Wild Winterl Week 3 – Where Are You Now Poll

Hey there Addicts, it’s time to find out where how you’re getting on in the latest event to hit our games!Yes with the this week halfway over I thought it was time for the Where Are You Now Poll. I’ve added a couple of extra questions as a result over concern over how difficult unlocking Winter Meg is.

So  you best get busy casting your votes Addicts. And remember the results will show and update as players answer, so it will also let you gauge where you are compared to others.

Thanks as always and feel free to leave any feedback or thoughts in the comments.

~ Russian Tigger

37 responses to “Wild Winterl Week 3 – Where Are You Now Poll

  1. Any news about the next event. Or if winter Meg extend?


    • No officual extension, event is still going but that’s been typical of late, events running few hours over. Next event will be along shortly, I’d guess a mini event


  2. Managed to get to 35/40 of the fire elixir so spent 40 clams to unlock the costume. The clam rewards for completing the quest and the Facespace set covered the spend.


  3. I have to agree with most of the comments. I do have the fast forward feature in my game which is great. I mostly use it when don’t have time to check in or want to speed up a 6 or 8 hour task right before I go to bed so I can start another task over night. And I’ve also used clams here and there to also shave off some time. I’ve had everything for Meg since SATURDAY except for the Fire Elixir like everyone else. With 2.5 hours to go, I’m only at 18/40. I try not to complain….sometimes tasks are hard, sometimes they are easy……but I’ve been speeding up every Stewie and Lois task and shaving off time with clams every single time for Water Elixir and I’m still only at 18/40. Kinda does seem impossible. I’ll have to spend 176 clams to purchase Meg at this point.

    Been playing the game for 5 years and I can’t remember a more difficult costume to ever get. Would be very curious to know how many people actually got Meg without buying her……..


  4. Andrew Halliday

    Has anyone actually heard back anything from player support – other than dave’s comment?
    Usually I find support very understanding & helpful, but recently & especially with this week’s comments, I am only getting “Thank for your suggestions, we will pass them on to our game developers.”.
    Like most other comments – I have done the math here & it is just not possible … Unless you were going to log in every 4-8 hour / 24 hrs a day, there’s no way you can collect all the required items you need in time to make the game deadline.
    I had completed Phase 2 early & was waiting for 3, I began it as soon as it launched & i STILL need at LEAST another day or tow to complete this Event.
    Really $#!tty move by Jam City.


    • I would have liked the 15 Ski Goggles needed for the 3rd building reduced to 5, Fire Elixir reduced to 25 and Yoghurt 15, sadly that wasn’t possible, they reduced the Fire Elixir to 40 but that was never going to be enough. Sorry but it was one those tough weeks that happen occasionally.


  5. My best efforts have earned only 23/40 fire elixirs including lots of rushing with videos; obviously completed all the other necessary materials.

    I suppose after a period of more reasonableness they do this sometimes to remind us that TinyCo is still TinyCo and still wants as much money from players as possible.

    I feel that the fact I continued playing an event that was obviously impossible says something unhealthy about my lifestyle. We must be addicts or something.

    Oh well, at least some consolation medals await us.


  6. 12 Yoghurt, 11 fire elixer 😦


  7. It’s frustrating when Lois had 3 (or more) tasks and characters like Mort, Joe, Bruce, Peter, and Brian weren’t utilized. Elixers from Stewie and Lois have been very tough to come by (once Lois could be used after the inconsistent dropping of wrenches for a quest line task…)

    I’m going to look to the future and hope characters are better utilized with reward tasks being more conscientiously spread out.


  8. I have certainly not completed events before, but I don’t remember giving up on an event, but I have on this one…through the course of the last week, I was only able to collect 18 elixirs and 15 magic dust bags…AND I bought the Yeti…bad ending to a promising event, I like the minigames…got all the buildings, but too little too late…and will end up with over 4000 crystals…and no shot at Winter Meg, she’s a 338 clam buy-out at this point, but that’s not going to happen…


  9. The water elixir drops are insanely low. I have been hitting the characters each time their tasks complete, within an hour or so, and all I have 6 days into it is 26 elixirs, and that is using the hurry up many times.. Not anywhere near the 40 that are needed to complete the quest. If they dropped it always it would be ok, but this uncommon drop rate on an 8 hour task is stupid. They really should have made this a 4 hour task.


  10. Still need 24 fire elixir and 7 Yogurt in a bag, the drop rates in this final week have been some of the worst ive experienced during an event since launch day, especially the Water Elixir drops and I even bought the Yeti with clams earned from the historic society, yeti has a water elixir task but the drops are super rare.


  11. Been surprised with the poor drops of some things. The fact that blue elixir is dropping so poorly is disheartening since there is no way I can get enough to even get close. I’d spend a few clams to get some fire elixirs to make the final push for Meg, but not 30 of them. And the fact that the drops for Ski Goggles were so off or on (I would get 3-4 easily, then nothing for several go arounds) so I couldn’t get Yet’s Delight Frozen Yogurt to help with yogurt drops. Just some of the thresholds for this week are too high, especially compared to the drops that they put in place last week for Stewie due to the glitch. Oh well, guess I’m waiting until she’s in the Historical Society.


  12. It’s virtually impossible to get enough elixir for Meg and JC/TC know it. It’s a very unsavory naked money grab for clams. They make you do a lot of work and hope you will break down and spend clams to finish. Shameless and despicable. They should be embarrassed. 99% of players will not get this without an extension, reduction, or other modification. I have all 4 buildings and have been done with 4 of the 5 items for Meg for about 4 days. They need to award every player 20 elixirs as an apology.

