Undercover Gigg-Olo Character Questlines – Gigg-olo Quagmire & Big Pete Peter

Hey there looks like there’s a new story in Quahog, The Pimp and the Prostitute. And this time it’s Peter and Quagmire taking the starring roles, as Big Pete Peter and Gigg-Olo Quagmire come out to play.



Gigg-Olo Quagmire  is a new character available as part of the Undercover Gigg-Olo event. You’ll find the full profile HERE.

At the time of writing this Gigg-Olo Quagmire has no drops that help in the event, but he is a valuable escort for Undercover Missions so  you may choose to delay his Questline until the end of the event, but here’s a look at the fun and frolics waiting for you in the Questline.


 Just A Gigg-Olo
Quagmire Starts

Create the Gigg-Olo Quagmire Outfit

Completed Task Rewards: $45, 30xp & 2 Matchbooks

 Just A Gigg-Olo Pt. 1
Quagmire Starts

Have Gigg-Olo Quagmire Take A Shame Shower: 4hrs, Earns $50  & 30xp
Have Jerome Host Happy Hour: 2hrs, Earns $30 & 20xp

Completed Task Rewards: $30 & 20xp

 Just A Gigg-Olo Pt. 2
Quagmire Starts

Have Gigg-Olo Quagmire Perfect His Pole Dance: 4hrs, Earns $50  & 30xp
Have Bonnie Twerk It: 4hrs, Earns $50 & 20xp

Completed Task Rewards: $30 & 20xp

 Just A Gigg-Olo Pt. 3
Quagmire Starts

Have Gigg-Olo Quagmire: 6hrs, Earns $65 & 45xp
Have Joe Perform Cripple Trucks: 1 min, Earns $5 & 3xp

Completed Task Rewards: $30 & 20xp


Big Pete Peter  is a character costume available as part of the Undercover Gigg-Olo  event.  You’ll find the full profile HERE.

At the time of writing this Big Pete Peter plays no part in the event so you’ll want to crack on with his Questline.


Hard Out Here For A Pimp 
Peter Starts

Create the Big Pete Peter Outfit

Completed Task Rewards: $30, 20xp & 3 Matchbooks

Hard Out Here For A Pimp Pt. 1
Peter Starts

Have Big Pete Peter Get Pumped About Pimping: 4hrs, Earns $50 & 30xp
Have Mort Swallow Jewels: 4hrs, Earns $50 & 30xp

Completed Task Rewards: $30 & 20xp

Hard Out Here For A Pimp Pt. 2
Peter Starts

Have Big Pete Peter Do The Hustle: 4hrs, Earns $50 & 30xp
Have Joe Go Undercover: 2hrs, Earns $30 & 20xp

Completed Task Rewards: $30 & 20xp

Hard Out Here For A Pimp Pt. 3
Peter Starts

Have Big Pete Peter Organise Suit Collection: 6hrs, Earns $65 & 45xp
Have Chris Organise Cap Collection: 4hrs, Earns $50 & 30xp

Completed Task Rewards: $30 & 20xp

Hard Out Here For A Pimp Pt. 4
Peter Starts

Have Big Pete Peter Polish His Rings: 12hrs, Earns $100 & 65xp
Have Meg Make Herself A Friendship Bracelet: 4hrs, Earns $50

Completed Task Rewards: $30 & 20xp

There you have it. The side Questlines for Gigg-Olo Quagmire and Big Pete Peter. Did you get either of them? If so, how far into their  Questlines are you? Liking them so far? Let us know.

~ Russian Tigger



26 responses to “Undercover Gigg-Olo Character Questlines – Gigg-olo Quagmire & Big Pete Peter

  1. I got giggolo Quagmire late so didn’t go through the questline during the event. Now I see he needs that male strip club to finish his questline. Uh-oh. I didn’t get it. Will I have to stare at giggolo Quagmire’ s mug for the rest of eternity in my task list or what?!?


  2. I bought pimp stewie with the discount, and now all my clams are gone, and I didn’t get to finish the event, left a bad taste in my mouth


  3. is the event over? it’s missing from my game 😦


  4. I thought this was perfect for a mini-event. I liked that the gigg-olo drops were every four hours no matter what time you collected the last batch. I got five collections in each day and a couple days six. Peter’s skin took me to the day before the end which made me work at it but I didn’t enter the last day stressed. I was most interested in the chance at the full character as opposed to the skins and got both The Judge and Brian so they were an added bonus in the event. I would take this exact structure for a mini-event every time. It is a nice “break” from the stress of a full event.


