What The Deuce!!!

Happy Weekend Clammers! Well we’ve all made it through another week and the weekend is here!

All week we field your comments about your frustrations in the game and we wanted to give you (and us) a way for you to voice your frustrations and get it all off of your chest.

So welcome to WHAT THE DEUCE?!

What the Deuce

Here’s your place to vent about anything and everything, Family Guy or not. Consider this your weekly bitch fest and get it all out with a good…WHAT THE DEUCE?! And start your weekend fresh! 🙂

Just be respectful of others & be mindful of the language while commenting. Censor yourselves so we don’t have to!!  

Go on, get it off your chest…you’ll feel a lot better! 🙂

And if your having a glitch and want to have a bitch you’ll find the current glitch post by clicking HERE.

25 responses to “What The Deuce!!!

  1. Crazy – now I’ve got 2, 3 and sometime 4 versions of multiple characters entering the game as soon as I start it. Multiple buildings are dropping multiple items from the past, and current bad guys just doubled in number – I had left some out in anticipation of week 3 of the current event. I’ve also sent duplicate characters to current tasks, but once I close and open the game, only the original characters are on task.

    Going to the in-game ‘Support’ area crashes the game, so I’ll be using the support e-mail. I don’t know what they’ll do – they have to be overwhelmed with support issues at this point…

    Maybe for the 5th Anniversary, they can just correct some of the more notorious glitches…


  2. Hi,
    My friend got a bug where she’s trying to make the Spray but as soon as she clicks on make an error message pops up and the game automatically reloads not saving anything.
    She tried to contact support and the first time they told her to update the version of the game she has but after updating she can’t contact them anymore. As soon as she clicks on Help & Support the game crashes so we wanted to write them from my game but then I saw than even my game crashes when I go to support menu.
    Is this a known bug or does anyone know how to fix it?


    • RussianTigger

      I find the FAQ section crashes my game on my older devices but not on my new ones so not sure if it’s a device issue. But your friend can contact support by sending an email including their PlayerId and details of their issue to tc-support@jamcity.com


  3. corridor of crazy on the clue event has been locked for the past 5 days. I have everything I need but it won’t unlock so I’m completely stuck. I’ve emailed tinyco several times but they won’t respond. I’ve tried to reinstall and still nothing. Anyone else having this problem?


  4. I can’t even get glasses to drop!! I’m still at 8/13. . . . tracking 4th time both Lois and Bonnie dropped NOTHING


  5. YES!!! Evidence is NOT dropping. I’m lucky if I can do an investigation once per day, and the hatted guys have only shown up once. I’m highly frustrated at the moment.


  6. Sparkles 0 from 4 collections, uncommon needing 15 by Wednesday and 1 from 4 drops from the bald guys , common needing 15 to get the last building! Not looking good.


  7. moecyslack905

    I played Spin ‘n’ Win just now and it landed on 3 clams but I was given 300 coins. I have tried to report it twice but as soon as I tap help and support the game crashes and kicks me out. What the deuce!


  8. moecyslack905

    I played Spin ‘n’ Win just now and it landed on 3 clams but I was given 300 coins. I have tried to report it twice but when I tap help and support the game crashes and kicks me out. What the deuce!


  9. Coconut oil……1 in 4 drop, definitely not common.


  10. 699 clams for one building that drops every 24 hours and is useless after the event?! That’s crazy!


  11. not impressed they went back to overlapping same characters for trhe same tasks. this isn’t a bloody AAA RTS game.


  12. Last night I had around 15 tasks from previous events pop up in my game for no obvious reason. Christmas tasks, Cleveland show tasks and even a couple of dog-verse tasks. WTD?


  13. Lois and Muriel are locking my game up and I can’t progress in the quest. Any suggestions on how to resolve this?


  14. Drops of evidence seem to have gone to near zero. Everybody doing the task + having the building = 1 piece of evidence overnight.

    Liked by 2 people

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