Dance Dance Resolution – Event Ending Soon

Hey there fellows addicts!

Just bouncing by to remind everyone once again that the Dance Dance Resolution event will be ending very, very soon.

***Remember the event ends on 16th January 2019 at 3PM PST***

And remember to look out for the End of Event Poll, it will be coming your way as soon as the event is over.

~ Russian Tigger

3 responses to “Dance Dance Resolution – Event Ending Soon

  1. Note to self : 3PM PST means midnight CET, not 1AM. I was that close to unlock Gov. Cheeseburg, but I logged on minutes too late !


  2. most frustrating event so far – impossible to get enough shrimp for anything- I’ve had the Dusty Treadmill for a week and still can’t get Expensive Watches for Count Monte Hall Stewie


  3. And I can’t seem to will any weenies to drop to finish Carter. I don’t need anymore French fries.. Very frustrating game lately


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