    Liked by 1 person

    • It’s a tough last week, I know it, they know it but you keep telling us you’ve loads free Clams therefore you can use some if you really want her, if you use some of those free Clams she’s not costing you any money, so no money grab involved. Every week you post how easy things are, that you’ve completed a week’s content in a day or two due to ff, so now you’ve got a decision, don’t get it all or spend some Clams and maybe think how players who don’t have ff feel when your constantly saying how easy everything is. I’m sorry I champion players who struggle, and push support to help them, but can’t condone the tone of your complaint here when you’ve loads of free Clams and ff so can get her if you really want her.

      Liked by 3 people

      • 👍👏


      • I think there’s a greater point to be made: someone who has FF STILL has no realistic chance of unlocking Winter Meg. I think that explains it all–JC just completely whiffed on this.


      • RT- thanks for all you do in supporting all of us players, and thanks for saying what I’m sure MANY of us were thinking about this (and frankly, for a long time now). If you want it bad enough, spend your clams- why are you holding on to them if not to get what you want?


    • Mr. “Bragging about how far ahead I am in Florida” hasn’t unlocked her yet?
      Is your fast-forward button not working this week?

      Good gravy, it must be such a terrible predicament that you find yourself in – not finishing 3 days ago like usual.
      It sounds like the most heinous atrocity that a gaming company has ever inflicted upon a player.
      How horrifying that you might have to spend some of that massive pile of clams to finish.
      Maybe we could start a GoFundMe campaign to help you in this most desperate of times.
      Of all the injustice in the world today, your plight is by far the worst form of suffering I have ever witnessed.

      Seriously, get over yourself.
      A lot of us are behind, even with a fast-forward button. Yet, you feel that you are entitled to an apology from a company that doesn’t charge you anything to play their game. This isn’t even a full character we’re talking about here, just another skin. If you want it that badly, cough up some clams and be quiet about it.

      It is you who has no shame, filling up the comments section with your “progress reports” and offering zero in terms of advice or assistance to anyone else. And now you whine like an injured hyena when they don’t hand you everything on a silver platter. If anyone should be apologizing, it is you.

      I come here to get a heads-up on the game – questlines, item requirements, new features, etc… And RussianTigger has done a bang-up job in all aspects (capably filling the void left behind by Bunny and Alyssa). I also appreciate tips and strategies shared by other players to help navigate the choppy waters when things get hectic. In short, this is a place for helping fellow players – and your “contribution” to these posts is of no help to anyone or anything except your own ego.

      So please, do us all a favor and knock it off. Play the game and enjoy it for what it is, but keep it to yourself. Stop hassling RT with your pointless comments patting yourself on the back. It takes up her time to moderate and, no doubt, tries her patience to respond politely through gritted teeth. If you have something helpful to share, I would love to hear it. Otherwise, no one cares how far or how fast you are.

      It is no grand feat in life that you are “already on part 6” after 2 days of grinding your fast forward button, it just means that you took a shortcut…


    • Tristan, you have right. I feel the same. I’m a 5 year player, and i don’t remember, which week were so tough. I think it was 1 years ago minimum.
      It’s a shame, but I have only 23 elixir, in turn i bought the yeti at the beginning. Now i bought Meg for 104 clames (-35 clams for rewards). So together 69 clams for Meg… I think it worths. I hope it will be not to be a routine this very hard and impossible last week, like 2-3 years ago.
      (Sorry if my english was bad)


      • The final week of Cruise of the Damned was just as tough, but can’t think many others in last year. They did reduce the Fire Elixir but nit enough I’m afraid.


        • The game has become noticeably easier in the last year, maybe even a bit longer than that. I can remember some characters/costumes being labeled “SUPER FRICKIN’ HARD”. Plus there never used to be any clam rewards for completing questlines.


  13. Stinks when you’re on top of stuff time wise and you don’t even come close to unlocking an outfit


  14. Drops have been terrible for elixir and yogurt. Would need another week at the rate they drop. Worst drops in a long time

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yeah, definitely not even close for getting Meg. I expended all of the water elixirs that I stockpiled during the entire week this morning and still couldn’t get to 5x. I would need another full week to get the 40 fire elixirs needed. Also fell short of getting the strange yoghurt, but a day or two at most would have need enough.


  15. interesting results so far


  16. I complained about the impossible requirements for meg and they gave me 5 elixirs – still not even close. Here is there full response:
    Thank you for contacting us. My apologies for the situation that you are experiencing with your game. I’ll be glad to assist you today.

    Fire Elixirs can be obtained by bribing the Ice-Fire Creature. Bribing this creature has a different property from the usual way items are dropped as it is a streak based system.

    If you bribe it once, you will receive 1 Fire Elixir, the 2x multiplier will award you 2 Fire Elixirs and when you hit the 5x multiplier you will receive 12 Fire Elixirs.

    I understand that this can be frustrating therefore, I’ll share your comments with the team so we can consider them for further adjustments.

    I’ve also added 5 Fire Elixirs to help you with the event. Please force close the game and open it again to enforce this change.

    Liked by 1 person

  17. Soraya (Liverpool)

    Definitely collating the fire elixir seems to be a problem across the board. This campaign ends in 1 day 19 hrs and despite best efforts I only have 6/40 elixirs; and 12/25 yoghurt bags. All else are complete.

    Hooray for consolatory medals tho


  18. Dead in the water, not going to get any further – the Meg costume is impossible, IMHO…the drops have been TERRIBLE, especially the blue bottles used to fight the Ice Fire monster – since this phase began, I’ve collected 14 bottles which is about 5 times less than what is needed to collect all the fire bottles…


  19. Part 3 at the moment. Tomorrow i achieve part 4


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