What The Deuce?!

Happy Weekend Clammers!

Well we’ve all made it through another week and the weekend is here!

All week we field your comments about your frustrations in the game and we wanted to give you (and us) a way for you to voice your frustrations and get it all off of your chest.

So welcome to WHAT THE DEUCE?!

What the Deuce

Here’s your place to vent about anything and everything, Family Guy or not. Consider this your weekly bitch fest and get it all out with a good…WHAT THE DEUCE?! And start your weekend fresh! 🙂

Just be respectful of others & be mindful of the language while commenting. Censor yourselves so we don’t have to!!  

REMEMBER: This is the ONLY place on our site where all that Venting and Frustration is allowed, so please Respect the Addicts Guidelines and post them ONLY here. What The Deuce?! are always open, so you can use them at anytime. 24/7, 365 days a year. Help us by keeping the Vents/Rants off all the other helpful posts. 🙂

Here’s mine for this week:

WHAT THE DEUCE… My brains too mushed to even think of one just now but I’m sure you guys will fill the void 😀

Now it’s YOUR turn…give us your WHAT THE DEUCE?! moments!  Go on, get it off your chest…you’ll feel a lot better! 🙂

33 responses to “What The Deuce?!

  1. He-Man Event / Week Two Blue Feather Freemium Issue:

    Just an FYI to those who are playing week 2 content. If you don’t spend clams, this is your fate. This of course does not factor in sleep time at all. May be closer to 2 days for those that sleep and work. Hardly seems fair IMHO.

    She-Ra 4hr x 2 bottles = 8hrs = Max 6 bottles 24hrs
    Barbarian Peter 8hrs x 1 bottle = 8 hrs = Max 3 bottles 24hrs
    Max bottles 24hr = 9
    2 bottles = 1 potion
    3 potions = 1 attack
    2 attacks (minimum, unless crit) = 4 feathers
    Cost of First building = 2 feathers
    Resources and Time needed for 4 feathers = 12 bottles @ 32hrs = 1 Day 8 hrs.


    • Turns out that they drop 3 at a time. Really wish they’d convey that from the onset as it makes it more difficult to plan timing on the characters. Both She-Ra and Barbarian Peter are the only Freemium attackers until you get Chris and they’re the only two Freemium characters to collect items needed for the attacks on the new walkers. So this has turned into a minor issue more than the major I thought it’d be.


    • Your math is out due to the multiple drops of mystic water but it’s still going be tough Week


  2. Lyle Rease Cason Jr

    I love the game. My only complaint is that it seams that you actually have to spend real world money to do anything in the game. I mean, take the current master of the universe event…have to spend 230 clams to get TrapJawJoe, 200 Clams to get Shine of the Ruby Phoenix, not to mention the fact that within the regular game, you have to spend 300 clams to get Consuela, 750 clams to get Kool-Aid Man, 120 clams to get Brain Damaged Horse, 260 clams to get James William Bottomtooth III, 125 Clams to get Buzz Killington, 250 Clams to get Human Rupert and 400 clams to get Cleveland.
    That’s 2,635 clams…in real world money, they will sell you 3,500 clams for $99.99.
    I know that the company has to make money to keep putting out content and that I downloaded the game for free. That said, I would much rather pay an initial fee for the game and be able to earn all of the characters through game play.


    • That initial fee would be hefty, as you’d be potentially paying for years of ongoing updated content. The game would be dead at launch. I agree a new way is needed in the pay to play mobile world, micro transactions are anything but micro these days.


  3. I have to agree with the cash only bundles. I’m ok with buying clams when I can afford it. Like a lot of the others, I have a bunch of in game currency and it sucked really badly I couldn’t get the character boxes.


  4. I am so ticked. One of my cats swiped at and rubbed on my tablet when I looked away. What I didn’t realize is that I had the store open and the cat used most of the stars I had collected and accidentally bought a character I wasn’t going to get. I had over half of the stars required to get Mrs. Giant Chicken and now I have only an eighth. I wonder if I could get them back because it wasn’t my fault. I want to scream. I doubt I have time to get Mrs. Giant Chicken now at all with only 8 days to go.


    • Message TinyCo, throw your cat on their mercy and see what they say. The smile his gave me is well worth refunding your stars if I could


    • Based on the change (1/2 to 1/8), this means you have picked up one of the tier one characters, which have a three hour salmon task instead of four, so that’s better than a kick in the head (per se).


    • Try to sound as heartbreaking as possible, lol. They aren’t very cooperative in those cases. Something similar happeend to me (lag or sth like that) during a halloween event, and I accidentally bought Ash Williams days before the evnt finished. I messaged them and they said they couldn’t give me the clams back and delete the character because they can’t change actions done by players.
      Don’t be mad at the kitten; it was trying to help ;p. Doesn’t that character drop salmon? If so then you’ll be able to collect the stars. Or Maybe you could try to complete the set and go for the clams so that the purchase is not totally useless


      • I think for the chuckle the tale, or should that be tail, gives us all, TinyCo should show mercy. We want the cat to still have 9 lives at the end of the event after all.


