Wet Hot Mystery Box

Hey Campers!

Whilst we’ve been distracted playing pranks and war games with our rival camps TinyCo has popped another Mystery Box into our lil Quahogs – the Wet Hot Mystery Box!

Now I know many of you are curious about the items inside and just what you are taking a risk to get by spending those precious 150 Clams, so let’s jump on in and take a closer look.

DISCLAIMER (Bunny’s wise words)

As I state each and every Event, these Mystery Boxes are completely optional. It is your choice and your decision to take the risk and chances to see what item(s) you will get from inside.

EVERY Players results will vary. Some good. Some bad.

Just make sure it will be worth it to YOU to spend your precious Clams to take those risks and to be happy with the results, no matter what they are. It is a gamble after all.


With the general idea out-of-the-way, let’s now take a look at each one of the Individual Prizes inside that you will be attempting to win for 150 Clams per try.

R. Lee Ermey
Description: Full Character
Unique: Yes
Drops: Has a 4hr task to always drop Bus Tokens.
Size: N/A
Additional Info: None

15 Water Balloons
Description:  Event Resource
Unique: No, can repeat.
Drops: None
Size: N/A
Additional Info: Resource used to initiate Camp Wars.

155 Clams
Description: Premium Currency
Unique: Yes
Drops: N/A
Size: N/A
Additional Info: N/A

2 Junk Food Monster Cards
Description: Camper Upgrade Card
Unique: No, can repeat.
Drops: None
Size: N/A
Additional Info: Used to upgrade the Junk Food Monster in the Infirmary.

3 Schpupel Player Cards
Description: Camper Upgrade Card
Unique: No, can repeat.
Drops: None
Size: N/A
Additional Info: Used to upgrade the Schpupel Player in the Infirmary.

130 Firewood
Description: Event Currency
Unique: No, can repeat
Drops: N/A
Size: N/A
Additional Info: Used to purchase items in the Camp Mess Hall.

8 Participant Badges
Description:  Event Currency
Unique: No, can repeat
Drops: N/A
Size: N/A
Additional Info: Used to purchase items in the Camp Mess Hall.

16 Eating Contest Badges
Description: Event Currency
Unique: No, can repeat
Drops: N/A
Size: N/A
Additional Info: Used to purchase items in the Camp Mess Hall.


Now this is the order in which Bunny won items as she took her chances in the Mystery Box. Again, these are BUNNY’s results… you personal results can and will vary.

130 Firewood
8 Participant Badges
130 Firewood
130 Firewood
16 Eating Contest Badge
2 Junk Food Monster Card
2 Junk Food Monster Card
3 Schpupel Player Card
155 Clams
130 Firewood
130 Firewood
15 Water Balloons
130 Firewood
8 Participant Badges
R. Lee Ermey

As you can see Bunny needed 15 attempts to get R. Lee Ermey. And remember for Bunny who is speeding through the Phases to pull stats and info for us all those Materials she won are helpful.

Clam Icon

Total Clams Spent to win R. Lee Ermey – 2250.

Total spent on box altogether: 2250 (2095 with the +155 Clams win) … OUCH!!! 

There you have it, the overall look at the items in the Wet Hot Mystery Box.

Did you take a chance in the Mystery Box? If so, what were YOUR results? Get the items you wanted? Tips for fellow Players? Let us know.

~Russian Tigger

13 responses to “Wet Hot Mystery Box

  1. 150 clams for a chance to win 155 clams?

    TinyCo do like a laugh, don’t they! lol


  2. Whooping 2250 clams! Just curious, does Bunny spend real cash to buy enough clams to speed through for us?


  3. If you could win each prize once with no repeats, I think more people would take the chance. To many of us have been burned like Bunny’s example.


  4. I thought the Clams video app was fixed. WRONG. I collect one at a time, because after the video, it advances to the play store to download. After this the reloads. It did it twice this morning. TinyCo deserves a poor rating. The clams video messed up for a long time, then it was fixed sort of, and now it messes up again. 😦


  5. I’ve nearly stopped using my clams completely now other than occasionally spend a couple here and there to finish off a timer quicker. I generally avoid any box that’s going to give me repeated worthless ‘prizes’ anyway.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Same here. Now when I seem clam things I cost it out in real money, and then I have a real barometer. As much as I enjoyed R. Lee Ermey over the years (RIP), I can’t justify the risk. I did spend some clams to buy out Rufus recently as I liked the character and George Carlin, but I knew I would get him, unlike here. Correspondingly, I wasn’t willing to buy out Chris’ Power Ranger costume as it wouldn’t have had any value given the event was basically over.
      Remember, all sales are final …


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