Questions and Answers

Mort Quagmire Peter Drunken Clam

Got a game specific question about The Family Guy Game?  Post your question below and we’ll do our best to answer it as soon as possible.  Don’t want to wait?   We’ve aimed to answer many of the most common questions already, so check out the search box or start browsing the site to see if your question has already been answered.

Please Note: This is not a TinyCo run website, so while we will do our best to answer any questions you may have we may not always to able to “solve the problem”. If you’re having a major problem with your game your best bet is to always reach out to TinyCo Customer Support.  You can find their contact information, here

7,530 responses to “Questions and Answers

  1. My game is not loading, I bought a Samsung tab 3 tablet, and downloaded the game app. It wont load the game. I’ve tried uninstalling it and reinstalling the game and it still won’t load.


  2. Prob gonna run out of time before this gets answered, but “the devil” has a timer counting down on him and only need 10 more brains get him, will he be gone once the timer is done? Only 1 hour 20 min left!


    • Update: yes he is no longer available to craft, kinda crappy deal..i only needed 5 more brains now he is gone..the timer wasnt there the last few days while i was getting the first 10 brains..just this morning..woke up and had 4h some odd min on a timer, got to 15 brains and the timer ran out he dissapeared☹️


    • Yes, I’m afraid there’s a 24 hour timer


  3. I beat all the levels in the 13th day of October special quest but I can’t craft the killer mask?


    • If you’re speaking of the Drinking Family Guy Game (Another Freaking Game)… that’s not this one. Sorry. You may need to reach out to support.

      Go into your game. On the main screen on the top right side is icons. One being the circular gear icon. Tap on it. That’s your settings. In there you should see a ! SUPPORT. Tap on that. Send them an email message explaining your problem.

      Hope that helps.


    • My game wont let me click on anything. Like collect rewards or coins or anything. I dont know why but ive uninstalled in and reinstalled it and it still wont work.


  4. Hi!! I’m really stuck on getting the item blue earrings for the Loretta Brown ghost, any help??


  5. I’ve reached level 36 I still have to unlock district 9 but I can’t I have no more requests except for “bring cleavland” nothing else! I have collected all sexy stewie but I can’t create it! Does anyone have the same problem! Please help


  6. In the gun store, i have a x4 next to the chainsaw, its been x2 and x3 before but should only be x1 like my doesnt make any extra chainsaws but shows that it could?..idk


    • The x4 you see means you’ve got 4 chainsaws made and ready to use at this time, that’s why number changes, depends on many you make and use


  7. What happened to the different ways to earn clams, clams for ads or clam generators? I haven’t been able to earn any real clams for about three months now. The Spin ‘n Win only seems to give me coins or XP, which I think I’m maxed out on both. I was trying to build up a store of clams so I could use them to possibly finish an event at least once.


    • I’ve got the clam TV in my game again. Clam Generators, well we had one last month. The Expo Towers. Message TinyCo if you’re not seeing clam TV but I know there’s been issues with it so it does keep coming and going


  8. How can i fix an “invalid currency type 1 error”?
    This is preventing me from opening the app


  9. Does this game use data if your connected to Wifi when you are playing


  10. I was playing FG TQFS two years ago i was lvl 34 and now i wanna login and after i logged in its loading the game its stuck in the middle and not move forward anymore. can someone please help me? Thanks


  11. Christopher Wallace

    Massive Issue. So I am in Week 2 of the School Event and when I unlocked Greaser Quagmire, I obtained towels to make Rat Tails. However, I was still in Pt.5 of the overall event (28 Hamster Wheels to make) and my backpack is full of those towels but I can’t do anything about it because you use them later in the event overall storyline, which I haven’t gotten to yet. Now my backpack is full and I can’t make anymore hamster traps. Can anyone please help me? As of now I’m stuck.


