Wet Hot Quahog Summer Character Profile: Director Susie

It’s time to smile for the camera!!!

Yes with the new Wet Hot Quahog Summer event, we’re getting some new Characters and one of them just happens to be Director Susie.

Let’s throw you some information on what Director Susie can do in our silly lil games.

Director Susie is a New Character added during the Wet Hot Quahog Summer event. As with many characters in the game in order to get Her you have to collect lots of stuff! You will be directed to start to unlock her at Pt. 2 of the main Questline Drama Of A Camp. Tapping on Go will take you to to the event area where you will repair the Campfire, this will bring Director Susie into your game to unlock. Once you’ve placed her you only have 7 days to fully unlock her before she leaves your game.

73 Pianos (Always): Camp Wars
9 Dance Steps (Rare): Seamus Dance on Steps
17 Theater Masks (Common): Crystal Lakeside Cottage OR Amphitheater
15 Clipboards (Extra Rare): Mort Take Inventory OR Lois Organize Campers OR Producer Ben Audition Campers OR Stage Set Warehouse

Once you have finished collecting all the Materials her character requires you can pull Director Susie into your game.

She does come with a Questline, A New Direction, more on that in another post.

Director Susie does come with a complete set of Tasks! Tasks that will help you earn $$$ & XP! She can also man the Cannon as a Leader in Camp Wars and take part in Camp Pranks.

Let’s take a look at some of Director Susie’s Tasks:

Task Time Earns Drops/
Be A Tough Cookie 2hrs 30  20  L2
 Get Direction 4hrs 50  30 
Try On Movement Clothes 6hrs 65  45  L3
 Get Keyed Up 8hrs 80  50 
Leave Baggage At The Door 12hrs 100  65  L4

**Note: Within an Event, tasks may change and vary as the Phases come and go. So some of these tasks will be temporary. Others may be one time use. Some will stick around even after the Event. We won’t know until the Event Ends.


Yes, she is!!!

And there you have it, the complete breakdown for Director Susie!

What do you think of Director Susie? Where are you on unlocking her? What do you think of her tasks? Have a favourite? Let us know!

~ Russian Tigger













11 responses to “Wet Hot Quahog Summer Character Profile: Director Susie

  1. Still have 6 hours left in her, only had one clipboard dropped in total?! Gave up any hope of unlocking her long ago..


  2. Rather amazingly I managed to unlock Susie with 1.5 hours to spare. I managed to get enough balloons to lose Streak 11 for just enough pianos, and I picked up the last clipboard with time to spare. It would’ve cost me 38 clams to get the last clipboard otherwise, but I’m glad I didn’t have to waste any. FYI I’m a totally freemium player

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Yes she’s voiced, but sounds nothing like Amy Poehler!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. In seven days, I only got ONE clipboard from Lois, Mort and Ben. ONE. I know it was an extra rare drop but come on, ONE? I did manage to get six from the warehouse, but that ONE drop from Mort was pretty lousy.


  5. I just unlocked her, totally freemium, with just under a day left on her timer. There were times when it wasn’t looking good. I got all the clipboards from the 3 characters, except 2 of them which dropped from the building. Pianos, huh, the last 25+ I got from losing camp wars, being stuck on streak 11 and the non-stop mime parade. So, maybe I got lucky with the drops but it is possible. Now I have 3 costumes to try unlocking, Brian, Lois and Joe (been at 123/129 for weeks). If I get any great, if not, oh well. They’ll never have a use again anyways.


  6. got 10 hours to complete. probably should have waited awhile to activate. only need 17 pianos but I’m on streak 11 and don’t have enough balloons to lose 9 times. might use clams if I get close enough.


    • RussianTigger

      Remember there’s a half price clam offer on balloons, 20 balloons for 76 clams, that gives you 3 battles, and even with defeats that’s 6 Pianos for 76 clams, better deal than buying them out at 20 clams per piano, which would cost 120 clams.


      • that’s what I had to do….I am and always will be on streak 11 so I needed to lose 3 times to get Susie. bought 20 pack for 76 clams. figured after all that work. might as well get a character for 76. part my fault though if I hadn’t unlocked so early, but I thought that the pianos I was winning in camp wars were just lost. unlocked and turned out they kept track.


  7. I gave up on unlocking her. After five days in, I only had four of the 15 needed clipboards, and about half of the pianos. This was with characters working non stop on their tasks. Yesterday I had one full day left on her timers I just said forget it. I stopped having characters try for clipboards and moved them to collecting other items.


  8. 11 hours left and I need 20 pianos and 7 clipboards it’s impossible for me


  9. i got everything except the pianos .. im stuck at 55/73 .. streak 11 .. with 12 hours to go .. if only i could get the last jock card i need to level him up .. and the last 4 deer cards would help as well … waiting on my last few fancy packages and crossing my fingers …


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