Blackbeard Stewie’s Back! Back Again…

Ahoy there Addicts!!! Forget them pirates of the Caribbean cause there’s a pirate of Quahog returning to our games.

I guess he’s robbed and plundered the high seas long enough and now he’s coming ashore with an eye on your Clams. So welcome Blackbeard Stewie back, Yes Addicts go look in Al Harrington’s as he’s in the game…. again!!!

Blackbeard Stewie was a new Character Costume first seen as the top prize in the Peter’s Booty Haul event leaderboard in 2016, but after a break he’s back to terrify us some more, and at a swahbuckling price of 125 Clams. (Yes still a lot for a costume but consider how he tough he was to win for some of us previously).

To help you decide if he’s worth all those Clams, here’s all the Addicts info on him. Just click on any of the links before to read all our previous on Blackbeard Stewie. 

Blackbeard Stewie Profile

Blackbeard Stewie Questline

And there you have it, the complete Addicts breakdown for Blackbeard Stewie.

What do you think of Blackbeard Stewie? do you plan to get him this time round If you’ve got him, what do you think of his tasks? Have a favourite? Let us know!

~Russian Tigger




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