  12. It’s going on 3 days now the app is telling me to update
    But there is no update and it won’t let me play I play on an
    iPod touch( 6gen iOS 10) please tell me how to fix this
    If I can but I don’t think I can because it’s
    Happening to other players I’ve already missed out
    On the game event due to malfunctioning of the game
    and don’t want to delete but if I can’t play that’s what
    I have to do why keep an app if you can’t play right


  13. New problem missing some of my Stevie bucks. While I am inquiring,Never did get the problem fixed with Vaudeville Johnny ,he son my face space as a blank , but received the clams for obtaining both characters


  14. Hey guys! Thank you for all you do for us. Has there been a solution for the game not being able to upgrade on kindles? I keep checking every day to see if it will let me into my game but even after uninstalling and reinstalling the game, all it does from the load screen is tell me to upgrade my game. When I click on it, instead of taking me to the App Store it takes me to a google play website (which I can’t upgrade from) and the App Store has no option to upgrade. I can’t message from in game because I can’t get past the load screen 🙁 Any help is appreciated!


  15. Hi all, this maybe a really stupid question but I’ve come pretty far in this game without spending any real money and I was wondering whether it’s possible to see Quahog on a big screen and be able to print it. I’m quite proud of my achievement haha and want to show a mate who also plays the game. Does anybody know whether there is an option to print the whole town you’ve created?


  16. I just spent money in the store for clams and they have taken it out of my account but haven’t added the clams. Have restarted the game countless times and if I go back into the store it tells me I’ve already purchased the item. Any ideas what’s happening or who to talk too?


    • Take SS of the transaction in your App Store and use the in game support send message to TinyCo explaining you’ve not got your clams. They can be bit slow to respond so don’t panic if you don’t hear straight back.


  17. I have been playing this game for a while now and the past two events won’t let me upgrade from my kindle. They take me to the google play store instead. Do you know why this might be?


  18. Anyone else having problems playing/loading on Facebook, or Facebook Gameroom? I’ve been stumped on both since the MIB event. ???



  19. Hey, I won Cheesy Charlie in the future of wheel event, however I can’t find him anywhere. I’m wondering how can I get him, like where do I find him?


  20. Hello there.

    I have been playing for quite a while now, and recently went through a lot of the Wet Hot American Summer event.
    However, when the event finished at the end of July, Gene the Cook stayed in my game.
    I thought this was just because his quest line was still incomplete, but i finished it a couple of weeks ago & he’s still there (jumping fridges) ?

    Any idea if this is a glitch or you just have him in the game for a certain amount of time?

    Thanks in advance.



    • Very interesting. Could be a glitch. Is he hanging out in the Event Area? If so, you might want to try some basic troubleshooting steps. Or if needed, reach out to TinyCo via in game messaging to see if they can offer assistance.


      • Thanks for getting back to me.
        He’s just wandering around the map the same as the other 24 characters I have unlocked.
        Choose actions for him just as I do for the others.
        I’ll do as you say & try to speak with them via the game.
        Thanks again.


  21. I have played family guy quest for stuff on my phone but it ended up getting deleted I have now re loaded it on bluestacks and been playing it for about a month but now it wont even load up it saying data error when I have still got loads of data on my laptop


    • Pantone offer any advice?


    • I too am having this same issue. I play the game on Bluestacks on my desktop. Had no issues when I first downloaded the game, nor when playing throughout and leveling up. I’m in district 6 now. Went to play about 2 weeks ago now, and the game loads very quickly, then a message with Consuala pops up and says “Data Error…There was a problem loading the game.” Then it gives you the option of try again or help. I really don’t want to delete the app and start all over again, as it’s taken me so long to get to where I am. HELP PLEASE!!!!!!


  22. OK, I give up. Last Thursday week I found I couldn’t launch the game on Facebook – the very first screen (with the status bar) is corrupted. I wrote to Tinyco for help, telling them that I’d already tried clearing my cache, & it hadn’t worked

    It took them 5 working days to write back, sending me instructions on how to clear my cache. I wrote back saying I’d already tried that, they’ve now replied again – telling me to try clearing my cache. It looks like I’ve played the game for the last time.


  23. My Acer tablet died… so I recently picked up a new (well… newer for me) Dell Venue 10 5050 tablet. Its running Android 5.0.2.

    I installed Family Guy: Quest for Stuff on it. After going thru the game and finding out where to enter in my account info… my game was restored to where I was on my last tablet.

    Now for the problem. When I run the game… it loads into the tablet… and the game screen comes up. After some time (1 to 2 minutes… I haven’t timed it)… the game just quits. I then re-run the game. When the game screen comes up… again after 1 to 2 minutes… the game just quits again.