  5. Overall: LAME-O. Impossible to get a simple skin for Peter without a huge outlay of clams. Should’ve just made tasks shorter than 8 hrs or drops common. Boo.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I came up one cane short. It will cost 18 clams if I desire to have him. I dunno. It’s not awful I guess but I also have a ton of Peter skins already. Can’t decide :/


  7. Off topic , but did you hear, TinyCo is going to be doing a Futurama game?


    • Yeah I saw that, interesting!!!


      • I just wish it was EA doing it instead.


        • See I like Tapped Out but find it too easy, I like this as it’s more of a challenge. But I think a nice in between of the two would be good.


          • I find TinyCo to be a bit too greedy, but they do tend to be more creative in events. However, I prefer TO’s iconic items and how you can be somewhat artistic with them. Most of FG’s stuff goes straight into inventory. I only keep track of the characters skins. At least FG’s unsed characters can be useful in the Resort. Unless you’ve gotten all the resort items.


            • I think if you compare the size and resources of TinyCo with EA, it becomes obvious why they need to push more premium content. But visually they out gun Tapped Out in every event for me. But as you say it’s how we can build out towns with the land and memory issues, my Tapped Out is a bustling busy town, my Quahog I keep putting most things away.


          • There is no challenge in this game. It’s luck. Like a slot machine. I like Tapped out better because you get rewarded for your effort. I can bust my butt in this game and get nowhere. I’m not starting another game. I swear that Disney Kingdoms is based on this game with how it works. Not up for another get lucky game. Besides, I never watched Family Guy and only knew the characters from playing. Out of the 10 family members, my husband is about the only one left playing. I’ve cut back. Did not play the previous me, did put time into this one but it ended. There is a reason my family and friends have left this game and the Disney game. To much effort for nothing. Our money goes to the Simpsons.


            • I’ve found it more a case of play or pay and I’m happy to put in the time so luck or a lack of it has never played much of a part for me personally with regards to a whole event, but there is an element of it in weekly challenges and such. And the Silent Night and Best 2016 event were way too much a game of chance due to the structure of those events but we loudly made our feelings about that heard and TinyCo seemed to have listened. For me that and the way I play it makes this game a challenge compared to Tapped Out, which at times for me is way too easy and at times a grind as nothing ever changes, it’s just go in and tap, go out. However that’s what some players prefer, me I like the fact I’ve got to work out a strategy for this, how to best utilise my time for drops and such, and that’s where the challenge comes in for me. And it’s why even when I’m playing freemium I complete events. I find this game keeps my interest due to the fact until an event ends I dint know if I’ll get it all, whereas Tapped Out I already know the outcome on the first day of a month long event. But as I’ve always said different folk want different things from a game, I don’t mind hard as long as it’s fair, and I call TinyCo out when it’s not fair such as times players put in the time, and by that I mean a lot of time, and can’t finish. If you just want drop in and out a few times a day that’s not going work in FGQFS. I’ve always said that this game has been wrongly judged against Tapped Out, it’s never tried to be or will be Tapped Out. If you’re expecting that this is not the game for you, as you yourself have found. And remember the difference between EA and TinyCo, EA aren’t reliant on premium players buying donuts, they could carry Tapped Out if it wasn’t making them money, TinyCo don’t have that luxury.


              • I don’t play Tapped Out, but you summarized my feelings about this game and TinyCo exactly. I was wondering if its new ownership was where some of the difficulty to the game was coming from (Buy Clams!). But the last couple of events (full and mini) have been better. If a freemium player can’t strategize and work hard to complete a character/skin/event, then I don’t see a purpose. Like you RT, I want to grind out the game. I find myself thinking about strategy when just walking from my office to the restroom. Spending clams should be reserved for those extra special items in the game and to bail you out when you get in a jam, not the only way you can finish something. I know this won’t please everyone, but if TinyCo can stick to this formula of gameplay, I think a lot of us will be happy. If only they could come up with a new concept; here again the one they are using is just old and worn. I realize that the glitches have ceased almost entirely, but it is time for some new concepts or bring back some of the old ones that worked in the first year of the game.


            • Simpsons? Tell me more. Is it just as fun?


    • TinyCo???! Oh god. Anybody but them……


  8. The quest line stops when you finish? Characters are walking around pimp peter,quagmire etc. Nothing new to do. 😕


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