Thanksgiving 2020 Phase 1 Event Changes Overview

It’s time for another adventure as a new event has come to Quahog.

Please note a major glitch within hours of the event starting has saw much of the event being changed with no warning this overview has the newest event information. I’ve also updated the main Questline as this has changed also.

Event Page

Click here to be taken to the event page where you’ll find links to every event post.


Horseback Brian (Character): 270  Clams. Can fight the Thanksgiving Bull. Task with a chance drop drop of Clown Horns & Acorns.

 Rodeo Clown Peter (Costume): You’ll see him in Al Harrington’s  to unlock. Can fight Thanksgiving Bull. Task with a chance drop of Cowboy Boots & Acorns.

4 Clown Horn (Rare): Get from Chris
10 Colourful Wig (Uncommon): Get from Lois, Meg
5 Pie (Common): Get from Joe, Bruce

You’ll earn 1 Quahog Historical Society Trophy for fully unlocking.

 Skinny Cowboy Chris (Costume): You’ll see him in Al Harrington’s to unlock.  Task with a chance drop of Gold Nuggets & Acorns.
7 TNT (Always): Get from defeating Thanksgiving Bull, TNT Statue
12 Cowboy Boots (Uncommon): Get from Herbert Consuela, Rodeo Clown Peter 
20 Rope (Common): Get from clearing Turkeys 
2 Cowboy Hat (Rare): Get from Cowboy Hat Shop

You’ll earn 1 Quahog Historical Society Trophy for fully unlocking.


 Gold Nugget (Uncommon) –  Get from Mort, Bonnie, Connie, Skinny Cowboy Chris, Gold Mine 


These have been removed from the event at this time.


These little baddies now automatically spawn but you need to target them with a Gold Nugget to clear them.

For Each One Cleared
15 Acorns (Always)
1 Rope(Chance)

Thanksgiving bull

Like Turkeys he now spawns automatically and you’ve still got 24 hours to fully deplete his heart meter, and you do so by attacking him with:

Character: Rodeo Clown Peter
Damage: 2
Time: 3hrs

Character: Horseback Brian
Damage: 4
Time: 3hrs

The rewards levels I’ve now seen is as follows:

Heart Meter 2 – 15 Acorns & 1 TNT

***Remember there may be other Heart Meter Levels, but until I see them in my game I can’t give any info on payouts***

There you have the overall basics to get you started through the first phase of the new event. Where are you so far? Anything particular you like the most? Suggestions or tips to fellow players? Let us know.

30 responses to “Thanksgiving 2020 Phase 1 Event Changes Overview

  1. I’ve had heart meter 2 and heart meter 4 on my bulls so far.


  2. Any idea how long it takes the bull to reappear?


    • I’m monitoring this in my game but I think the Bull only spawns when Turkeys do, so if you’ve got 8 Turkeys wandering no bull will spawn. If you’ve 8 Turkeys try taking out a Turkey and see if that helps.


  3. The acorn requirements seem pretty steep for the buildings. I wonder if you were originally supposed to get acorns for completing investigations in addition to clearing turkeys. Although turkeys drop 15 acorns, I seem to only get 1 or 2 acorns at a time, and at that rate, it’s hard to build up 400 or 500 acorns to get a building.


    • You would have got 5 Acorns for each investigation – so few lost there, but probably not enough make big difference, the difference is the Turkeys, you’d have got lot more during investigations and would only need two to clear, now you’re restricted by amount Golden Nuggets on how many you can clear, so this is where the loss is and I’ve raised it with support as soon as changes were made.


      • Yeah, sorry I meant only getting 1 or occasionally 2 gold nugget drops at a time, needed to clear turkeys. Misspoke about getting acorns 1-2 at a time.


  4. I bought the first building but I can’t click on it no it’s not dropping any items for me


  5. Unlocked rodeo clown Peter 😀


  6. I’ve had Chris on the clown horn task since the event started. He has dropped zero horns so far.


  7. What is Heart Meter 2? The only way I’m showing that I can get TNT is from the TNT Statue.


    • The Thanksgiving Bull, you clear his heart meter and you’ll get THT, you won’t see him until Part 4 Questline


      • Is anyone else seeing really bad spawn rates for bulls? I am on the last quest in Phase 1 and have everything else for Skinny Cowboy Chris, but I only have 2 of 7 TNT because the bull has only spawned twice. I cleared one this morning, and it hasn’t respawned in 12 hours.


        • I’m monitoring this in my game but I think the Bull only spawns when Turkeys do, so if you’ve got 8 Turkeys wandering no bull will spawn. If you’ve 8 Turkeys try taking out a Turkey and see if that helps.


  8. What is the Heart Meter 2? The only way it looks like I can get TNT is the TNT Statue.


  9. The main quest line (Part 4) showed up in winterland in my iOS version and is now in the main Quahog after I tapped on it.


    • Yeah strange things happen with Alternate Quahogs, beginning think they’d be better remove them to try stabilise the game again


  10. I had contacted support last night when Bonnie was stuck in the bldg. they did get her out so other than the lime lost and the gold nuggets gone they were pretty quick. They also said that the first 2 craft items are nothing more than decorations and won’t drop the acorns. Of course they didn’t lower the acorn cost of these useless items. Do you know if they intend to fix that or is it permanent as that could really impede progress.


    • I’ve raised the issue of Acorns and needing more Golden Nuggets now, see if they change anything


    • They “fixed” the Gold Nugget issue by changing the drop specification to “Uncommon”, rather than making it actually drop “Always”. 🙁 But I just had the Bull spawn immediately after I Tamed him, so hopefully that will help with collecting Acorns a bit faster.


  11. For unlocking Rodeo Peter, I’m still seeing Chris action for getting clown horns, nothing about turkeys. And for Wigs, it’s Lois and Meg, not Lois and Connie.

    The only Turkey related drop for unlocking a character that I see is ropes for Long Chris.


  12. In my game it lists the nuggets as an always drop but I just cleared Bonnie and Mort and only got one so the uncommon you list is probably more accurate.


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