    Any suggestions???


    • How’s the connection signal? Strong? What about storage? How much internal storage does the device have? Any other apps or programs running at same time?


      • Well… my Wi-Fi signal is great. I’m about 6 feet away from my Wi-Fi router with a 100 Meg Download/Upload speed..

        As for storage… according to my tablet… there is about 15.8 Gigs on free internal storage available to it.

        I have this problem whether other apps are running OR if I shut down all of the other apps so that Family Guy: Quest For tuff is the only app running.


        • Hmmmmm… could potentially be the device… or the ongoing issue other players are having linking their games back up. Best I can suggest is messaging TinyCo for assistance. If you can’t get in the game long enough… email


          • I just sent an e-mail to Tiny Co to see what they say.

            Today I tried un-installing and re-installing the game… and that didn’t help. Since I don’t have much on my tablet… I tried doing a factory reset to the tablet. After going thru the initial tablet setup… i re-installed the game again… and had the same problem.

            However… once thing that I did notice is… when running the game for the first time after re-installing it… the game NEVER just quit/ended while I was going thru the new game tutorial… before I got to the point in the game where I could enter in my game account (e-mail address and password into.

            I guess now to wait to see what tiny Co says. All I know is… having to restart the game 3 or 4 times to end the player’s current tasks… assigning new tasks… fight the GIB creatures… throw nets over the alien squids… and so on… is VERY annoying and frustrating. It almost makes me want to un-install the game and never play it again.


  24. Does anyone know what levels have nachos in them? I’ve played all available levels and now I’m waiting for new ones. In the mean time, I’m trying to complete the challenges for green gems. I need 15 nachos and really don’t want to go through each level to find them! Thanks in advance!


  25. With Men in Black being the first event I’ve experienced with a leader board I’m starting to see comments about players being banned due to ‘altered’ games. Excuse my lack of brain power but does this mean that people can populate their game with characters and clams that haven’t been earned through gameplay, purchase or bonus through clam TV? I’m not asking HOW to do it as for me, having an unlimited supply of clams would take away any fun from what is supposed to be a game after all. I believe Addicts get clams from Tiny to help us all understand the game quickly but other than that it must be pretty obvious to Tiny that something isn’t quite right when people have a huge amount of clams.What does everyone else think?


    • Here at Addicts we ask Players to avoid altered games at all costs. Outside the legality of it… there was a mass issue that did happen and those altering put more than just tweaked game codes in. They embedded bad codes to steal personal info and other items from devices now playing altered games. Hacked bank accounts. Stole identities. Etc. It was a mass mess.

      It’s not just damaging to game play (as it gives false reports to TinyCo of players % of game progress), it’s damaging to all players as a whole as the company’s willingness to work with Players on adjusting game elements dwindles.


  26. Clark Perchard

    How do I find the bunker so I can buy a new builder worker? They finally let me expand my ground so I got 2 workers on making my ground bigger but now I can’t build anything on the new quest for 3 days…..and I can’t find the bunker which will help me buy a new one???

    Please help!!


    • It’s the Workers Bunks your looking for and they should be in your town somewhere as they don’t store.


      • Clark Perchard

        Yea it’s just there’s so much in the town it’s impossible to find, didn’t want to store everything just to find it if there was an easier way??


        • That’s difficult as it is a small shack they have. Looks like a run down shed. You can see how mine looks with all 4 workers upgraded on it. (4 levels stacked)


  27. Hey, first time posting been playing the game since it came out. However I recently updated the software on my S7 and now it says the game is no longer compatible with my device even though I’ve been playing on the game daily. Can anyone advise? Thanks.


    • Odd. I just updated my S7 and I am playing just fine. I was actually locked out of Wet Hot Quahog and JUST got back into my game today after the update.

      Have you tried some basic troubleshooting to see if it resolves? Like Force Close/Restart. Or with a saved game, try an uninstall/reinstall.

      I do know that my game keeps telling me to update (as an update is in progress for the upcoming New Event), but I just told it “LATER” and was able to play. I am in there now.

      Out of curiousity… was there multiple updates you had to perform? Or just specific ones? I ask because I did a complete a large update, but have a pending update sitting in there now that is smaller.

