A Very Griffin Holo-ween Character Profile: Buffalo Bill

Hey Addicts, with all the murder and mayhem hitting our towns, I think it’s time for a head count of who’s newly wandered into Quahog.

Buffalo Bill is making a terrifying entrance as part of A Very Griffin Holo-ween.

Let’s throw you some information on what Buffalo Bill can do in our silly lil games.Buffalo Bill is a New Character added during the A Very Griffin Holo-ween event. As with many characters in the game in order to get him you have to collect lots of stuff! You will be directed to unlock him via the Well Suited questline. Tapping on Go will take you to the Event area where you repair him for unlocking.

1 Basket (Always): Complete Last Supper Achievement Task
42 Kimonos (Common): Complete Introduction To Destruction Achievement Task OR Buffalo Bill’s Basement
9 Lotion (Common): Bath & Dead Body Wash
29 Duck Tape  (Common): Clear Zombie Monkey
14 Human Wigs  (Uncommon): Bonnie Get A Haircut OR Hannibal Lecter’s Jail Cell

Once you have finished collecting all the Materials you can pull Buffalo Bill into your game. And as an added bonus if you do so within 7 days, you’ll get a bonus of 40 Clams.

He does come with a Questline, Well Suited, we’ll have more on that in another post.

Buffalo Bill does come with a complete set of Tasks! Tasks that will help you earn $$$ & XP!

Let’s take a look at some of Buffalo Bill’s Tasks:

Task Time Earns Drops/
Buy Make-Up 3hrs 45  28 
Sew Skin Suits 4hrs 50  30 
Stalk Women 5hrs 60  38 
 Place The Lotion In The Basket 6hrs 65  45 
 Tuck And Rock N Roll 8hrs 80  50 
Pamper Dogs 12hrs 100  65 

**Note: Within an Event, tasks may change and vary as the Phases come and go. So some of these tasks will be temporary. Others may be one time use. Some will stick around even after the Event. We won’t know until the Event Ends.


Yes he is.

  • It rubs the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again
  • I can also sew a mean coffee cozy
  • My Skins never dry
  • Would you do me? I’d do me.
  • You don’t know what pain is!!

And there you have it, the complete breakdown for Buffalo Bill!

What do you think of Buffalo Bill? Did you unlock him? What do you think of his tasks? Have a favourite? Let us know!

~ Russian Tigger













22 responses to “A Very Griffin Holo-ween Character Profile: Buffalo Bill

  1. just needed 10 tape but i did not get him in time 😡


  2. How do I unlock bill I’ve tried all the tasks


  3. 8 hours to go before the timer runs out and need just one more tape needed to unlock Buffalo Bill. I’m hopeful for the bonus clams.


  4. Clearly see others stating it, but just wanted to voice the fact dict tape drops are not happening at a common rate. Just went 0 for 5. I can no longer miss any more drops ( I need 12) to conplete in 7 day timeframe for 40 clams.


  5. Over 1.5 days left on the timer. 12 kimonos and 2 duct tape to go. Still have 8 kimonos to collect from task so should be an ez 40 clams. Fingers crossed.


  6. It is great that he is voiced, but it would be awesome if “Goodbye, Horses” played for “Tuck and Rock N Roll”.
    If Kevin Smith can licence it for “Clerks II”, why not TC!?!


  7. Bill isn’t timed, just the bonus clams. However long you take, as long as it is by the end of the event, you get him.


  8. I must of been very lucky the Duct Tape dropped every time for me. I just unlocked him now and claimed the 40 clams.


  9. i only need 10 duct tapes for him and there’s still 2 days on his timer .. i guess i’ll get those 40 clams after all 🙂


  10. Buffalo Bill is soo not happening for freemium players. Too many materials involved with his creation. It feels like Tiny Co is still not listening to us and that sucks, I love this game but it’s almost impossible for freemium players to get time characters/prizes.


    • He has to happen eventually as he is needed for Part 8 of the main questline and you cannot progress to week 2 of the event unless you get him


    • Hi Jasmine, don’t worry, BB isn’t timed so you will still be able to get him! You just won’t get the bonus 40 clams for finishing him within a certain time frame. I play fremium and am pretty confident I will get him AND the 40 clams. I have almost 2 days left and only need 1 wig and 9 duct tapes. It definitely has been a challenge, but not unachievable. Hope you get your BB soon!


    • Jasmine – Keep the faith! 🙂 Remember, there is no timer on Buffalo Bill (except for the 40 clam reward). Every player should be able to get him (at least at their own pace) Good luck!!

      As for the materials, here is where I am at for others that might want to compare…..
      Still need the 1 basket of course, 18 more kimono’s and 18 rolls of duct tape. And I have 47 hours left on the clock for the 40 clam achievement reward.


    • Buffalo Bill isn’t timed, it’s the 40 bonus clams for unlocking him that is timed at 7 days. You can take as long as you need to unlock Buffalo Bill.


  11. The duct tape drops are killing me. Common. Sure.
    I still need to clear 6 boars to get the last kimonos from the achievements and I need 13 more duct tapes. If my math is correct, that means, I can only miss 4 more duct tapes to unlock him before week 2 drops. The way this is going, I’ll have missed at least 4 by the end of tomorrow. Even with perfect drops, I’d only have 8 hours left at the end and I wanted to finish his questline before next week.

    I guess I’ll hold off until the last 12 hours to try for the kimonos if I have to. The kimonos are way cheaper to buy outright than the duct tapes, plus I may be able to scrape up enough from Bill’s basement by then and they’re a guaranteed drop from the achievement so I’ll be able to see which path would cost me less clams when it comes down to it.

    I do prefer a little challenge anyways. Even if it costs me a few clams in the end.


  12. It would be nice if the duct tape rolls would actually be a “common item.” I just went 1 for 4 and I’m guessing my average drop rate is, at best, 50-50.


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