Do I Want That? Pimp Stewie

So you think you’re as rich at Carter Pewterschmidt? Own a fancy house like Buzz Killington? You sure gotta lot of clams there, whatcha gonna do with them?



Now hold on there a minute. Are you SURE you want that? With all these cool Undercover Gigg-Olo  limited time event items in the game, it is very easy to get carried away. Before you know it, Clamshell Shock! All gone!

So before you go ahead and buy the Pimp Stewie character costume with your hard-earned Clams, here’s a few things you might want to know about him.

Character Costume
Clam Price: 250 Clam IconClams, however if you’re quick you can get him for the discount price of 200 clams. You will see the timer ticking down on this deal on the offer tab in your game, it looks like this.

Unique: Yes


  • A cute new costume for Stewie, and it’s a costume that’s featured in the TV show
  • 2 Permanent animated tasks, They’re not as outlandish as I think they could have been but they are fun
  • Fully tasked with Questline.
  • Can go on Undercover Missions


  • Frakkin 200, or even worse out with the limited time sale 250 CLAMS!!!
  • It’s a costume, Stewie already has quite a few
  • Won’t be useful after the Event


I wanted to give you an overall idea of how it COULD benefit your game play. And it’s simple you can send Pimp Stewie on Undercover Missions to the Mom Soccer Room, Honeymoon Suite and Indulgence Suite and if he will increase the odds of items dropping, especially if he’s sent in addition to another character. However to be honest he isn’t essential to progressing as others can go on these Undercover Missions alone, namely Peter for the Mom Soccer Room and Honeymoon Suite, and Gigg-Olo Quagmire to the Indulgence Suite. But adding Pimp Stewie helps your odds, and he will give you a head start on collecting Diamond Rings for the Big Pete Peter costume as the only freemium way to get these requires sending Gigg-Olo Quagmire on Undercover Missions to the Indulgence Room, and you need to unlock him before you can use him.

Final Thought:

Personally, and I’m sure a few of you have guessed this, I love everything Stewie, so I was going to be tempted to buy Pimp Stewie no matter what. And the pre-release sale price made me splash the clams, but I have to be honest I did expect him to do a little more in the event. So if your clams are scarce, think whether or not getting another costume for Stewie is good value, especially in a mini-event. Also consider this for 200 clams you can unlock Charmisse’s Room and have a very, very, very good chance of unlocking her, she’s a new, fully tasked and voiced character who’s appeared in the TV show, and she’s the same clam cost.  Personally I’m pretty sure now I see what he can do, he’s not worth the clams even at the reduced cost.  And once again remember you aren’t  getting a full character, this is a costume for Stewie, so you should think seriously before spend 200 or even worse 250 of your hard-earned clams.

With it being part of a Limited Time Event, just make sure you make up your mind as once the event is over it is most likely they will be gone. In the end it’s your call.  What you buy and what you don’t buy is your own personal choice we can only guide you on the facts and let you know what we did and what we think.  But don’t purchase it until YOU are sure. ALL SALES ARE FINAL!

~ Russian Tigger

2 responses to “Do I Want That? Pimp Stewie

  1. johnjohnsonjones

    I bought stewie!!! has help a lot so far


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