      I just checked and it looks like the Current Update Version I am seeing is:


  28. Hi there addicts!
    Any one having trouble loading the game after the last upgrade?
    Here crashes over and over. Help pls


  29. Im having a hell of a time beating Streak 11. Their campers come out way to fast n it seems as if I have no chance. I can’t count how many times I’ve lost. We won’t be able to get Wild Brian without beating it. Any help would be greatly appreciated


  30. Is there any way i can turn off the events?


  31. I bought a building as part of a mission but pressed the ‘x’ instead of the tick now the building is no where to be seen and not available to buy again … any ideas?


  32. So how do I get rid of these chumbawumbas? Or do they just walk around forever?


  33. It keep crushing on me and don’t know why it’s crashes at the beginning of the game is there some thing bad?


  34. Every time I go to “clear the wild brats” an error occurs and only an empty box with Consuela pops up…I am unsure how to move forward with the quest as I am not given any option to complete it.


  35. I have downloaded an app and completed the tutorial as part of an offer to get free clams, but I cannot obtain them in game?


    • RussianTigger

      Go to the offers page where you download offers, scroll to the bottom, in middle of the page you’ll see a link that says missing clams, click it, look for the offer in the list, they aren’t in a date order, once you find the app, on the right it will let you submit a ticket for missing clams, you want to select this and send a screenshot of the app opened on your device.


  36. I am on a pirates life for Peter part 6 but there are no pirates visible for me to clear to finish the quest. Anyone else have this issue?


    • RussianTigger

      Update on its way to fix this, should see it in next day or so


      • Same problem for me. Absolutely everything done in Pirate’s Cove apart from clearing pirates. Tiny support tell me numerous bugs have been resolved and have just asked me to repeat everything I have already told them.

        Until this is sorted the game is pretty much at an end for me much time and money wasted! Actually just realised I am collecting needles to get Wild Brian but can’t get him without having regular Brian and he is in Civic District of course LOL.


        • RussianTigger

          Sorry, I hope the next update gets released quickly so those who are stuck can move on.


          • Update! 6.00 AM UK and my pirates have arrived and been swiftly dispatched. Can’t believe such a simple task was holding up major progress so now it’s time for some serious spending and tapping.


  37. How much I try I can’t unlock the Fine Arts District! I’ve already unlocked the Brewery which is District 10 right? I got all the Districts expect 9 and 11!


  38. I know people have asked before, but I’m stuck on Pure inebriation pt3. My chumba wumbas won’t spawn. I just keep getting the message that they are at work and will return in 8hrs.


  39. William Beard

    I’ve been trying to get braces since this new quest began. I haven’t received one yet. Is anyone else having that problem?


  40. Another new quest, another quest not launching on Facebook. This is the third quest in a row this has happened, & if past quests are anything to go by it’s likely to be a week before the game is working.


  41. MacGregor Garrigus

    This is more of a question. Since the roaeing 20’s ended I no longer have my Adam West and Leonard Nimoy tribute statues. What the heck? Is there any way that this can be fixed?


    • We’re the out in your town? If so they may have gone into your inventory and you’ll need search through it. If they aren’t there you’ll need message TinyCo


  42. Ethel Blevins

    This in reference to past question – Where is Vaudeville Johnny ? You asked me to check my Face Space to see if he was there . I just finished getting the requirements for Vaudeville Guy . Vaudeville Johnny is a blank space , like I hadn’t acquired him . Vaudeville Guy Is a colored photo , showing that he has been acquired. It also shows that I have earned the 10 clams for acquiring both characters, but as of present I only have 8 clams, since I spent down to 4 clams to acquire Vaudeville Johnny. Johnny is still a no- show as of present.


  43. Ethel Blevins

    Has anyone ever seen Vaudeville Johnny after you purchased him spent down to my last 4clams just to get him with somewhere around 25 minutes left in the 1st event if he’s hiding in a building first anyone know where as he is supposed to be used in event 2.


    • RussianTigger

      He vanished from some players games, check your Facespace, see if he’s showing in there, if not contact TinyCo.


