Dance Dance Resolution Week 2 Addicts Area!!!

It’s time to get in the party mood as a new year and a new event is here…. Yup you asked for a readers page where you could share event tips & tricks and I’ve only gone and called your bluff and created one. So here’s where you can lay all your  event progress on the table for your fellow addicts to see.

And it’s also where you can share any strategies or advice, hey you can even share your New Year resolutions here. So c’mon Addicts lets do this together.

***Can any Addict confirm the returning characters from Week 1 such as Pregnant Bonnie, Govenor Cheeseburg etc are still available to unlock AFTER you start the Week 2 Questline. Players are asking but as I’ve got the characters already I can’t check***


~ Russian Tigger

30 responses to “Dance Dance Resolution Week 2 Addicts Area!!!

  1. Anyone trying to figure out which characters to try for this week might want to check your Character Collection to see who you might need to complete a group and earn clams. I’m trying for Horace in week 2 so I can complete my “Old Fashioned” collection and earn 45 clams. I earned 70 clams by getting Pimp Giant Chicken and completing the “Nostalgia Trip” collection.


  2. Does anyone else play on a PC as well as on mobile device? I’ve been playing for over a year on both- Android phone and Windows 10 PC. On the PC I play thru Facebook Gameroom, but a month ago when “Christmas Carol” event was released, I started getting an error saying the game was busy being upgraded on Facebook but I can still play on my phone- just not on my PC. This has happened multiple times over the last year when new events are released and usually TinyCo fixes it within a day or so when I report it. I’ve reported it 4 times already since early December and they tell me they reported it but still no good. Anyone else have this issue?


  3. I enjoy these events because you can get past characters just by working at it and use a little strategy based on what you want. I am sure completists are bored because they already have everything. As for me, I am more about characters and less about skins so my decisions are no-brainers. I bought the buildings to get through week one because I figured I would need to complete that questline to get to week two. I bought the building that drops glasses and I think I will save my shrimp to spend on characters since they are so hard to come by. My Admiral Brian timer never started since I was never going for that skin and I am not even considering the Stewie skin. If I am lucky, I will get five new characters that will sit in storage.


  4. I lost all my shrimp and other resources when I unlocked Governor Cheeseburg. Party Hats, champagne and shrimp all reset to 0. I had nearly 200 shrimp and only needed 65 to unlock him but now I have 0!! It takes so long to get shrimp and you need so many for everything in this event.

    I don’t even want to play any more after this to be honest. I have contacted Tiny Co in the game contact form.


  5. Now 8 characters to unlock!!! progress is soooooo slow. Huge amount of resources needed and such poor drops


    • Yeah they could, no should have made this a month long event, given players plenty time to have a go at any old characters and those who have everything could work away on the new outfits


  6. Just in case you don’t have the tasks to collect pills because you’ve unlocked the returning characters before, the tasks for P Bonnie, B Peter and QV Chris take 4h each. I didn’t pay attettion to G Cheesburg’s task and I sent him to get candies. I’m still trying to get Pimp Giant Chicken. Although I’m about to forget about Pimp Giant Chicken. There’s a chance to get Natalia and that’s all I wanted from this event 🙂


  7. Week 2 hasn’t triggered in my game yet? I’m still working on items for pregnant Bonnie & Queen Victoria Chris. Admiral Brian still shows 15+ hours available to unlock – is that why week 2 isn’t appearing in my game??


  8. Just started phase 2.. unlocked phase 1 characters are still there!!


  9. Yes, you can still work on them in week 2.


  10. I got Gov Cheesburger just before the start of Phase 2, and I had “bought” Pregnant Bonnie and Pimp Chicken who were waiting for items to be collected.

    After the start of Phase 2, they are still available but mysteriously EVERYTHING they are waiting for was reset to 0.


    • I’d message TinyCo on this.


    • Suspect this was likely due to you unlocking the other character as they all use the same resources to unlock.


    • I think Gstq10000 is right. The items must have gone back to 0 because you used them for other characters. I have Pipm Giant Chicken pending, and I still have the materials I was collecting for him.


    • Did you use all the resources to buy Giv Cheeseburg?


      • Yes, I used most of the resources to get the Gov, but even though I was not keeping a close eye on them I was only waiting for enough Shrimp before I unlocked him. There had been enough of the other resources for a couple of days.

        For example, I explicitly recall that I could see the buildings continuing to give Party Hats, but could not see a count. (only the check marks)
        It just looked extra strange that ALL of them reset to zero, since I was expecting some hats/candy, but it could be related to me spending 5 clams to buy the last Shrimp.

        Anyway, Thanks but it is not worth worrying about any further. I got the Cheeseburger and will try for Pimp Chicken over the coming days.


    • this also just happened to me, i unlocked governor cheeseburg and everything reset to 0. Including all my shrimp. I had about 200 shrimp and he only required 65 but i now have 0. All the others reset too all new years hats and champagne.


      • Please both message them about this….


        • Same thing happened when I “unlocked” Pimp Chicken, with the commonality being that I used the unlock button to buy everything you need with clams. Even though all I needed was 2 Party Candy that cost 10 each, I could have bought 2 for 20 clams. Instead I saved a step 🙂 and did the buy all for 20. I assume this caused all my extra resources to be …. donated.

          I will report when i get back to my game, but meanwhile buyer beware.


  11. Yes you can still unlock the characters from week one 🙂


  12. mine are still sitting there, so presumably I can keep obtaining the items to unlock


  13. I started week 2 questline and my two remaining characters Pimp Giant Chicken and Pregnant Bonnie are still available.


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