It’s A Wonderful Day For Pie Phase 3 is here….. and there are NO timed characters….

It’s time to see what’s going on down in Quahog with the latest event to hit our games.

I’m seeing the full event on the latest app versions, Android 3.2.0 and IOS 3.2.0.

I’ll get the Addicts Area post up and the overview post up as soon as I can but there will be the event delayed from yesterday it’s throws my plans out so it may not be tonight.

But let me repeat the good news, there is NO unlock timer for Fairy Tale Quagmire (Bid Quagmire)!!!

~ Russian Tigger

3 responses to “It’s A Wonderful Day For Pie Phase 3 is here….. and there are NO timed characters….

  1. New event and still crashing, unplayable. iPone X or IPad 6th edition.


  2. Unfortunately this game has become unplayable. Crashes immediately after trying to do anything. Hopefully they get the bugs straightened out.


  3. i call foul week 3 should not start if players are having crashing issues


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