  44. I have a timer for chapter 1 at 20 hours but a timer to unlock the character (Johnny) at 17 hours. Is this a glitch? I’m not sure if I have to unlock him by 3 PM Pacific or Eastern.


    • RussianTigger

      According to TinyCo it is a glitch, they replied to me that the timer on Johnny is wrong, he should be available until Chapter 1 ends at 4pm PDT on 21st June.


  45. How do I build or extend roads?


  46. When I try to load the game on facebook or facebook gameroom, it always just freezes when “The Great Griffen” or the box that says the rewards for “Excellent Adventure”. How can I fix this?


    • Another player just commented they can’t get playing on Facebook. I’m playing on IOS and couldn’t get the event going until few hours ago. I’m unable to get any info on Facebook etc issues as the moment as Bunny isn’t around and she has the contact at TinyCo! But you can certain message their support


      • So do I just send them an email describing my problem? Another question. I’ve seen people saying they can ear free clams by watching videos. Is this not available for those who play on facebook? I’ve never seen that option.


        • RussianTigger

          I honestly don’t know if you can watch the videos in Facebook version, maybe another Facebook player can help answer this? Although the videos are disabled just now due to issues.

          Re: offers missing clams, yes once you click missing clams you will see list of the offers you’ve activated, at the right side I will tell you if its completed or not, if it’s not, there’s a missing clams link to open a support ticket.


      • I’ve just heard back from Tinyco that “this is a known issue” and they’re trying to resolve it – no timescale for when, unfortunately.


    • i am having the same issue on all my computers, so it is not my end.


  47. I’ve been playing family for the longest time now and never had problems with getting free clans after watching the videos. But since the game introduced ‘claiming the clams after completing an offer’ (which by the way does not work because I have already installed two games and completed few levels but can’t gain the clams in the family guy), I can’t even press on the ‘watch a video to get 1 clam’ button. My clam inventory has been decreasing because I have been losing 7 clams a day for the past 2 weeks now. Please help!



    • Clam TV videos have been disabled in games due to crashing issues. TinyCo are working on a fix but until they put it in our games, I’m afraid there’s nothing we can do. Many of us miss those clams.


      • Is that why the offers don’t work as well? Or is it me who doesn’t know how to claim those clams after completing any offer?


        • RussianTigger

          I’ve just tested a couple of offers to test and got the clams. Go to the offers page, scroll to the bottom and click on missing clams that will bring up list offers, look and see what’s not completed and contact them


  48. I’m gonna post this here because I don’t know where else to post it…
    The Kegs are blocking the ability to collect from characters in buildings. I couldn’t get Tricia Takanawa Out of PF Chinese until I Axed the Keg on the building. They’re also blocking money collection.
    I’m gonna advise putting all characters on visible tasks where possible until this is fixed.


    • RussianTigger

      Hi, this usually happens with these kind of building takeovers, I’ve warned of it in the live post. The main thing is TinyCo seem to have ensured it doesn’t impact buildings where event essemtial tasks are being completed. That happened in an earlier event and caused gridlock.


  49. I downloaded “Family Guy – Another Freaking’ Mobile Game”, & have been stuck at level 95 FOR OVER A MONTH, now! SICK of this level & want to move past it, but I DON’T KNOW HOW! ***?! i’m gonna quit game if I don’t get to level 96, soon. #RunningOutOfPatience Any helpful hints would be appreciated.



    • RussianTigger

      Sorry this blog is for the Family Guy Quest For Stuff game – not Another Freaking Mobile Game, I don’t play that game so I can’t help you I’m afraid.


    • I would love to help you, but I am stuck on level 34! 😦 70 Choco-balls, that you have to “hit” twice, and only 29 moves! WTD? 🙂


  50. I started just before the power rangers event. So am still unlocking characters, which has been slowed down by the constant timed events taking priority. So i’m now at week 4 of bill and ted, but can’t clear any jet pack kids, as i do not have stewie.Can’t imaging i would be able to unlock him quick enough. Any suggestions?


    • RussianTigger

      I think you’re not going be able to move forward in Phase 4 as Stewie takes a lot of time to unlock. It’s tough he’s essential, I love Stewie and want him used more but not in such a way anyone who doesn’t have him can’t play. Sorry, hope you get him unlocked soon.


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