    • Ah, yes; The old “my cat did it” excuse… 😀 If I could, I would go 50/50 with you, RT! I also got a good chuckle out of this!


  5. WTD is Mrs. Giant Chicken required for the week 1 questline and/or the main questline required to move to week 2 and the rest of the stuff and potentially the use of kung pow Quahog characters which i have more of than Rocky ones.


  6. With the start of 2018 it is time to WTD Stewie Bucks and Tan Lines Let’s get past the fact that it has been of no usefulness since collecting the Evil Monkey. Here’s my beef: why isn’t there more variety with the selection of characters of the daily tasks. Core characters — whether in event costumes or not — should never be used. How about using some of the tens of characters that have taken up permanent residence and never seem to come out? James Woods hasn’t left the place since he went in and there are dozens of others that have been the same — all of the Super Heroes, Wizard of Oz folks or Ghostbusters denizens. If the three choices are supposed to be random based on what you have in your game, then how about opening up the pool to get some more characters involved?


  7. Gah, I might as well be a new player because I did so badly in the April event that I only had Boxer Peter to begin with. Bought Apollo because that’s the only thing I can spend my hard-earned clams on vis a vis past “Best Of” events.

    After all of the previous events where one thing could be used to “bomb” up to 4 other things, one Salmon to one Bear is a serious WTD factor in this event.


  8. salmon barely dropping (should be always) and should be dropping more than 1 hammer at a time…WTD!


  9. WTD on having an event where if you weren’t around for the first time you’re REALLY out of luck the second. I wasn’t playing back in the Rocky days. Now I have no characters to help me earn red stars without having to fork out a bunch of clams. And I can’t play the second week until I have 210 red stars for Mrs. Chicken????


    • Scooterfied – I totally get your frustration and I hope it doesn’t dissuade you from continuing with the game. I started playing in middle of a Star Trek event and the only thing I unlocked was the Peter costume as it was the easiest. I really didn’t play in the first three events other than the bare minimum as I didn’t have the characters and wasn’t going to throw out clams. It does get a lot better, and one thing about TinyCo, they are not shy about throwing events at us, one right after the other…hang in there!


  10. WTD is with offering Apollo two days into the event. I would have bought him right away but instead wasted 160 clams to get boxer Lois. Putting him out day 1 would have made people happier and reduced some of the screaming about people not being able to start fast due to not having any boxing characters (another WTD).


  11. Salmon, salmon, salmon …


  12. Those cash only bundles are so bad. TinyCo pls buying clams is expensive enough !! stop!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  13. I think it is because many players have thousands of cheat/hack free clams. Also a very dumb move because if you need assistance from Tinyco to fix your game they will see that the number of clams you have is impossible and you will be shut out of your account. Finally, the challenge for me is doing things the hard way – buying is not playing.


    • Yeah, impossible clam counts. When I earned Michael Pulaski in the “Fast Times” event, and the game crashed when I tried to claim him–and they didn’t fix it until the event was over–I had to message them about Pulaski. They checked and saw I DID earn him, but I had to contact them two or three times before he finally showed up. Once I did have him, my clam count also somehow had gone up to well over 66,000 clams. I didn’t type that wrong. I contacted support again right away, because I didn’t want them seeing that and thinking I cheated to get them. They fixed it, and my clam count was exactly where it was supposed to be, even including clams I earned (Daily Challenge, watching ads) in the meantime.


  14. WTD is with all these cash-only bundles for the past month?! I have clams, but nothing to spend them on.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Agreed! It winds me up as well!
      Clams have been promoted as the main, if not the ONLY, in-game currency since the game began. There have just been numerous offers prompting us to buy clam packages ( buy a crate and get 40% extra free) then they foist these cash only bundles on us!
      At least Dick Turpin wore a mask!

      Liked by 1 person

    • Along the same lines, something to buy with the Tan Lines currency would be nice. Mine has been piling up for a while now. Also, aside from the random New Years’ buildings that popped up last week, why can’t we buy characters with the in game money? I have in excess of 10 million, just think how many clams that would trade for!


      • Wait, what New Years building?


        • I’m presuming returning content we already have so didn’t see


        • Yeah, I wasn’t playing then, but I know in the first year, there were New Year’s skins for Brian and Jillian, so when they were available for purchase, naturally, the buildings needed for their quests showed up. My understanding, though, is when all of that was originally introduced (New Year’s 2014), Jillian’s apartment was also included, but I didn’t see that this time around.


    • I recently sent a bit of a complaint about that to TinyCo. I was irritated that a couple of characters I missed recently were only offered as a cash only purchase. I’ve already paid for clams so that is total nonsense.
      I got back one of those “we understand your concern and will pass it on to TinyCo, thanks for writing in and have a good life” responses.


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