcome to come back around. 🙂


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