The Mystery Of The Clam Shrine

Well, there’s been yet another glitch in the game, this time regarding the clam Shrine. I know you’re asking questions such as was it gifted to some of us error when it’s now a cash money buy? And why after giving players the item for free was it removed with no messag to explain why? Basically it was an error, the Clam Shrine was never intended to be free.

So this is what happened incase you think you imagined it all, lockdown can do that. Well yesterday the Clam Shrine showed as free  in the store in my main  game. I was able to place 5 in my game. I, like many I presumed it was another 6th anniversary gift.

However after placing them, today they have now changed the shrine into columns and they don’t drop Clams.

Now in my second game in which I didn’t place any shrines it now shows i can buy it as part of a deal that includes 300 Clams, unfortunately it costs $19.99. You can access the deal via the Special icon for a limited time if you want to check out the price for yourself.

Unfortunstely this wasn’t a 6th Anniversary gift for us after all. I know it’s  disappointing for those of you who placed and I’ve mentioned it to support on your behalf.

30 responses to “The Mystery Of The Clam Shrine

  1. I don’t see the point in spending money to get 1 clam a day. I get that from visiting Ollie Land. I get 1 or 2 clams a week from Jesus and I get 5 clams a day just for logging into the game.

    I actually says I get 5 clams every time I log in but it only goes up by 5 every day.

    Doesn’t everyone get that?

    I had fast forward reappear for a day before disappearing again too.


    • RussianTigger

      The Clams loop is a glitch, quite a few have it.

      The premium Clam Shrine, way too expensive for 1 Clam a day in my opinion. I think it would been a nice 6th anniversarry freebie. As a premium building I’d be looking at it to drop lot more Clams every day


  2. I didn’t see the free shrine, but did pay for the 19.99 ov et and, yes, it turned into a pillar. I’ve opened a ticket, but haven’t heard anything yet I suspect they are dealing with a lot of people over this.
    Also, since the shrine/pillar appeared, the game is crashing out regularly.


  3. Cherry Bakewell

    Well… even for TinyCo this was a new low!


  4. They can take these “columns” and put them in their “stuffed clam” if you know what i mean !!!


  5. Yeah…I made an unintentional marble shrine…pretty cool 🙄


  6. This is super disappointing. I’m not disappointed about missing the free clams (ok, maybe a little), but I am disappointed by the attitude of the company. Like many of you, I have played daily (actually several times a day) since Day 1. I have spun the Spin & Win wheel every day and never gotten a Jackpot. And for a brief moment I dared to think the game was giving a loyal player a gift, only to have it snatched away. Ok, you made a mistake. But taking it back without a word of apology, is pretty low.
    How many players who had their free gift revoked jumped on and paid $19 to get it back? I guess zero. So for no gain, you have only disappointed us again.
    Next time, I won’t get my hopes up…


  7. In my game it showed up for 9.99, with no offer of 300 clams. I bought one and now it has transformed into the column. My account was definitely charged, though


  8. One missing answer from your poll. “Saw it for $19.99 and bought it.” That was me, and now it is gone! It appears they have removed ALL of them whether you paid or took advantage of the FREE “error.” I assume they will audit their files as I’m sure I’m not the only one who bought it, but I was about to hit my 1st 24 hr. “Cash Out” period! I will open a ticket if I don’t see it soon, but please mention those of us in this predicament in your dealings with JamCity. THANKS!


    • RussianTigger

      Glad you’ve opened a ticket as they are watching out for players like yourself who bought for $$$ – they will sort it.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Just a follow up…they have returned my shrine and it is paying out Clams. It’ll take 300 days to “break even”, but then it’s one a day from visiting the other Hood, Maaaaybe a Jesus drop, a 3 or 10 from the prize wheel every now and then, and a guaranteed Shrine drop. (Used the money I’m saving in gas from staying home!)


  9. they were quick to remove them … we are still waiting for the lost characters of the mystery boxes


  10. I placed 5 clam shrines and now they have disappeared. I am also having major issues with clams going missing from my counter. Is anyone else having this issue??


    • RussianTigger

      Are you having Clams add then disappear each day? If so that’s Clam loop glitch that’s been happening a while. The shrines were an oops


  11. They are gone and I’m pissed because I deleted other buildings to make room for these 5 statues. Once issued, they should honor their offer — even if a mistake. It’s the right thing to do. I lost out on clams and coins — and I’m about to got my milestone goal of 200 million coins. I started playing late in 2016 and I’m at like 197,000,000 coins or so. I want to see it roll over to 200,000,000 coins. It’s part of my enjoyment of the game. I was only willing to delay the coins for clams. They should honor the offer for anyone who accept their offer and placed 5 fountains.


  12. In my game along with the free one, there’s one for $9.99 (not 19.99) along with a message for “1 free clam everyday for ever and ever”. I bought it and got a couple of the free ones. They all turned to columns this morning.


  13. What irks me is that a glitch like this that benefits us as players gets corrected within 24 hours. The many glitches involving mystery box characters (turkey meg for ex.) have not been solved and probably never will. My unsolicited advice to support is don’t offer characters you can’t deliver and don’t give something only to take it away.


  14. Derek Peters

    Likely because it allowed one to place up to 5 of them for free


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