What The Deuce!!!

Happy Weekend Clammers! Well we’ve all made it through another week and the weekend is here!

All week we field your comments about your frustrations in the game and we wanted to give you (and us) a way for you to voice your frustrations and get it all off of your chest.

So welcome to WHAT THE DEUCE?!

What the Deuce

Here’s your place to vent about anything and everything, Family Guy or not. Consider this your weekly bitch fest and get it all out with a good…WHAT THE DEUCE?! And start your weekend fresh! 🙂

Just be respectful of others & be mindful of the language while commenting. Censor yourselves so we don’t have to!!  

Go on, get it off your chest…you’ll feel a lot better! 🙂

32 responses to “What The Deuce!!!

  1. Never did get my last 3 bowls, so didn’t bother to start part 7 of week 4.
    So close to getting to see an entire storyline again.


  2. Sped up Joe 6 times and got no bowls. Still needing 3. Doesn’t look good. Oh well


  3. I just looove that the Family Guy app on my phone is currently 5.01 GB, by far the largest one I have. I don’t wanna fart around with reinstalling again as I just about lost it last time, and it’s just going to work itself back up there again anyway. No other app games I’ve played have continually bloated like this one… :/


  4. dennispouliezos

    Did they just extend it till Thursday?


  5. Why is play demos for clam option available everywhere? It’s never been available to me till i recently came to the UK on a trip and boom it’s there. Why am i missing out on 50% of all daily clams?


  6. hahahahahahahahahaha after 4 days and now facing the end of the event, I still only have 1 of the required 9, “extra rare” empty bowls


  7. Empty bowls for me too!
    3 characters going every 3 hours and with 8 hours left I still need 4.
    I even started week four on time for once.


  8. Disappointed Clamer

    It took me 6 days to get 6 empty bowls! And I’ve been running Meg, Chris and Joe around the clock. How am I suppose to get 3 more in the remaining 10 hours of the event?! Ridiculous!!!
    It’s a hefty 55 clams for each empty bowl! I’m not going to spend 165 clams for tiny Tim (finished all other requirements for him) as I already spent 400 clams on the wine stalle this event (and now stuck with more than 19,000 Mulled wine…).
    It’s just not fair making it impossible to get him without spending clams. Why couldn’t one of the worthless building drop empty bowls?


    • I speeded up tasks a few times and got the last bowl I needed, costs me 42 Clams speeding up the task 7 times, slightly better than 55 to buy it outright. But I got most back for completing the Facespace set.


  9. EMPTY FOOD BOWLS !!!!! still need 4 WTF!


    • I need 3


    • Same here. The other 3 characters I got with no issues, but now I’m going to miss out on the full set because of some bowls.


    • I agree these are really frustrating. I’ve been waking up through the night and reseting those three tasks just to get some more rounds in and it’s not helping.


    • I’m at 8 of 9, so it’s going to be a photo finish. But I have all 27 buildings and a couple thousand mulled wines — all freermium. But the food bowls were a major grind.


    • Yeah, drops this week have been appalling. I’m lucky to get anything every 48 hours. I still need 3 bowls, 5 crutches, and 2 medicine. I’m expecting another drop (non-drop lol) of crutches in 30 mins, the bowls in 1.5 hours, but the medicine won’t drop until I’m already asleep. I’ve had all the item dropping buildings for 2-3 days, but that hasn’t helped the glacial drop rate. Another dud event finish.


  10. Unless JC ups the chances, no way I’m getting 6 bowls for Tiny Tim. It’s ridiculous I’ve only gotten three out of 20 tries daily since Wednesday.


  11. Same old stuff. Not enough land. Nothing good to do with my 120 million coins or 38 gold Stewie bucks. There should be a way to convert coins and gold Stewie bucks into clams. There should also be a place to store extra buildings where they can still earn coins — like a Tan Lines or alternate universe to plant extra buildings to earn coins like a coin farm. We also need a Stewie Shrink Ray to shrink enormous buildings down to a manageable 4×4 size. We could also use a water reclamation project to make some of the water into dry land for buildings. Or maybe they just need to decrease the zoom so we can see more of the board all at once — without having to scroll like maniacs to find buildings with check marks.


  12. So up to 5/9 empty bowls. Everything else is on track, but I will be surprised if I manage to unlock stewie in the remaining time. Started this week on time and had the 3 characters working non stop. I hate it when theyp do this.


  13. A Christmas event and no Santa. Not even an action for him to help collect mulled wine.

    Original Peter having nothing to do in the event either because they threw in a new version that will be used for this event only.


  14. Worst Christmas event ever. Just base characters in yet more outfits to earn. Uninspiring… Blah Humbug


  15. Am I the only one that thinks the Empty Food Bowls have been a little too stingy to get?? I have been playing all three people for them since Wednesday afternoon – and only have 4 out of 9. At least 40 attempts out of the three that can earn them – and only 4 – that’s a little ridiculous!!!!!! I HATE this ******* game!!!!!!


  16. PinkFloydActuary

    Still waiting for two more knitting needles for Lois 🙄. Once I have them, guess I’m going on break. I think I got screwed up the first week finishing Quagmire first due to the timer and I never recovered.


  17. I have an issue that is keeping me from completing things. I will set my people up and sometimes, 2-3 hours later the game is back to before I set them up. Then I have to set them up again losing time quite often during an event.


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