New Item In Store: Clam Generator – Clam Shrine

Update – Please note this item being free was an error, if you placed it, it will be replaced with a column that only drops game cash not Clams. 

We often see players requesting the return of the clam generators in events, and it’s something I recently brought to Jam City’s attention again, so I’m pleased to see they have just dropped a free one into our games. Yes, it only drops 1 Clam every 24hrs but it’s free and hopefully an indication of more clam generators to come.

The Clam Shrine is now available in your store and as Insaid it will drop 1 clam every 24hrs. I’m guessing this should maybe have dropped earlier this month to celebrate the games 6th anniversary.

74 responses to “New Item In Store: Clam Generator – Clam Shrine

  1. You know it really stinks I’ve played this game for years. I’m serious, years. I was so excited and pleasantly surprised that we were all given a coin generator for free. I must have misread it, but I thought this clam fountain was going to be like Jesus where you may or may not get a clam each time his task is done. And the other one that you pay for was a definite clam daily. But they took it away and gave us another column? Wah wah wah, Oh well better luck next time I guess. 😝


  2. The Clam fountain just turned into a white column. What’s going on?


  3. lonell white

    Daily game check in, collect etc. Went to look at my clam generator… it’s GONE! In place, a column generating cash (The last thing I need). Anyone else have this happen?


  4. I was able to purchase 5 of them for free! But, when I booted up the game today, they all turned into Roman Columns and only give money . I have sent an in-game message to support.


  5. PrettyPumkinz

    I was able to get 5 for free, but now they’d all turned into marble pillars.


  6. so i placed one of these, then realized i could place 4 more so you know since clams are valuable i got to place 5 total lolol well then i logged in today and all are gone.they turned them into marble columns that drop nothing. Lmao?


  7. Did any one else purchasing the clam shrine get 5? I only purchased 1 but was able to do 4 more marked as free in the buildings bit.


  8. I got it free and placed it, now it is gone and replaced with a pole. On the screen it is no longer free but there is a price to pay if you want it.
    I no longer can find it free.
    Which one is it?


  9. And just like that. It’s all gone and back up for $9.99. What a steal!


  10. I don’t know if they fixed this yet, but I was able to get 5 of the clam generators. Just kept letting me buy another until I had 5. Yay!


  11. I was able to put 5 of these shrines in my game, I added 1 to my game and noticed it was still available in the store and was able to add 4 more until the option finally disappeared. Anyone else able to do that as well?


  12. I got one yesterday, but it was back in the store this morning, so now I have two. Hope they don’t catch it if it’s a glitch.


  13. It appears as through you can “buy” multiple shrine fountains. Not sure if there’s a limit on the number you get though.


  14. Peter Coughlan

    I managed to get 5 of the clam shrine for free lol


  15. in my game, it initially showed as $20 for the special. thankfully I checked the menu and was able to place 5 of them for free.


  16. Cool! What’s more interesting I was able to put 5 of those, before it disappeared from the shop. I wonder if all of them will generate clams?


  17. Mine glitched and was able to place 5 before they disappeared, bonus


  18. Andreas Schütt

    I got 5 for free 😁


  19. Keep checking the store, I was able to place 5 of these


  20. I was able to add multiple clam shrines. Not sure how long this glitch will last.


  21. I think there’s also a limited time special deal to buy another Clam Shrine plus 300 clams for US$19.99. Ends tomorrow May 1st at 12:00 PDT.


  22. When I logged in, it offered it for $9.99.
    I clicked away from that. But then I seen the store thing had a red dot. I looked and it was free‽
    I could get 5 of them for free?

    What is going on!?


  23. I don’t know if this was intentional or not, but this remained in the shop many hours after I placed it. Only after placing 5 of them did it disappear from the shop.


  24. I don’t know if it’s glitched or if they’ll take them away after a fix but it let me place the shrine 5 times. I even reloaded and all 5 are still present. I’ll take it though, especially since Jesus isn’t an always drop (which frankly he should be) lol.


  25. I was able to place 5 clam shrines.
    Will they all leave 1 clam?


  26. Looks like I’m able buy 5 of them for… FREE! Definitely make my mood a bit better considering I have rent due tomorrow while on unemployment.


  27. You can get 5 of them. Hopefully that’s not a bug…..


  28. I installed 5 of them. Is that normal?


  29. So I’ve gotten 5 so far… Is there a max, or is this a glitch? I thought I’d bring it up here.


  30. It was in the shop and let me drop 5 free ones before it disappeared. Why is that? But why did it have a special for the same thing at $9.99??? Too weird…


  31. Hey you guys! You can grab up to 5 of these Clam Generator Fountains for free :)!! I love the freebies


  32. can u put as many as u want ?


  33. You can place up to 5!


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